Though the full fight took place in less than a day, when it comes to the sheer amount of text dedicated to it, this might have just been the longest fight in the history of Ramayan.
Vali's fight with Goloka (gandharv) was 16 years but only one line of text is dedicated to that battle, this one is different however.
Part 1.
"Hearing those words, the mighty Indrajit, victorious in battle, reaching his terrific bow, released sharp arrows from it. Duly reaching Lakshmana, the arrows released by Indrajit, which rushed with great speed and were as deadly as the venom of serpents, fell like the hissing of snakes. The swift Indrajit, the son of Ravana, with his arrows of very great velocity, in that battle, struck Lakshmana who was endowed with auspicious body-marks. That glorious Lakshmana, drenched in blood, with his body very much wounded by arrows, shone like a smokeless flame."
Note; after this Meghanad threatened Laxman & threw in taunt's, either as part of a strategy for psychological warfare or because he firmly believed in his words and was in a position to do so. Since it's clear that he had the advantage. Anyway i have not quoted his threat to Laxman as it is not important enough. But at the end of this part clearly Laxman was injured while Meghanad was uninjured it shows the weak point of laxman as he failed to counter this attack.
Part 2.
"Thus speaking, Lakshmana stretching five steel arrows upto the ear, dug them into the demon's chest with a great speed. The arrows, blazing like serpents and feathered with fine plumes, shone like sun-rays in that demon's chest. Struck with arrows by Lakshmana, that enraged Indrajit pierced in return three arrows well-directed towards Lakshmana. That fight between Lakshmana, the foremost among men and Indrajit, the formost among demons, who wished to conquer one over the other in battle, was most terrific and tumultuous. Both were endowed with strength. Both were distinguished for their prowess."
"Both were exceedingly difficult to conquer and peerless in strength and courage. Those two heroes, who were difficult to overcome in battle, fought at that moment like two planet's figuring in the sky and like Indra and Vritra. Then, the two warriors, who were engaged in releasing several streams of arrows, fought like two lions. Lakshmana the foremost among humans and Indrajit the foremost among demons fought with rejoice. Thereupon, Lakshmana the tormentator of enemies, fitting his arrows to his bow, released arrows on Indrajit, hissing like an enraged serpent. Hearing the twang of the bow-string of Lakshmana, Indrajit the Chief of demons became pale-faced and fixed his gaze on Lakshmana."
Note: after this quote Vibeeshan intervened & began to give unfair advice to Laxman while Meghanad lacked any such adviser and was all alone.
Part 3.
"Thereupon, fitting to his bow sharp arrows, resembling poisonous snakes, Lakshmana discharged those arrows which looked like serpents full of venom to him. Hit by Lakshmana with arrows, which invaded all his senses, like the hit of Indra's thunderbolt, Indrajit became stupefied for a moment. Regaining his consciousness within a moment, with his senses restored, that Indrajit saw the valiant Lakshmana engaged in the battle."
Note - Meghanad boasted again after that but this quote shows that Laxman is a poor fighter, he had an opportunity and missed it, he was too slow to kill Indrajit in this condition. Meghanad recovers with consummate ease.
Part 4.
"Thus speaking, he struck Lakshmana with seven arrows and Hanuma with ten excellent sharp-edged arrows. Then, the valiant Indrajit with anger and with twice as much vehemence, wounded Vibhishana with a hundred well-aimed arrows. Lakshmana with a fearless face enrages, taking ghoraan sharaan arrows, discharged them on Indrajit. He streamed forth more arrows on him in the battle. A large golden armour, broken to pieces by Lakshmana's arrows, slipped down in the middle of chariot, like a cob-web of stars falling from the sky."
"The valiant Indrajit, with his armour disheveled by the steel arrows, was wounded in battle and looked like the sun at dawn. Thereafter, the valiant Indrajit of terrific prowess was enraged and wounded Lakshmana with a thousand arrows in battle. The large celestial armour of Lakshmana broke into pieces. The two warriors vied with each other in offence and retaliation in their attack."
Logic - here Indrajit literally destroyed Laxman, he injured him with 1 thousand arrow's and tore his armour, laxman could not even fire a hundred. Meghanad also injures Vibeeshan with another century of arrow shots.
5th part.
"Those two warriors, with their entire bodies lacerated in combat, smeared with blood all around and breathing heavily, fought the battle tumultuously. Those mighty warriors, skilled in warfare, were cutting through each other, for a long time, with sharp arrows. Those two heroic men stay on strenuously trying to secure their own victory, covered as they were, all over with a multitude of arrows as also their armour and standards torn to pieces. They stood emitting hot blood, as two water-falls gushing hot water. Much of a time lapsed while the two warriors fought loosing terrific stream of arrows, then with an awful clamour, like two dark destructive clouds raining from the sky."
"Displaying their missiles again and again, the two warriors, who were excellent among those skilled in the use missiles, fastened a net work of arrows both large and small, in the sky. Loosing their arrows faultlessly, gracefully and easily in a wonderful way, both the man and the demon carried on a tumultuous and terrific war. Their terrific and tumultuous sound could be heard one by one repeatedly. That sound created a tremble in people, like a violent thunder-storm. That clamour of those two warriors, who were engaged thus in that martial act, resembled the rumbling of two dreadful thundering clouds in the sky."
Note: after this it is stated that both warriors were performing equally as well as the opposer/other and that the duel went on for a very long time (still lesser than a day). This's the first time both of them are using nuclear Astras (missile's).
6th part.
"A lot of time lapsed in the meanwhile past the two warriors. They neither turned their back from the battle nor experienced any fatigue. Then, to relieve martial weariness of Lakshmana, who did not experience any victory so far, the great-souled Vibhishana, offering agreeable and salutary words, took up his position, on reaching the battle-field."
Logic - laxman obviously met his match and lost again as he got tired & exhausted since Vibeeshan had to relieve him of his difficulty once again. In the next chapter Vibeeshan is seen firing arrows at random lankan soldier's in the Nikumbhila location, as if hanutati and angada with Sugreev/Jambavan together were not able to hold off those warriors.
"That mighty Indrajit, the destroyer valiant enemies, after giving a tumultuous fight to his uncle, yet again rushed towards Lakshmana."
Commentary - this's proof that Meghanad was forced to fight Vibeeshan in close quarters while Laxman hid a few yards behind like a coward, Meghanad constantly needed to change his combat strategem and style as he had to switch from fighting 1 vs 1 to 1 vs 3 then 1 vs 2 and now 1 vs 1 again. Watching out for ambushes.
Part 7.
"Lakshmana and Indrajit, the two intense fighters in battle, then began to strike each other, showering a multitude of arrows on their enemies. The mighty and energetic Lakshmana and Indrajit covered each other off exceedingly by a network of arrows, in the same way as the sun and the moon are veiled by clouds at the end of summer. Due to lightness of their hands, even as they fight there, neither the holding of the bow, nor the taking off the arrows, nor fitting them on their bow-string, nor adjusting their fists, nor drawing the bow-string nor attaining the target was visible."
"The sky, having been covered by a multitude of arrows, on all sides, discharged with force by them both, was shrouded in darkness. Meeting Indrajit, Lakshmana fought with him. Meeting Lakshmana, Indrajit too took the offensive. As they clashed with each other, there was terrible confusion (as to who would win ultimately). By the sharp arrows released almost continuously with the sky was covered with darkness."
Commentary; just another stalemate.
Part 8.
By discharging four arrows, Lakshmana then struck four black gold-adorned horses of Indrajit. Thereupon, with alacrity of his hand, that illustrious Lakshmana, fully stretching and releasing another sharp thunderbolt-like arrow, named Bhalla, which was yellowish in colour, with charming plumes, having a good splendour similar to Indra's thunderbolt and echoing a clapping sound, severed the head of Indrajit's charioteer from his trunk, even as he was circling around. When the charioteer was killed, the greatly splendoured Indrajit did the charioteering by himself and also took hold of his bow. For them, who saw his capability in that battle, it looked wonderful. When he was driving his horses, Lakshmana struck him with sharp arrows. When he was attending to his bow, he released arrows on horses. Lakshmana, who was swift in his acts, tormented Indrajit who was ranging the battle-field fearlessly, with a multitude of arrows on such opportune occasions.
Comment - our champion Indrajeet get's called "fearless" even when biased translaters try to overrate laxman by saying he tormented the mighty warrior.
Part 9.
"Then, four monkey-leaders named Pramathi, Rabhasa, Sharabha and Gandhamadana, getting impatient, acted hastily. Those four monkey's, having a great might and terrible prowess, quickly bounced and descended on his excellent horses. Blood started flowing from the mouths of those horses pressed under the weight of those monkeys, as huge as mountains."
"After killing his horses, those monkeys also crushed that great chariot and jumping up again with speed, they stood by the side of Lakshmana. Indrajita whose charioteer was killed and horses destroyed, then leaped down from the chariot and attacked Lakshmana with arrows."
Logic - if laxman was a great warrior why did he always need someone to intervene and help him in the battle against Meghanad? 14 vs 1 is not fair (these 4 vanars, the 4 minister's of vibeeshan, laxman, sugreev, angad, hanutati, jambavan then vibeeshan himself). Thats utter cowardice.
Part 10.
"Those two warriors, holding their bows, having an extreme intent to kill each other with their arrows, were like two excellent elephants going out in the forest for the purpose of conquering one over the other."
Note: After this prince Meghanada said it was night time so he left to get another chariot so he could continue his battle against invaders. It does not make him a coward at all. If u have no chariot and your being confronted by 14 experienced criminals along with thousands of vanara's then u are justified in ur action's here.
Meghanada becomes well-equipped again:
Arranging for embellishment of a chariot, which was beautiful, decked with gold, furnished with darts, swords and arrows, yoked with excellent horses, directed by a charioteer who could understand those horses properly and could give credible instructions to them, that Indrajit, a conqueror in battle, who was endowed with extraordinary energy, then ascended it.
Resuming the duel;
"Moving out from the City with his swift horses, that indrajit, the destroyer of valiant enemies, attacked Lakshmana and Vibhishana."
Logic - he was clearly having the burden of dueling 2/more people at once.
Part 11.
"Seeing Indrajit seated in the chariot, Lakshmana, the mighty monkeys and Vibhishana the demon then were very much surprised on recalling the alacrity of the intelligent Indrajit. The enraged Indrajit also struck down hundreds and thousands of monkey-chiefs by using a multitude of arrows in the battle-field."
"Stretching his bow to a circle, that enraged Indrajit the conqueror in battle, exhibiting supreme agility, began to kill the monkeys. Thus being killed by steel arrows, those monkeys of terrible prowess sought refuge in Lakshmana, as people would take refuge in Brahma the Lord of Creation. Then, blazing with hostile anger, Lakshmana, showing his agility of hand, tore Indrajit's bow."
Logic - Meghanad simultaneously fought the vanars and Laxman together, for his bow to be cut when's contending with over a thousand opponent's is not a shocker, meaning Laxman does not deserve praise or credit as it's not a fair test of skill.
Part 12.
"Hurriedly, he took another bow and made it ready. Lakshmana tore that bow too of Indrajit with three arrows. Thereupon, Lakshmana struck that Indrajit, whose bow was torn, on his chest with five arrows which were deadly like a serpentine poison. Those arrows, released from that great bow, penetrating through Indrajit's body, fell to the ground like huge red serpents."
"Ejecting blood from his month, that Indrajit, who had his bow torn, took hold of his excellent bow with the bow-string firmly fastened and which was stronger than the earlier bow. Employing utmost agility, Indrajit, aiming at Lakshmana, streamed forth a shower of arrows, as Indra the lord of celestials streaming forth the rain."
Hiding safely under protection from an army unit of namards is what prevented Laxman from getting wounded here by Meghanad.
Part 13
"Lakshmana the annihilator of enemies coolly warded off the shower of arrows released by Indrajit, though it was most difficult to resist. Lakshmana with great splendor, remaining unperplexed, then showed his prowess to Indrajit, which was marvelous indeed. Getting extremely enraged, Lakshmana then pierced all those demons who stood in the battle-field with three arrows each, showing his speed in discharging missiles and also struck Indrajit with an array of arrows. That Indrajit, who was struck by the enemy, who was mighty destroyer of enemies, released several arrows unhindered towards Lakshmana. Lakshmana, the destroyer of valiant adversaries, tore those arrows yet unarrived, with sharp arrows. The virtuous Lakshmana eliminated the head of the charioteer of Indrajit, the chariot-warrior, in the battle with an arrow called Bhalla which was looking curved at its nodes. Those horses, bereft of a charioteer there, without getting perturbed, ran up in a circular fashion and continued to draw the chariot. The scene looked wonderful indeed."
Logic - the only occasion where pajeet laxmana was attacking other daitya's at a time where Meghanad was fighting him too. Still this is just one time where meghanad gained a group's aid in the battle compare that to the dozens of times where Laxman cheated doing group attacks like a namard.
Part 14
"Getting the power of anger, Lakshmana of unyielding prowess, pierced the horses of Indrajit with arrows, so as to frighten them thereby. Getting impatient with that act of Lakshmana in battle, Indrajit struck that enraged Lakshmana with ten arrows. Those arrows of Indrajit, equal to thunderbolts and deadly as serpentine poison, having reached Lakshmana's armour with a golden hue, got destroyed. Understanding Lakshmana to have been protected by an impenetrable armour and showing his swiftness in discharging missiles, Indrajit the son of Ravana, who felt very much angered, pierced Lakshmana in the forehead with three arrows provided with good plumes. With those three arrows planted in his forehead, Lakshmana who was fond of fighting, shone like a mountain with its three peaks, in the battle-field."
Overall it was another win for Meghanad against a chutiya like laxman.
Logic - this indicates that after the beating he took (laxman's previous armor was torn by meghanad's weaponry) he fetched another armor and wore it. This likely happened between part 5 and part 6 when Vibeeshan was dueling Meghanada. Or it may have happened when Meghanada left so he could a 2nd chariot and return (in part 10).
Part 15
"Thus tormented in battle by Indrajit the demon, that Lakshmana then quickly stretching the bow, pierced him in return with five arrows, in battle, in Indrajit's face holding beautiful ear-rings. Lakshmana & Indrajit, the heroes endowed with extraordinary might and armed with very strong bows and possessing terrible prowess, struck each other with distinctly pointed arrows.
Logic - meghanad tormenting laxman is more impressive as laxman was helped by multiple people while meghanad was all alone.
Part 16
"Those two warriors, Lakshmana and Indrajit, with both their bodies stained in blood, shone in the battle-field at that time, like Kimshuka trees in blossom. Those two archers, with their minds directed towards victory, met each other and pierced their opponent in all limbs with dreadful arrows. Then, Indrajit, filled with martial anger, struck Vibhishana in his auspicious face, with three arrows. Having struck Vibhishana, the leader of demons, with three arrows, Indrajit struck all those monkey chiefs with a single arrow each. Very much enraged with him, that Vibhishana of great splendor killed the horses of that evil-minded Indrajit with his mace. Just leaping down from the chariot whose charioteer was destroyed earlier and whose horses were killed, that Indrajit of great splendor employed his javelin towards his maternal uncle. Seeing that Javelin rushing towards Vibhishana, Lakshmana tore it into ten pieces with his sharp arrows and felled it on the floor."
Once again the best warrior Meghanad even when outnumbered is winning, he rules the battlefield.
Part 17
"The strong bodied Vibhishana, in anger, dug five arrows, whose impact was a hard as that of a thunder-bolt, into the bosom of Indrajit, whose horses were already killed. Having penetrated his body, those arrows which were provided with golden feathers, went straight into their target, got stained with blood and appeared like red large serpents. Enraged with his paternal uncle, that Indrajit, standing in the midst of demons, took hold of an excellent arrow earlier presented by Yama the lord of Death."
Logic - vibeeshan again aided namard laxman in the battle.
Part 18
"Seeing that great arrow seized by him, Lakshmana also, of great splendor and terrible prowess, took hold of another arrow. That arrow had been presented to him, in the course of a dream, by Kubera the god of riches, of immense glory himself, which was difficult to be conquered and much more difficult to be tolerated even for devtas and danavas. Stretched with strength by their arms, which resembled a pair of steel rods, emitted a piercing sound like that of a pair of curlew-cranes. The excellent arrows fitted and pulled out from their excellent bow by those heroes, blazed very much with splendour."
Logic - it is unfortunate but Meghanad faced betrayal at the hand's of yet another uncle of his named "Kuber" now he has to deal with him too, not just vibeeshan.
Part 19
"Those arrows, released from the bow, making the sky shine and hitting each other face to face, collided each other powerfully. The collision of those arrows of terrible form broke out a fierce fire comprising of smoke and sparkles. Hitting each other like two major planets, those two arrows in battle burst into a hundred pieces and fell on the ground."
"On seeing their arrows warded off in the battle-front, those two warriors, Lakshmana and Indrajit then felt abashed and got provoked. Getting excited, Lakshmana took hold of a missile presided over by Varuna (the god of water). Skilled in warfare, the great Indrajit too discharged a missile presided over by Rudra (the god of destruction) in battle."
Point - laxman was the first to rely on divine weapons. Either because he gets frustrated easily or because he was being defeated in battle. Meghanada dominated this eunuch laxman aunty.
Part 20:
"By that Rudra missile, that very wonderful Varuna-missile was struck. Then, that enraged Indrajit of great splendour and the conqueror of battle, looking like the destroyer of the world, employed a missile presided over by Agni the god of fire which was blazing. The valiant Lakshmana obstructed Agni-missile, by a missile presided over by the sun-god. Finding his missile repelled, Indrajit was filled with anger and took hold of a sharp arrow used by demons and capable of tearing down an enemy."
"From that bow, blazing weapon similar to a hammer duly hidden, darts, fire arms, maces, swords and axes rushed forth. Seeing that terrible missile, which was very harsh, unrestrainable for all beings and which can tear all weapons in battle, the brilliant Lakshmana obstructed that missile by using Maheswara Astram. There was a wonderful battle between both of them, causing hair to stand erect. The beings in the sky surrounded Lakshmana."
Part 21 (Indra AND gandharvs with uragas and devtas and brahma rishis had to save namard laxman).
"Surrounded by many surprised beings in that terrible battle taking place between monkeys and demons, yielding terrific noise, the sky sparkled. Placing Indra the lord of celestials as their head, the sages, manes, gods, Gandharvas the celestial musicians, garudas and uraga protected Lakshmana in the battle-field."
Meghanadas story is like abhimanyus in the chakra vyuha.
Part 22 (end)
"Then, Lakshmana fitted another excellent arrow, which had a sensation of ignition and which can tear down Indrajit. The heroic Lakshmana fitted the arrow, having beautiful plumes, which consisted of rounded parts, well-jointed, skillfully fashioned, decked with gold, capable of destroying the body of the enemies, not difficult to keep off but difficult even to tolerate, a source of terror to the demons as deadly as the venom of poisonous snakes and duly honoured by the host of gods."
"With the help of that arrow, the highly powerful and valiant Indra, the lord of celestials, who had green horses to his chariot, was able to conquer the demons in a combat which raged between celestials and demons. Fitting a missile presided over by Indra the lord of celestials, which had never been defeated in battle, to his excellent bow and drawing it, the glorious Lakshmana addressed the following prayer, which was intended to achieve his purpose."
Comment: after this meghanada dies due to the arrow.
Part 23 (the aftermath).
"Lakshmana, arriving at the great-souled Rama, told him in a murmering tone (as he was feeling tiresome) about the terrific destroyal of Indrajit."
"Then, the rejoiced Vibhishana informed (in a clear tone) to Rama that Indrajit's head had been chopped off by Lakshman."
Lund choosing aunty was very fatigued after doing a group attack with 1,000s of other namards opposing valiant Meghanad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Extra help that Laxman got:
"Varuna the great souled personally gave heavenly bows which are dreadful to look at, divine impenetrable pieces of armour, quivers containing an inexhaustible stock of arms, two swords decked with gold and with spotless lustre like that of a sun. All these were kept at the residence of our acarya Vasista, after paying due reverence."
Aunty seshnaag was like this;
"That Lakshmana, who was feeling tormented by the arrows that had penetrated into his body, who had been wounded, who was breathing heard, who was endowed with auspicious characterestics, was afflicted with agony and was feeling pained at the time of respiration."
Big brother had to give him another physician.
"O highly intelligent one! You attend upon this wounded Lakshmana, who is fond of friends, so that he will become perfectly well in health. Let Lakshmana along with Vibhishana be quickly made free from pain caused by the arrows that have penetrated into their body."
How many time's did Meghanad have to be healed?
Meghanad tormented laxman with arrows and laxman did it once to him in this duel. But Meghanada gets more points & credit here because he was alone. Chutiya Laxman had help from a army of people (each with different styles; vibeeshan, indra, jambavan, hanutati & 1,000 vanara's).
Even before the mention of Indra their were dozens of lines stating the interference of Vibeeshan, Jambavan, other vanars and Hanuman.
Point's; 3 (meghanada) 1 (laxman) so far.
Armors breaking.
Twice Meghanad broke the armor of Laxman in their battle. While Laxman broke a armor of gold that Meghanad wore Laxman himself had 2 armors one of celestial and the other that is impenetrable. Meghanada crushed both of them and was fighting solely on his own ability but Laxman had help from armies of people.
Point's for armor feat; 6 for Meghanad (3 per armor), 1 for Laxman
Total points right now; 9 (Meghanada) and 2 (Laxman)
How many times a warrior injured his opposer?
Meghanad wounded Laxman 1,019 times.
In part 1 of the battle it is hypothetical that Meghanad shot 4 arrow's since the word "arrows" is used and Laxman's condition was described as "drenched in blood" so it should be more than two or three. While in part 2 Meghanad injured him with three more arrow's.
In Part 4 Meghanad injures Laxman with 7 arrow's but goes on to give Vibeeshan a big amount of attention firing more than 100 arrows at him alone. Though Meghanad's focus on Laxman's helpers is understandable that doesn't change the fact that it had become a dangerous distraction for him. The result was that he let his gaurd down to the point where Laxman found a opening and succeeded in tearing Meghanad's armour. As he was too busy striking down Vibeeshan.
However thankfully in the ending of part 4 he completely surpassed all expectations and injured Laxman with more than one THOUSAND arrows. Which everyone should praise as a huge comeback that no one else in Ramayan achieved.
Total so far - 1,014 times. Completely destroying his competition.
In the sixth part again Vibeeshan intervened coming to save Laxmans behind. Indicating that either Laxman had failed to progress or he was being defeated. Overall Meghanad continued to have an edge and the advantage.
In the ninth part Meghanad started to fight on foot, firing arrows at Laxman. Eventually he had to get another chariot as more vanaras and coward's began to interfere in his fight. With a chariot he would have less difficulty fighting the opponent and his team of namard's.
Coming back in part 11 the battle continued with no change till part 14 where Meghanad injured Laxman with 3 arrows on the brain and would've done it ten more times to the chest if Laxman's chest was not covered with a special armor. In that part Meghanad again attains the advantage over chutiya nandan Saumitra.
Total so far - 1,019 times.
For part 16 if i count him injuring vibeeshan then Meghanad gets a additional three point's, and four more if i count the vanars he wounded.
What Laxman had achieved against Meghanad.
Laxman injured meghanad 5 times with arrow's in part 2, he failed to injure him in part 1 though. When it comes to part 3 though Laxman was successful the amount of arrows he used on Meghanad is unknown. I will estimate that he used 4 arrows so Laxman's total so far is 9.
Part 3 is the only time where Meghanad was knocked out but it was due to how Vibeeshan interfered so Laxman does not deserve full credit for this, even hanutati got mentioned as an assistant.
In part 5 the number of arrows they fired at eachother is not given but their performance is considered the same no character prevailed over the opposer, same for part 7. Then during the 8th part a moment where Laxman had slain a driver of Meghanada. But immediately 4 vanar chieftain's arrived to help Laxman again, they murdered the 4 horses on Meghanad's chariot.
Their was a part where Laxman struck down a couple of rakshasa the difference is that laxman struck down or injured those who were not even fighting him or attacking him, everytime Meghanad injured some vanar or Vibeeshan it was because they provoked or tried to assault him and interfere in his fight's.
In part 15 Laxman injuring Meghanad with 5 arrow's did not make much of an effect as the battle continued inconclusively. His new total is fifteen (counting the one where he swooned Meghanada) wound's.
For part 16 Laxman only cut a javelin of Meghanad but failed to touch meghanad with a weapon. At last after a clash of divine weaponry Laxman was saved by Indra, Gandharvas, Devas & Uragas because Meghanad again had gained a victory.
Logically ; MEGHANAD INJURED LAXMAN OVER A THOUSAND TIMES while laxman could not even do it 20 time's.
Best post, i think that duhsasan, sahadev, and even uluk were better warriors and men than this idiot laxman ji.
ReplyDeletetohar maai ke bur me 32 top ke salami ! burchodi wale