Saturday, May 25, 2024

Karna fans (their mentality part 2).

Intro - this's about calling out/addressing karna fans.
Karna fans brag about not insulting the overrated hanutati (u all know i refer to Hanuman like that). But here a karn tard named "soham garg" upvoted a answer which showed that hanuman was weaker than karna.
As you can see it should be obvious that karna fans are hypocrites and guilty of whatever they accuse arjuna fans of doing or that karn fans are not truly bhakts of hanutati neither do they respect hanuman, rather they deep down inside also dislike him. But they need protection from his namard bhakts which is why they fake praise him at times or pretend to like his gandu baazi of a character.
When a karna fan is proven wrong they respond like this;
Note - the person who was debunked here was "Vishwesvaran," according to what i know he has supported karna since the year of 2014.
But has never changed his opinion, he continues to repeat, spam & copy paste the same incorrect opinions/claims and spread misconceptions on a monthly/regular basis.

This reply "OK" was another way of him saying "i do not desire to debate but i will type 2 letters in hopes that u might stop replying to me" or "i have no argument so i will just type this instead without giving up my affection for namards like karna."
Another gem from Vishwesvaran below.
Basically; he believes that jarasandha stalemated krishna sixteen times. Though i've my own personal beliefs and opinions on the jarasandha conflicts its clear their are karna fans that claim jarasandha was equal to/superior against krishna so they overhype karna's victory.

Kaustav Kundu is not able to fight one debater on his own so he needs to contact a group for help in the comment section.

Part 4:
A Karna fan girl wanted to type Mahanayak but she clearly failed & ended up mispelling it as "Mahayanayaka"
Clearly the only thing they learned from their british MAALIK was to love fair skin/hate dark skin but never the English language. They should go to elementary school to take a language arts exam.
Part 5 - Karna fan "vishnu kumar" praised the answer of a person using madhvacharyas commentary.
                                                [The answeR]
                                                       The individual's comment (Vishnu Kumar).
Same karna fan thinks bheem (who is above karna in madhvacharyas MB) is inferior to karna.
Their beliefs, claims & logic does not add up.
They say that "Karna defeated Bheem 33 times in war" obviously that is pure BS. I mean those two did not even have the time to fight eachother 33 times, their were not even 33 fights between them, let alone times where Karna defeated Bheem.
This person has failed to spell the word "bhurisravas" right. He failed to get Bhagadatta right either. Also Kritvarma defeated Bheem so ignoring celestial astras he should be ranked higher than overrated karna while bhishma should be rated beneath bhagadatta.

The post was intended to be a continuation from one I typed in 2018 but all screenshots are from incidents that took place in 2023 to 2024.

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