- Day 11 (enters war and get's defeated by Upapandavas his life gets saved by Aswathamman) - Thereupon, the other sons of Draupadi, desirous of rescuing that brother of theirs, rushed at him. And soon they made Karna's son invisible by means of their arrowy showers. Against them thus smiting (the son of Karna), many car-warriors headed by Drona's son (Aswatthama) rushed. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07016.htm
- Day 13 (group attack on Abhimanyu yet still Vrishasena gets defeated by Abhimanyu and runs away) - The clash between them of immeasurable energy, scattering their arrowy showers with great force, on the one side and Abhimanyu alone on the other, became awful. The son, of Arjuna, encompassed on all sides by those enemies with crowds of cars, slew the charioteer of Vrishasena and also cut off his bow. And the mighty Abhimanyu then pierced Vrishasena's steeds with his straight shafts, upon which those coursers, with the speed of the wind, bore Vrishasena away from the battle. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07041.htm
- Day 14 - Then Vrishasena, the son of Karna, and Salya, the ruler of the Madras, and Drona's son, encompassed the grandson of Sini from all sides. Then a confusion set in, and nothing could be seen. Indeed, when the heroic Karna was made carless by Satyaki, cries of Oh and Alas arose, among all thy troops. Karna also, O king, pierced by Satwata with his arrows and exceedingly weakened ascended the car of Duryodhana, sighing deeply, remembering his friendship for thy son from his childhood and having striven to realise the promise he had made about the bestowal of sovereignty on Duryodhana. After Karna hath been made carless, thy brave sons, headed by Duhsasana, O king, were not slain by the self-restrained Satyaki because the latter wished not to falsify the vow made by Bhimasena. Desirous also of not falsifying the vow formerly made by Partha (about the slaughter of Karna), Satyaki simply made those warriors carless and weakened them exceedingly, but did not deprive them of life. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07143.htm
- Day 15 - Resisting with his own weapons those of them all and of Karna also, O lord, Satyaki quickly pierced Vrishasena in the centre of the chest. Pierced with that arrow, the valiant Vrishasena, of great splendour, quickly fell down on his car, casting aside his bow. Then Karna, believing that mighty car-warrior, viz., Vrishasena, slain, became scorched with grief on account of the death of his son and began to afflict Satyaki with great force. Thus afflicted by Karna, the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, with great speed, repeatedly pierced Karna with many shafts. Once more piercing Karna with ten arrows, and Vrishasena with five, the Satwata hero cut off the leathern fences and the bows of both sire and son. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07167.htm
- Day 16 - The battle raged fiercely, like that of the gods and the Asuras between those heroes striking one another. Satyaki, slaying the driver of Vrishasena with three arrows, cut off the latter's bow with a broad-headed shaft and struck his steeds with seven arrows. Crushing his standard then with another arrow, he struck Vrishasena himself with three arrows in the chest. Thus struck, Vrishasena became senseless on his car, but within the twinkling of an eye, stood up again. Deprived of his driver and steeds and car standard by Yuyudhana (Satyaki), Vrishasena then, armed with sword and shield, rushed against Yuyudhana from desire of slaying him. Satyaki, however, as his antagonist rushed towards him, struck at his sword and shield with ten arrows equipped with heads like a boar's ear. Then Duhshasana, beholding Vrishasena made carless and weaponless, quickly caused him to ascend his own car, and bearing him away from the spot, caused him to ride another vehicle. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08048.htm
- Day 17 -With eyes red in wrath, that hero capable of slaying Yama himself if the latter fought with him, then laughed terribly and said unto Karna and all the other Kaurava heroes headed by Duryodhana and Drona's son, these words, "Today, O Karna, in thy very sight in this battle, I will despatch the fierce Vrishasena unto Yama's abode with my keen arrows! People say that all of you, united together, slew my son, endued with great activity, in my absence, and while he was alone and unsupported on his car. I, however, will slay thy son in the very sight of you all. Let all the Kaurava car-warriors protect him. I will slay the fierce Vrishasena. After that, I will slay thee, O fool, even I, Arjuna, in the midst of battle! Today I will, in battle, slay thee that art the root of this quarrel and that hast become so proud in consequence of Duryodhana's patronage. Putting forth my strength, I will certainly slay thee in this battle, and Bhimasena will slay this Duryodhana, this wretch among men, through whose evil policy this quarrel born of dice hath arisen." Having said these words, Arjuna rubbed the string of his bow and took aim at Vrishasena in that battle, and sped, O king, a number of shafts for the slaughter of Karna's son. The diadem-decked Arjuna then, fearlessly and with great force, pierced Vrishasena with ten shafts in all his vital limbs. With four fierce razor-headed arrows he cut off Vrishasena's bow and two arms and head. Struck with Partha's shafts, the son of Karna, deprived of arms and head, fell down on the earth from his car, like a gigantic shala adorned with flowers falling down from a mountain summit. Beholding his son, thus struck with arrows, fall down from his vehicle, the Suta's son Karna, endued with great activity and scorched with grief on account of the death of his son, quickly proceeded on his car, inspired with wrath, against the car of the diadem-decked Partha. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08085.htm
- CONCLUSION - Well it would seem like the eldest, most capable son of Karna was no better than his father as a warrior. He was in the war for 7 days and got exposed badly on the battlefield by many opponents. Upapandavas, Satyaki, Yuyudhana, Abhimanyu & Arjuna etc defeated him. Saved from death by Kauravas, Dussasana and Aswathamman. Believed to be killed when he's not even killed (Day 15). Smh, just another mediocre suta.
- Abhimanyu defeated Bhurishravas many times. 4th day - And with another sharp-edged arrow he cut off the mighty dart of golden staff, resembling a snake, that was hurled at him by Somadatta's son. And the heir of Arjuna, baffling in the very sight of Salya, his hundreds of terrible shafts, slew his four steeds. Thereupon Bhurishravas, and Salya, and Drona's son and Samyamani, and Sala struck with the fear at the strength of arms displayed by Krishna's son could not stay before him. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06061.htm
- PS - Here Bhurisravas was assisted by a group of Maharathis like Salya, Ashwathamman, Samyamani and Sala, still could not face an alone youth like Abhimanyu.
- 13th day - And Drona, and Drona's son, and Kripa and Karna and Kritavarman and Suvala's son, Vrihadvala, and the ruler of the Madras, and Bhuri, and Bhurisravas, and Sala, and Paurava and Vrishasena, shooting sharp shafts, checked Subhadra's son by means of those arrowy showers. Confounding him with those showers of shafts, they rescued Duryodhana. The son of Arjuna, however, brooked not that act of snatching a morsel from his mouth. Covering those mighty car-warriors, their charioteers, and steeds with thick showers of arrows and causing them to turn back, the son of Subhadra uttered a leonine roar. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07035.htm
- PS - Here also Bhurisravas was supported by many warriors like Karna, Kripa, Kritvarma and many others, still an alone Abhimanyu forces them all to turn their backs.
- Ghatotkaca defeated Bhurishravas Narrative: Then that Rakshasa of immeasurable soul, excited With rage, O bull of Bharata's race, sped at Bhurisravas five and ten shafts. These, penetrating THROUGH the latter's armour, entered the earth. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06093.htm PS - Here also Bhurisravas was accompanied by his Father (Somadatta), Kripacharya, Ashwathamman, Vahlika, Chitrasena, Vikarna, Jayadratha and few other warriors. Yet could not even defeat one lone Rakshasa warrior like Ghatotkaca, also it should be noted that it wasn't night time yet so Ghatotkaca had NO rakshasa power boost.
- In the next chapter we read that the warriors mentioned above fled, hence its an obvious defeat of Bhurisravas. Narrative: Sanjaya said, "Having in that battle made all those warriors (of thy army) turn their faces from the field, the Rakshasa then, O chief of the Bharatas, rushed at Duryodhana, desirous of slaying him. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06094.htm
- Arjuna defeats Bhurishravas on day 3 of Kurukshetra war. Narrative: And all said, 'In today's battle Arjuna hath slain ten thousand car-warriors, and full seven hundred elephants. And all the westerners, and the diverse tribes of the Sauviras, and the Kshudrakas and the Malavas, have all been slain. The feat achieved by Dhananjaya is a mighty one. None else is competent to achieve it. Srutayush, the ruler of the Amvashtas, and Durmarshana, and Chitrasena, and Drona, and Kripa, and the ruler of the Sindhus, and Valhika, and Bhurisravas, and Salya, and Sala, O king, and other warriors by hundreds united together, along with Bhishma himself, have on battle, by the prowess of his own arms, been vanquished today by the angry son of Pritha, viz., Kiritin, that one mighty car-warrior in the world.' http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06059.htm
PS - Here Bhurisravas was assisted by Bhishma, Drona, Jayadratha and 12 other Maharathas, yet still lost to one Arjuna. - During the 11th day of the Kurukshetra war, Bhurishravas was being defeated by even Srikandi a female warrior - The valiant Bhurisravas, O king, covered that mighty car-warrior, Yajnasena's son Sikhandin, with a thick shower of arrows. Sikhandin, then O monarch, excited with wrath, pierced Somadatta's son with ninety shafts, and caused him, O Bharata, to tremble. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07014.htm - (Chapter linK)
- Bhurishravas failed in Draupadi's swayamavara - Somadatta of the Kuru race with his three sons, all mighty chariot-fighters and heroes, viz., Bhuri, Bhurisrava, and Sala, Sudakshina, Kamvoja of the Puru race, Vrihadvala, Sushena, Sivi, the son of Usinara, Patcharanihanta, the king of Karusha, Sankarshana (Valadeva), Vasudeva (Krishna) the mighty son of Rukmini, Samva, Charudeshna, the son of Pradyumna with Gada, Akrura, Satyaki, the high-souled Uddhava, Kritavarman, the son of Hridika, Prithu, Viprithu, Viduratha, Kanka, Sanku with Gaveshana, Asavaha, Aniruddha, Samika, Sarimejaya, the heroic Vatapi Jhilli Pindaraka, the powerful Usinara, all these of the Vrishni race, Bhagiratha, Vrihatkshatra, Jayadratha the son of Sindhu, Vrihadratha, Valhika, the mighty CHARIOTEER Srutayu, Uluka, Kaitava, Chitrangada and Suvangada, the highly intelligent Vatsaraja, the king of Kosala, Sisupala and the powerful Jarasandha, these and many other great kings--all Kshatriyas celebrated throughout the world--have come, O blessed one, for thee. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01189.htm All monarchs including Bhurishravas had failed - At last when in that assemblage consisting of highly respectable people, all the monarchs had become subjects of derisive talk that foremost of heroes--Jishnu, the son of Kunti--desired to string the bow and placed the arrows on the bow-string.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01190.htm
- CONCLUSION - So Bhurishravas could not even defeat a 16 year old boy, he could not even defeat a cannibal even while doing group attacks on children like Abhimanyu and cannibals like Ghatotkaca he ran away. Bhurishravas was in the war for 14 days straght and he could only defeat 12 people (Satyaki, Maniman & ten sons of Satyaki) that to only through trivial techniqalaities. He only beat Satyaki because Satyaki was fatigued, did not have a special chariot, and Bhurishravas was given a boon by Shiva to be able to kick Satyaki. And the ten sons of Satyaki were young boys who were totally inexperienced. Not everyone can be like Abhimanyu. Maniman was a feat less fodder warrior who has no feats, relevance or accolades at all. So Bhurishravas was defeated 4 times in 14 days and only defeated 2 people one fodder and one fatigued. -and maybe ten inexperienced kids who only fought one battle the one where they died in- You guy's know it was really actually Bhurishravas fault that Jayadratha died that day? Because he chose to attack Satyaki instead of listening to Drona's orders of protecting Jayadratha. He chose his personal enmity over duty. #Bhurishravasexposed!!!!!
- Aswathamman failed in Draupadi swayamvara - Then those princes--Karna, Duryodhana, Salwa, Salya, Aswatthaman, Kratha, Sunitha, Vakra, the ruler of Kalinga and Banga, Pandya, Paundra, the ruler of Videha, the chief of the Yavanas, and many other sons and grandsons of kings,--sovereigns of territories with eyes like lotus-petals,--one after another began to exhibit prowess for (winning) that maiden of unrivalled beauty. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01190.htm All monarchs including Aswathamman had failed - At last when in that assemblage consisting of highly respectable people, all the monarchs had become subjects of derisive talk that foremost of heroes--Jishnu, the son of Kunti--desired to string the bow and placed the arrows on the bow-string.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01190.htm
- Group attack on Satyaki by Aswathamman, Vrishasena, Salya and the Kaurava brothers. Yet even combined together they all were defeated and beaten by Satyaki using just one bow on day 14 - Then Vrishasena, the son of Karna, and Salya, the ruler of the Madras, and Drona's son, encompassed the grandson of Sini from all sides. Then a confusion set in, and nothing could be seen. Indeed, when the heroic Karna was made carless by Satyaki, cries of Oh and Alas arose, among all thy troops. Karna also, O king, pierced by Satwata with his arrows and exceedingly weakened ascended the car of Duryodhana, sighing deeply, remembering his friendship for thy son from his childhood and having striven to realise the promise he had made about the bestowal of sovereignty on Duryodhana. After Karna hath been made carless, thy brave sons, headed by Duhsasana, O king, were not slain by the self-restrained Satyaki because the latter wished not to falsify the vow made by Bhimasena. Desirous also of not falsifying the vow formerly made by Partha (about the slaughter of Karna), Satyaki simply made those warriors carless and weakened them exceedingly, but did not deprive them of life. It is Bhima that hath vowed the slaughter of thy sons, and it is Partha that, at the time of the second match at dice, vowed the slaughter of Karna. Although all those warriors headed by Karna made strong efforts for slaying Satyaki, yet those foremost of car-warriors, failed to slay him. Drona's son and Kritavarman and other mighty car-warriors, as also hundreds of foremost Kshatriyas, were all vanquished by Satyaki with only one bow. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07143.htm
- Satyaki defeated Aswathamman in one on one combat in the 9th day - Satyaki then, taking up another bow capable of bearing a great strain and slaughtering the foe, struck Drona's son, O king, in the chest and arms with six shafts. Pierced therewith and feeling great pain, for a moment he was deprived of his senses, and he sat down on the terrace of his car, catching hold of his flag-staff. Regaining his consciousness then, the valiant son of Drona, excited with rage afflicted him of Vrishni's race in that battle, with one long shaft. That shaft, piercing Sini's grandson through, entered the earth like a vigorous young snake entering its hole in the season of spring. And with another broad-headed arrow, Drona's son in that battle cut off the excellent standard of Satyaki. And having achieved this feat he uttered a leonine roar. And once more, O Bharata, he covered his adversary with a shower of fierce shafts like the clouds, O king covering the Sun after summer is past, Satyaki also, O monarch, baffling that arrowy shower, soon covered the son of Drona with diverse showers of arrows That slayer of hostile heroes, viz., the grandson of Sini, freed from that arrowy shower like the Sun from the clouds, began to scorch the son of Drona (with his energy). Swelling with rage the mighty Satyaki once more covered his foe with a thousand arrows and uttered a loud shout. Beholding his son then thus afflicted like the Moon by Rahu, the valiant son of Bharadwaja rushed towards the grandson of Sini. Desirous, O king, of rescuing, his son who was afflicted by the Vrishni hero, Drona, in that great battle, pierced the latter with a shaft of exceeding sharpness. Satyaki then, abandoning the mighty car-warrior Aswatthaman, pierced Drona himself in that battle with twenty arrows of exceeding sharpness. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06102.htm
- Aswathamman ran away from an angry 16-year old Abhimanyu - Then that great car-warrior, the son of Arjuna, took up a mighty mace. Deprived by them of his bow and car and sword, and divested also of his wheel by his foes, the mighty-armed Abhimanyu (mace in hand) rushed against Aswatthaman. Beholding that mace upraised, which looked like the blazing thunderbolt, Aswatthaman, that tiger among men, rapidly alighted from his car and took three (long) leaps (for avoiding Abhimanyu). Slaying Aswatthaman's steeds and two Parshni charioteers with that mace of his, Subhadra's son, pierced all over with arrows, looked like a porcupine. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07046.htm
- Ghatotkaca forced Aswathamman to flee the battlefield on the 8th day - He then exhibited a fierce and awful illusion. Therewith that prince of the Rakshasas, endued with extraordinary powers of illusion, confounded the son of Drona in that battle. Then all thy troops, in consequence of that illusion, turned their backs upon the field. They beheld one another cut down and lying prostrate on the surface of the earth, writhing convulsively, perfectly helpless, and bathed in blood. Drona and Duryodhana and Salya and Aswatthaman, and other great bowmen that were regarded as foremost among the Kauravas, also seemed to fly away. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06095.htm
- Arjuna defeats Aswathamman after Krishna goads him to - Why is it then that I see the son of Drona prevail over thee in battle? Do not, O Partha, spare thy assailant, regarding him as the son of thy preceptor, O bull of Bharata's race. This is not the time for sparing him." Thus addressed by Krishna, Partha speedily took up four and ten broad-headed arrows at a time, when speed was of the highest moment, and with them he cut off Ashvatthama's bow and standard and umbrella and banners and car and dart and mace. With a few calf-toothed arrows he then deeply struck the son of Drona in the latter's shoulder. Thereupon overcome with a deep swoon, Ashvatthama sat down, supporting himself on his flagstaff. The latter's driver then, O monarch, desirous of protecting him from Dhananjaya, bore him away insensible and thus deeply afflicted by the foe. Meanwhile that scorcher of foes, viz., Vijaya, slaughtered thy troops by hundreds and thousands, in the very sight of that hero, viz., thy son, O sire. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08056.htm
- Arjuna defeats Aswathamman again on the 17th day - Filled with rage, Drona's son struck Arjuna in the arms and the chest. Thus provoked, Partha, in that battle, sped at Drona's son, a long shaft that resembled a second rod of Death, or rather, Death himself. That arrow of great splendour fell upon the shoulder of the Brahmana hero. Exceedingly agitated, O monarch, in that battle, by the violence of the stroke, he sat down on the terrace of his car and swooned away. Then Karna, O monarch, shook his bow Vijaya and, filled with rage, repeatedly eyed Arjuna in that battle, desiring a single combat with him. Meanwhile the driver of Drona's son, beholding the latter senseless, quickly bore him away on his car from the field of battle. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08059.htm
- Jayadratha was beaten up in the woods by Bhima during Vana Parva, Arjuna & Yudhishthira had to save him - Vaisampayana said, "Jayadratha flying for his life upon beholding those two brothers with upraised arms, was sorely grieved and bolted off with speed and coolness. But the mighty and indignant Bhimasena, descending from his chariot, ran after him thus fleeing, and seized him by the hair of his head. And holding him high up in the air, Bhima thrust him on the ground with violence. And seizing the prince by the head, he knocked him about. And when the wretch recovered consciousness, he groaned aloud and wanted to get up on his legs. But that hero endued with mighty arms kicked him on the head. And Bhima pressed him on the breast with his knees as well as with his fists. And the prince thus belaboured, soon became insensible. Then Falguna dissuaded the wrathful Bhimasena from inflicting further chastisement on the prince, by reminding him of what Yudhishthira had said regarding (their sister) Dussala. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03270.htm
- Abhimanyu defeated Jayadratha (the ruler of the Sindhus) and caused him and his comrades to tremble including Drona on the 9th day - And as the high-souled son of Subhadra careered on the field on his car whose limbs were decked with gold, people were incapable of finding an opportunity (for striking him). Confounding Kripa and Drona and mighty son of Drona, as also the ruler of the Sindhus, the great bowman moved on the field of battle with great activity and skill. As he consumed thy troops, O Bharata, I beheld his bow incessantly drawn to a circle and resembling on that account the circular halo of light that is sometimes seen around the Sun. Brave Kshatriyas, beholding him endued with such activity and scorching the foe thus, thought, in consequence of those feats, that the world contained two Phalgunis. Indeed, O king, the vast host of the Bharatas, afflicted by him, reeled hither and thither like a woman drunk with wine. Routing that large army and causing many mighty car-warriors to tremble, he gladdened his friends (like Vasava gladdening the celestials) after vanquishing Maya. And while being routed by him in that battle, thy troops uttered loud exclamations of woe that resembled the roar of the clouds. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06101.htm
- This happened on the 10th day, Jayadratha was assisted by Vinda, Anuvinda, Chitrasena, Bhagadatta, Salya, Kritavarman, Vikarna and Gautama (Kripa) yet still got defeated by one single warrior Bhima in ARCHERY - Pierced with those ten shafts like a huge elephant with the hook, the valiant Bhimasena, O king, filled with wrath, struck Gautama in that battle with many shafts. Possessed of the splendour of Yama himself, as he appears at the end of the Yuga, Bhimasena then, with three arrows, despatched unto Death's domain the steeds of the ruler of the Sindhus as also his charioteer. Thereupon that mighty car-warrior, (viz., Jayadratha), quickly jumping down from that car whose steeds had been slain, shot in that battle many sharp-pointed shafts at Bhimasena. Then, O sire, with a couple of broad-headed arrows, he cut off, O chief of the Bharatas, the bow of the high-souled king of the Sindhus in the middle. His bow cut off, himself deprived of car, his steeds and charioteer slain, Jayadratha then, O king, quickly mounted on the car of Chitrasena. Indeed, the son of Pandu achieved in that battle a most wonderful feat, for piercing all those mighty car-warriors and holding them in check, he deprived, O sire, the ruler of the Sindhus of his car in the very sight of all the army. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06114.htm
- Jayadratha lost a sword fight with Abhimanyu and runs away on the 11th day - And none could notice any difference between those two lions among men as regards the whirl-strokes, and descent of their swords and shields. 2 And as regards the descent and the whiz of their swords, and the warding off of each other's blows, it seemed there was no distinction between the two. Coursing, beautifully in outward and inward tracks, those two illustrious warriors seemed to be like two winged mountains. Then Jayadratha struck on the shield of the renowned Abhimanyu when the latter stretched his sword for making a pass at him. Then, O Bharata, Jayadratha's large sword sticking into Abhimanyu's shield covered with golden plate, broke, as the ruler of the Sindhus attempted to draw it off forcibly. Seeing his sword broken, Jayadratha hastily retreated six steps and was seen within a twinkle of the eye to be mounted on his own car. Then Arjuna's son also, that combat with the sword being over, ascended his own excellent car. Many kings, then, of the Kuru army, uniting together, surrounded him on all sides. The mighty son of Arjuna, however, eyeing Jayadratha, whirled his sword and shield, and uttered a loud shout. Having vanquished the ruler of the Sindhus, Subhadra's son, that slayer of hostile heroes, then began to scorch that division of the Kaurava army like Sun scorching the world. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07014.htm
- Jayadratha failed in Draupadi's swayamavara - Vrihatkshatra, Jayadratha the son of Sindhu, Vrihadratha, Valhika, the mighty charioteer Srutayu, Uluka, Kaitava, Chitrangada and Suvangada, the highly intelligent Vatsaraja, the king of Kosala, Sisupala and the powerful Jarasandha, these and many other great kings--all Kshatriyas celebrated throughout the world--have come, O blessed one, for thee. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01189.htm All monarchs including Jayadratha had failed - At last when in that assemblage consisting of highly respectable people, all the monarchs had become subjects of derisive talk that foremost of heroes--Jishnu, the son of Kunti--desired to string the bow and placed the arrows on the bow-string.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01190.htm
- Even Dussala (Jayadratha's own wife) had bad opinions of him - The cheerless sister then said unto her brother, who was equally cheerless, these words: 'Behold thy sister. Behold the child of thy sister's son. O perpetuator of Kuru's race, O thou that art fully conversant with every duty, it behoveth thee to show mercy to this child, forgetting the Kuru prince (Duryodhana) and the wicked Jayadratha. Even as that slayer of hostile heroes, Parikshit, has been born of Abhimanyu, so has this mighty-armed child, my grandson, sprung from Suratha. Taking him with me, O chief of men, I have come to thee, desirous of the safety of all the warriors. Do thou listen to these words of mine. This child of that wicked foe of thine hath now come to thee, O mighty-armed hero. It behoveth thee, therefore to show mercy to this infant. O chastiser of foes, this infant seeks to gratify thee by bending his head. He solicits thee for peace. O mighty-armed hero, be inclined to make peace. O thou that art conversant with every duty, be thou gratified with the child whose friends and kinsmen have all been slain and who himself knows nothing of what has happened. Do not yield to wrath. Forgetting his disreputable and cruel grandfather, who offended against thee so highly, it behoveth thee to show thy grace towards this child.' http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m14/m14078.htm
- CONCLUSION: So even his own wife didn't like him. Jayadratha was just anther mediocre warrior of the Kauaravas side. He's just a one day wonder. A one day warrior, who only showed his prowess on the 13th day, the rest of the days he got clobbered and even before the war he was a failure, as he failed badly in the contest of Draupadi's swayamvara & got roughed up by an exiled Bhima because he lusted after their wife Draupadi. Only to be saved by the mercy of Yudhishthira & Arjuna. During the war Bhima and Abhimanyu also defeated him. And Pandava's queen wife Draupadi made Jayadratha a slave. #PERVERTEDSLAVEJAYADRATHAEXPOSED!!!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Here are some other Kaurava warriors besides Karna who are over glorified. Let us analyze their track records and see how skilled they truly are. And if they are worthy of a comparison with elite warriors of the epic Mahabharata like Satyaki, Bhima, Ghatotkatcha, Abhimanyu, Drona, Bhishma, Bhagadatta, Shalya etc. Let alone Arjuna & Krishna.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
All of Karna's defeats
Karna fans often claim some b u l l s h i t. That their hero was undefeated. But the fact is that he has always lost. And after these losses he never truly improved after he lost. No other character in Mahabharata has ever suffered as many defeats Karna did in his military career. So whenever you see someone clam Karna is an undefeated warrior. Expose them by showing them this post.
Here is a list of his defeats BEFORE Kurukshetra war. As a matter of fact BEFORE Kurukshetra Karna did not have any curses hampering him, Karna had no promise to not kill his half brothers, to the contrary karna had his celestial coat of mail the kavacha kundala to help him out. So this should be Karna at his best, if you can even call it that since he lost too many times.
Now let's move on to the main crust of the epic tale of his defeats. Let us all see just how many more losses this man faced in his military career. During the last days of his life before his death. Now not just Bhima and Arjuna. But many other Pandava warriors were exposing Karna on the battlefield almost every day during the war. But they never killed him out of fear of Arjuna. Because they did not want to falsify his vow of killing Karna.
2. Bhima defeats Karna in archery and kills his relatives - Then Bhima, jumping down from his own car, like a second Garuda, slew with his excellent sword five and ten combatants amongst those that supported Karna. Mounting once more on his car and taking up another bow, he pierced Karna with ten shafts and his charioteer and steeds with five. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07030.htm
3. Satyaki defeats Karna in archery, breaks his bow and Karna has to be saved by Jayadratha and others etc - Sini's grandson also, of splendour equal to that of Indra himself, taking up another bow pierced Suta's son with four and sixty shafts and roared like a lion. And cutting off Karna's bow with a couple of well-shot shafts, he once more pierced Karna on the arms and the chest with three arrows. The king Duryodhana, and Drona and Jayadratha, rescued Karna from the Satyaki-ocean, as the former was about to sink into it. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07030.htm
4. Abhimanyu defeated Karna and 13 other warrior's together AT ONCE on day 13 - And Drona, and Drona's son, and Kripa and Karna and Kritavarman and Suvala's son, Vrihadvala, and the ruler of the Madras, and Bhuri, and Bhurisravas, and Sala, and Paurava and Vrishasena, shooting sharp shafts, checked Subhadra's son by means of those arrowy showers. Confounding him with those showers of shafts, they rescued Duryodhana. The son of Arjuna, however, brooked not that act of snatching a morsel from his mouth. Covering those mighty car-warriors, their charioteers, and steeds with thick showers of arrows and causing them to turn back, the son of Subhadra uttered a leonine roar. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07035.htm
5. Abhimanyu defeats Karna and several others again (Abhimanyu was the son of Arjuna and was 16 years old, and these 20 warriors were all beaten & ran away from him) - Then Karna and Kripa, and Drona and Drona's son, and the ruler of the Gandharas, and Sala and Salya, and Bhurisravas and Kratha, and Somadatta, and Vivinsati, and Vrishasena, and Sushena, and Kundavedhin, and Pratardana, and Vrindaraka and Lalithya, and Pravahu, and Drighalochana, and angry Duryodhana, showered their arrows upon him. Then Abhimanyu, excessively pierced by those great bowmen with their straight shafts, shot shafts at Karna which was capable of piercing through every armour and body. That shaft, piercing through Karna's coat of mail and then his body, entered the earth like a snake piercing through an anthill. Deeply pierced, Karna felt great pain and became perfectly helpless. Indeed, Karna began to tremble in that battle like a hill during an earthquake. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07035.htm
6. Abhimanyu again defeats Karna - Then Karna, the most honoured of all bowmen, desirous of obtaining victory, pierced the son of Subhadra with hundreds of arrows, displacing his best weapons. That foremost of all persons conversant with weapons, that valiant disciple of Rama, by means of his weapons, thus afflicted Abhimanyu who was incapable of being defeated by foes. Though afflicted in battle by Radha's son with showers of weapons, still Subhadra's son who resembled a very celestial (for prowess) felt no pain. With his shafts whetted on stone and furnished with sharp points, the son of Arjuna, cutting off the bows of many heroic warriors, began to afflict Karna in return. With shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison and shot from his bow drawn to a circle, Abhimanyu quickly cut off the umbrella, standard, the charioteer, and the steeds of Karna, smiling the while. Karna then shot five straight arrows at Abhimanyu. The son of Phalguna, however, received them fearlessly. Endued with great valour and courage, the latter then, in a moment, with only a single arrow, cut off Karna's bow and standard and caused them to drop down on the ground. Beholding Karna in such distress, his younger brother, drawing the bow with great force, speedily proceeded against the son of Subhadra. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07037.htm
Abhimanyu also kills Karna's foster brother - Then Abhimanyu, forcibly bending the bow and smiling the while, with one winged arrow cut off his antagonist's head. That head, severed from the trunk, fell down on the earth. Beholding his brother slain and overthrown, like a Karnikara tree shaken and thrown down by the wind from the mountain top, Karna, O monarch, was filled with pain. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07038.htm
7. Abhimanyu as usual defeats Karna and Karna runs away - Meanwhile, the son of Subhadra, causing Karna by means of his arrows to turn away from the field, quickly rushed against the other great bowmen. Then Abhimanyu of fierce energy and great fame, filled with wrath, broke that host of diverse forces abounding with elephants and steeds and cars and infantry. As regards Karna, afflicted by Abhimanyu with countless shafts, he fled away from the field borne by swift steeds. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07038.htm
8. And now Karna attacks Abhimanyu in a group attack and is defeated again running away like a dog what a coward - Beholding them broken and routed, Drona and Drona's son, and Vrihadvala, and Kripa, and Duryodhana, and Karna, and Kritavarman, and Suvala's son (Sakuni), rushed in great wrath against the unvanquished son of Subhadra. Almost all these, O king, were beaten back by thy grandson. Only one warrior then, viz., Lakshmana, brought up in luxury, accomplished in arrows, endued with great energy, and fearless in consequence of inexperience and pride, proceeded against the son of Arjuna. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07043.htm
9. Karna urged by Duryodhana after Abhimanyu killed his son is still beat off and vanquished by Abhimanyu - Then Drona, and Kripa, and Karna, and Drona's son and Vrihadvala, and Kritavarman, the son of Hridika,--these six car-warriors,---encompassed Abhimanyu. Piercing them with sharp arrows and beating them off from him, the son of Arjuna fell with great speed and fury upon the vast forces of Jayadratha. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07043.htm
10. Bhima defeats Karna in archery - Bhima, again, O sire! And once more he began to shoot arrows by hundreds and thousands. Suddenly shrouded with shafts by that firm bowman, viz., Karna, the son of Pandu, smiling the while, cut off Karna's bow-string. And then with a broad-headed arrow, he despatched Karna's charioteer to the abode of Yama. And that mighty car-warrior, viz., Bhima, deprived the four steeds also of Karna of their lives. The mighty car-warrior Karna then speedily jumping down, O king, from his steedless car, mounted the car of Vrishasena. The valiant Bhimasena then, having vanquished Karna in battle, uttered a loud shout deep as the roar of the clouds. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07125.htm
11. Bhima defeats Karna again - The mighty-armed Bhima could not brook that conduct, in battle, of the mighty-armed Karna. Rolling his eyes ill wrath, he pierced Karna with five and twenty long shafts. Thereupon, Karna looked like a white mountain with many snakes of virulent poison (hanging from its sides). And once more, Bhimasena, endued with the prowess of a celestial, pierced the Suta's son who was prepared to lay down his life in battle, with six and then with eight arrows. And, again, with another arrow, the valiant Bhimasena quickly cut off Karna's bow, smiling the while. And he slew also with his shafts the four steeds of Karna and then his charioteer, and then pierced Karna himself in the chest with a number of long shafts endued with the effulgence of the sun. Those winged shafts, piercing through Karna's body, entered the earth, like the rays of the sun piercing through the clouds. Afflicted with arrows and his bow cut off, Karna, though proud of his manliness, felt great pain and proceeded to another car.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07127.htm
12. Bhima once again defeats Karna - Then Bhima once more cut Karna's bow at the handle, O sire, and despatched by means of his shafts the latter's steeds, white as conchs, to the abode of Yama, and the son of Pandu also felled his enemy's charioteer from his niche in the car. Then Karna, the son of Vikartana, made steedless and driverless, and covered in that battle (with shafts), became plunged into great anxiety. Stupefied by Bhima with his arrowy showers, he knew not what to do. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07129.htm
13. Bhima beats Karna again 4th time in a row on the 14th day - Then the son of Radha, without reflecting a moment, pierced Bhima in return with four and ten fierce shafts adorned with gold. Those fierce-winged arrows, piercing through Bhima's right arms, entered the earth like birds entering a grove of trees. Striking against the earth, those arrows looked resplendent, like the blazing rays of the sun while proceeding towards the Asta hills. Pierced in that battle with those all-piercing arrows, Bhima began to shed copious streams of blood, like a mountain ejecting streams of water. Then Bhima pierced the Suta's son in return with three shafts endued with the impetuosity of Garuda and he pierced the latter's charioteer also with seven. Then, O king, Karna thus afflicted by Bhima's might, became exceedingly distressed. And that illustrious warrior then fled, forsaking the battle, borne away by his fleet steeds. The Atiratha Bhimasena, however, drawing his bow adorned with gold, stayed in battle, looking resplendent like a blazing fire.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07130.htm
14. Bhima defeats Karna once more and Duryodhana sends his brothers to protect Karna who runs away - Then the son of Pandu, gifted with great prowess and exerting himself with great activity, shot a thousand arrows at the Suta's son, desirous of taking the latter's life. Karna, however, in the dreadful battle, resisting all those shafts with his own, cut off Bhima's armour also with his arrows. And then he pierced Bhima with five and twenty small shafts in the sight of all the troops. All this seemed exceedingly wonderful. Then, O monarch, Bhima, excited with rage, sped nine straight shafts at the Suta's son. Those keen shafts, piercing through Karna's coat of mail and right arm, entered the earth like snakes into an ant-hill. Shrouded with showers of shafts shot from Bhimasena's bow, Karna once more turned his back upon Bhimasena. Beholding the Suta's son turn back and flying away on foot, covered all over with the arrows of Kunti's son, Duryodhana said, 'Go ye quickly from all sides towards the car of Radha's son.' 'Then, O king, thy sons, hearing these words of their brother that were to them a surprise, rushed towards the son of Pandu for battle, shooting showers of shafts. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07132.htm
15. Bhima defeats Karna using bow's and arrows once again - And once again, O Bharata, the mighty-armed Bhima quickly shot in that battle ten long shafts that looked like snakes of virulent poison just freed from their sloughs. Shot by Bhima, those shafts, O sire, striking Karna's forehead, entered it like snakes entering an ant-hill. With those shafts sticking to his forehead, the Suta's son looked beautiful, as he did before, while his brow had been encircled with a chaplet of blue lotuses. Deeply pierced by the active son of Pandu, Karna, supporting himself on the Kuxara of his car, closed his eyes. Soon, however, regaining consciousness, Karna, that scorcher of foes, with his body bathed in blood, became mad with rage. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07135.htm
16. Bhima was about to kill Karna by pounding him to death with his fists but spared him - Bhima also, raising his fierce fists that were endued with the force of the thunder, desired to slay the Suta's son. Soon, however, he recollected Arjuna's vow. The son of Pandu, therefore, though competent, spared the life of Karna, from desire of not falsifying the vow that Savyasachin had made. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07135.htm
17. Bhima & Arjuna both assail Karna and he runs away from them escaping like a hyena escapes from a lion - Then the ape-bannered (Arjuna), urged by Kesava, shot at the Suta's son, O king, many shafts whetted on stone. Those arrows adorned with gold, shot by Partha's arms and issuing out of Gandiva, entered Karna's body, like cranes into the Krauncha mountains. With those arrows shot from Gandiva which entered Karna's body like so many snakes, Dhananjaya drove the Suta's son from Bhimasena's vicinity. His bow cut off by Bhima, and himself afflicted with the arrows of Dhananjaya, Karna quickly fled away from Bhima on his great car. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07135.htm
18. Arjuna defeats Karna and Drona's son has to save Karna - Then the mighty-armed Phalguna, in that battle, pierced Karna, the son of Vikartana, in all his limbs with a hundred arrows. All his limbs bathed in blood, the Suta's son of great prowess and bravery, pierced Phalguna in return with fifty arrows. Beholding that lightness of hand displayed by him in battle, Arjuna brooked it not. Cutting off his bow, that hero, viz., Dhananjaya, the son of Pritha, quickly pierced Karna in the centre of the chest with nine arrows, Then Dhananjaya, with great speed at a time, when speed was necessary shot in that battle a shaft of solar effulgence for the destruction of Karna. Drona's son, however, with a crescent-shaped arrow, cut off that shaft as it coursed impetuously (towards Karna). http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07141.htm
19. Arjuna defeats Karna and he has to be saved by Aswathamman again - Meanwhile, O monarch, beholding the prowess of Karna, Arjuna, of white steeds, with four shafts shot from the bow-string drawn to the ear, despatched the four steeds of Karna to Yama's domain. And he also felled with a broad-headed arrow, Karna's charioteer from his niche in the car. And he covered Karna himself with clouds of shafts in the very sight of thy son. Thus shrouded with arrows the steedless and driverless Karna, stupefied by that arrowy shower, knew not what to do. Beholding him made carless, Aswatthaman, O king, caused him to ride on his car, and continued to fight with Arjuna. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07141.htm
20. Satyaki also defeats Karna on the 14th day (he just can't catch a break lol...) - Beholding him filled with rage, Satyaki pierced him in return, shooting dense showers of arrows, like an elephant piercing (with his tusks) a rival elephant. Those two tigers among men, endued with the activity of tigers and possessed of incomparable prowess, mangled each other furiously in that battle. The grandson of Sini, then, with shafts made entirely of iron, repeatedly pierced Karna, that chastiser of foes, in all his limbs. And he also felled, with a broad-headed arrow, the charioteer of Karna from his niche in the car. And with his keen shafts, he slew the four steeds, white in hue, of Adhiratha's son. And then cutting into a hundred fragments the standard of Karna with a hundred arrows, that bull among men made Karna carless in the very sight of thy son. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07143.htm
21. Satyaki defeats Karna and 4 other equal warriors using only one bow and spares his life - Karna also, O king, pierced by Satwata with his arrows and exceedingly weakened ascended the car of Duryodhana, sighing deeply, remembering his friendship for thy son from his childhood and having striven to realise the promise he had made about the bestowal of sovereignty on Duryodhana. After Karna hath been made carless, thy brave sons, headed by Duhsasana, O king, were not slain by the self-restrained Satyaki because the latter wished not to falsify the vow made by Bhimasena. Desirous also of not falsifying the vow formerly made by Partha (about the slaughter of Karna), Satyaki simply made those warriors carless and weakened them exceedingly, but did not deprive them of life. It is Bhima that hath vowed the slaughter of thy sons, and it is Partha that, at the time of the second match at dice, vowed the slaughter of Karna. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07143.htm
22. Bhima kills brother's of Karna's best friend Duryodhana and attacks Karna, Sakuni saves Karna and all the kings including Karna ran away from Bhima - Then Karna hurled at the son of Pandu, a dart decked with gold. The Pandava, however, smiling the while, seized with his hand that dart. And the invincible Vrikodara in that battle hurled that very dart back at Karna. Then Sakuni, with a shaft that had drunk oil, cut off that dart as it coursed towards Karna. Having achieved these mighty feats in battle, Bhima, of wonderful prowess, came back to his own car and rushed against thy troops. And while Bhima was thus advancing, slaughtering (thy troops) like the Destroyer himself in rage, thy sons, O monarch, attempted to resist that mighty-armed hero. Indeed, those mighty car-warriors covered him with a dense shower of arrows. Then Bhima, smiling the while, despatched in that battle, with his shafts, the driver and the steeds of Durmada unto the abode of Yama. Durmada, at this, quickly mounted upon the car of Dushkarna. Then those scorchers of foes, viz., the two brothers, riding oh the same car, both rushed against Bhima in the front rank of battle, like the Regent of the waters and Surya rushing against Taraka, that foremost of Daityas. Then thy sons, Durmada and Dushkarna, mounting on the same car, pierced Bhima with shafts. Then in the very sight of Karna, of Aswatthaman, of Duryodhana, of Kripa, of Somadatta, and of Valhika, the son of Pandu, that chastiser of foes, by a stamp of his foot, caused that car of the heroic Durmada and Dushkarna to sink into the earth. Filled with rage, Bhima struck with his fists those mighty and brave sons of thine, viz., Durmada and Dushkarna, and crushed them therewith and roared aloud. Then cries of Oh and Alas arose among the troops. And the kings, beholding Bhima said, 'That is Rudra who is fighting in Bhima's form among the Dhartarashtras.' Saying these words, O Bharata, all the kings fled away, deprived of their senses and urging the animals they rode to their greatest speed. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07151.htm
23. Aswathamman was the only one to stay back and face Ghatotkaca unlike Karna who ran away after getting pained by a few measly attacks - Then, thrown by the Rakshasas who had become more powerful in consequence of the night, there began to fall on the field of battle a thick shower of stones. And a ceaseless shower of iron wheels and Bhundis and darts and lances and spears and Sataghnis and axes also fell there. Beholding that fierce and awful battle, the kings, thy sons, and Karna, also exceedingly pained, fled away. Only the proud son of Drona, ever boastful of his might in arms, stood fearlessly. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07152.htm
24. Arjuna defeats Karna so easily - Approaching each other, those two great bowmen, desirous of counteracting each other's feats, continued to cover each other with showers of shafts. The battle that took place between them, viz., Karna and the son of Pandu, became exceedingly wonderful, like that between the two wild elephants for the sake of a she-elephant in her season. Then the mighty bowman Partha, beholding Karna's prowess, quickly cut of the latter's bow at the handle. And he also despatched the four steeds of the Suta's son to Yama's abode with a number of broad-headed shafts. And that scorcher of foes also cut off from the trunk the head of Karna's driver. Then, the son of Pandu and Pritha pierced the bowless, the steedless, and the driverless Karna with four shafts. Then that bull among men Karna, afflicted with those shafts, specially jumping down from that steedless car, mounted upon that of Kripa. Beholding the son of Radha vanquished, thy, warriors, O bull of Bharata's race, fled away in all directions. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07155.htm
25. Dhrishtadyumna defeats Karna and cuts his bow off - Indeed, O king, Dhrishtadyumna, in that dreadful battle, quickly pierced Drona himself, and Karna, and Drona's son, and thy son. Thus pierced by that bowman, those warriors, fighting together, pierced Dhrishtadyumna again in that encounter, uttering loud roars the while. Then Drumasena, excited with wrath, O king, pierced the Panchala prince with a winged arrow, and once again quickly with three other arrows. And addressing the prince, he said, 'Wait! Wait!' Dhrishtadyumna then pierced Drumasena in return with three straight arrows, in the encounter, which were equipped with wings of gold, steeped in oil, and capable of taking the life of him at whom they are sped. With another broad-headed shaft, the prince of the Panchalas then, in that battle, cut off from Drumasena's trunk the latter's head decked with bright ear-rings of gold. That head, with (the lower) lip bit (in rage), fell on the ground like a ripe palmyra fruit separated from the stalk by the action of a strong wind. Once again, piercing all those warriors with keen shafts, that hero, with some broad-headed shafts, cut off the bow of Radha's son, that warrior conversant with all modes of warfare. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07167.htm
26. Karna and his son Vrishasena are both defeated by Satyaki (disciple of Arjuna) - Resisting with his own weapons those of them all and of Karna also, O lord, Satyaki quickly pierced Vrishasena in the centre of the chest. Pierced with that arrow, the valiant Vrishasena, of great splendour, quickly fell down on his car, casting aside his bow. Then Karna, believing that mighty car-warrior, viz., Vrishasena, slain, became scorched with grief on account of the death of his son and began to afflict Satyaki with great force. Thus afflicted by Karna, the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, with great speed, repeatedly pierced Karna with many shafts. Once more piercing Karna with ten arrows, and Vrishasena with five, the Satwata hero cut off the leathern fences and the bows of both sire and son. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07167.htm
27. Arjuna defeats Drona, Karna & Duryodhana - "Sanjaya continued, 'Thus urged by Bhima and Kesava, Savyasachin prevailing over Drona and Karna, began to resist the foe all round. Many foremost of Kshatriyas (among the Kurus), putting forth all their prowess, failed to withstand Arjuna who advanced at the very van of his troops, and who, like a raging conflagration, was consuming the foremost ones among his foes. Then Duryodhana and Karna, and Sakuni, the son of Suvala, covered Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, with showers of shafts. Baffling the weapons of all those warriors, that foremost of all persons well-skilled in weapons, O monarch, covered them (in return) with his shafts. Aiming at their weapons with his (and thus baffling them all), Arjuna, endued with great lightness of hand and possessing a complete control over his senses, pierced every one of those warriors with ten keen-pointed shafts. The welkin was then covered with dust. Thick showers of arrows fell. Darkness set in, and a loud and terrible uproar arose. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07183.htm
28. Karna, Kritavarman, Kripa, Duryodhana, Dussasana & Vrishasena attacked Satyaki in a group yet he still managed to make them all carless and force them to retreat, karna always runs away - All of them began quickly to pierce Satyaki from every side with keen shafts, Duryodhana pierced him with twenty, Saradwat's son, Kripa, with three. And Kritavarman pierced him with ten, and Karna with fifty. And Duhsasana pierced him with a hundred arrows, and Vrishasena with seven. Satyaki, however, O king, soon made all those great car-warriors fly away from the field, deprived of their cars. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07197.htm
29. Satyaki defeats Karna who gets a rescue team to save him - Then the son of Surya, resembling the chief of the celestials himself in prowess and like unto the younger brother of Indra, struck that foremost one of Sini's race with shafts whose splendour resembled the rays of the Sun. That bull of Sini's race also, in that battle, then quickly shrouded that foremost of men, with his car and steeds and driver, with diverse kinds of shafts terrible as the poison of the snake. Then many Atirathas belonging to thy army, accompanied by elephants and cars and foot-soldiers, quickly approached that bull among car-warriors, viz., Vasusena, when they beheld the latter deeply afflicted with the shafts of that foremost hero of Sini's race. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08030.htm
Satyaki also wounds Karna with almost 200 arrows when Karna tries to escape and run away from him during day 16 - At this, Karna, leaving Satyaki quickly pierced Arjuna with three arrows and Krishna with twenty, and Partha again repeatedly. Although many were the arrows that he shot while slaying his foes in that battle, like Indra himself inspired with wrath, Karna yet felt no fatigue. Meanwhile Satyaki, coming up, pierced Karna with nine and ninety fierce arrows, and once more with a hundred. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08030.htm
30. Arjuna also defeats Karna on the 16th day and Karna's whole army runs away - Slaughtered by the energy of Karna's weapons, almost the whole of that force of the Pandavas, deprived of weapons, and with limbs mangled and torn, retired from the field. Then Arjuna, smiling the while, baffled with his own weapons the weapons of Karna and covered the welkin, the Earth, and all the points of the compass with dense shower of arrows. The shafts of Arjuna fell like heavy clubs and spiked bludgeons. And some amongst them fell like Sataghnis and some fell like fierce thunderbolts. Slaughtered therewith, the Kaurava force consisting of infantry and horse and cars and elephants, shutting its eyes, uttered loud wails of woe and wandered senselessly. Many were the steeds and men and elephants that perished on that occasion. Many, again, struck with shafts and deeply afflicted fled away in fear. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08030.htm
31. Yudhishthira wounds karna so hard on the 17th day that he makes Karna drop his Vijaya bow and fall down on his car - Drawing the bow to its fullest stretch, the king quickly sped that arrow, fatal as the rod of the Destroyer, from desire of slaying the Suta's son. Sped by the king endued with great might, that arrow whose whizz resembled the noise of the thunder, suddenly pierced Karna, that mighty car-warrior, on his left side. Deeply afflicted by the violence of that stroke, the mighty-armed Karna with weakened limbs, fell into a swoon on his car, his bow dropping from his hand. Beholding Karna in that plight, the vast Dhartarashtra host uttered cries of "Oh" and "Alas," and the faces of all the combatants became colourless. Beholding the prowess of their king, on the other hand, O monarch, amongst the Pandavas, leonine roars and shouts and confused cries of joy arose. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08049.htm
32. Bhima makes Karna unconscious as well and Shalya has to save him - Thus sped by the mighty Bhima, that shaft, making a noise loud as that of the thunder, pierced through thunderbolt Karna in that battle, like the thunderbolt itself piercing through a mountain. Struck by Bhimasena, O perpetuator of Kuru's race, the Suta's son, that commander (of thy forces), sat down senseless on the terrace of his car. The ruler of the Madras then, beholding the Suta's son deprived of his senses, bore that ornament of battle away on his car, from that fight. Then after Karna's defeat, Bhimasena began to rout the vast Dhartarashtra host http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08050.htm
32B. Dhrishtadyumna vs Karna day 17 - Then Dhrishtadyumna assailed the son of Radha with a straight shaft in that battle, and addressing him said, "Wait, Wait." The mighty car-warrior Karna, filled with rage, shook his foremost of bows called Vijaya, and cutting off the bow of Dhrishtadyumna, as also his arrows resembling snakes of virulent poison assailed Dhrishtadyumna himself with nine arrows. Those arrows, O sinless one, piercing through the gold-decked armour of the high-souled son of Prishata, became bathed in blood and looked beautiful like so many cochineal. The mighty car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna, casting aside that broken bow, took up another bow and a number of shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison. With those straight shafts numbering seventy, he pierced Karna. Similarly, O king, Karna, in that battle, covered Prishata's son, that scorcher of foes, with many shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison. The slayer of Drona, that great bowman, retaliated by piercing Karna with many keen shafts. Filled with rage, Karna then, O monarch, sped at his antagonist a gold-decked shaft that resembled a second rod of death. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08059.htm
This is NOT a defeat of Karna. BUT you can see how he has so many difficulties with a warrior like Dhrishtadyumna. How Karna get's so frustrated and was forced to use his Vijaya bow. And even though Dhrishtadyumna's weapons got cut off he still got more weapons and continued to fight beating Karna back. Despite being at a disadvantage he held his own against Karna. He proved that he was at-least equal to him. So Karna at his best with the bow of victory (Vijaya) could only MATCH & STALEMATE Dhrishtadyumna (who was nowhere near Arjuna, Bhima or even Satyaki).
NOTE: Some Karna fans say that this above incident was a victory of Karna and a defeat of Dhrishtadyumna because Satyaki intervened. But the thing is that Karna's shaft could not harm Dhrishtadyumna or be his death at all. Satyaki was able to cut off that shaft of Karna easily in the same section 59.
33. Satyaki also defeated Karna during the 17th day of the war - The son of Radha then, that crusher of foes, turning back from the pursuit, quickly covered Bhima himself with sharp arrows from every side. Then Satyaki, of immeasurable soul, O Bharata, placing himself on the side of Bhima's car, began to afflict Karna who was in front of Bhima. Though exceedingly afflicted by Satyaki, Karna still approached Bhima. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08051.htm Karna clearly ran away AVOIDING an encounter with Satyaki cause he was pained by his attacks.
34. Arjuna finally defeats and kills karna putting an end to this story - Then Vasudeva, addressing Partha, said, "Cut off with thy arrow the head of this enemy of thine, viz., Vrisha, before he succeeds in getting upon his car." Applauding those words of the lord Vasudeva, and while the wheel of his enemy was still sunk, the mighty car-warrior Arjuna took up a razor-headed arrow of blazing effulgence and struck the standard (of Karna) bearing the elephant's rope and bright as the spotless sun. That standard bearing the device of the costly elephant's rope, was adorned with gold and pearls and gems and diamonds, and forged with care by foremost of artists excelling in knowledge, and possessed of great beauty, and variegated with pure gold. That standard always used to fill thy troops with high courage and the enemy with fear. Its form commanded applause. Celebrated over the whole world, it resembled the sun in splendour. Indeed, its effulgence was like that of fire or the sun or the moon. The diadem-decked Arjuna, with that razor-headed shaft, exceedingly sharp, equipped with wings of gold, possessed of the splendour of fire when fed with libations of clarified butter, and blazing with beauty, cut off that standard of Adhiratha's son, that great car-warrior. With that standard, as it fell, the fame, pride, hope of victory, and everything dear, as also the hearts of the Kurus, fell, and loud wails of "Oh!" and "Alas!" arose (from the Kuru army). Beholding that standard cut off and thrown down by that hero of Kuru's race possessed of great lightness of hand, thy troops, O Bharata, were no longer hopeful of Karna's victory. Hastening then for Karna's destruction, Partha took out from his quiver an excellent Anjalika weapon that resembled the thunder of Indra or the rod of fire and that was possessed of the effulgence of the thousand-rayed Sun. Capable of penetrating the very vitals, besmeared with blood and flesh, resembling fire or the sun, made of costly materials, destructive of men, steeds, and elephants, of straight course and fierce impetuosity, it measured three cubits and six feet. Endued with the force of the thousand-eyed Indra's thunder, irresistible as Rakshasas in the night, resembling Pinaka or Narayana's discus, it was exceedingly terrible and destructive of all living creatures. Partha cheerfully took up that great weapon, in the shape of an arrow, which could not be resisted by the very gods, that high-souled being which was always adored by the son of Pandu, and which was capable of vanquishing the very gods and the Asuras. Beholding that shaft grasped by Partha in that battle, the entire universe shook with its mobile and immobile creatures. Indeed, seeing that weapon raised (for being sped) in that dreadful battle, the Rishis loudly cried out, "Peace be to the universe!" The wielder of Gandiva then fixed on his bow that unrivalled arrow, uniting it with a high and mighty weapon. Drawing his bow Gandiva, he quickly said, "Let this shaft of mine be like a mighty weapon capable of quickly destroying the body and heart of my enemy, if I have ever practised ascetic austerities, gratified my superiors, and listened to the counsels of well-wishers. Let this shaft, worshipped by me and possessed of great sharpness, slay my enemy Karna by that Truth." Having said these words Dhananjaya let off that terrible shaft for the destruction of Karna, that arrow fierce and efficacious as a rite prescribed in the Atharvan of Angiras, blazing with effulgence, and incapable of being endured by Death himself in battle. And the diadem-decked Partha, desirous of slaying Karna, with great cheerfulness, said, "Let this shaft conduce to my victory. Shot by me, let this arrow possessed of the splendour of fire or the sun take Karna to the presence of Yama." Saying these words, Arjuna, decked with diadem and garlands, cherishing feelings of hostility towards Karna and desirous of slaying him, cheerfully struck his foe with that foremost of shafts which was possessed of the splendour of the sun or the moon and capable of bestowing victory. Thus sped by that mighty warrior, that shaft endued with the energy of the sun caused all the points of the compass to blaze up with light. With that weapon Arjuna struck off his enemy's head like Indra striking off the head of Vritra with his thunder. Indeed, O king, with that excellent Anjalika weapon inspired with mantras into a mighty weapon, the son of Indra cut off the head of Vaikartana in the afternoon. Thus cut off with that Anjalika, the trunk of Karna fell down on the earth. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08091.htm
Let us count this now. Arjuna defeated Karna 13 times (one with Bhima). Bhima defeated Karna 12 times (one with Arjuna). Abhimanyu defeated Karna 6 times. Satyaki defeated Karna 7 times, Dhrishtadyumna defeats Karna 2 times, Ghatotkatcha defeated Karna once, Pradyumna defeated Karna once, Drupada defeated Karna once, Gandharvas defeated Karna, even Yudhishthira also defeated Karna.
Arjuna + Bhima = 24 + 6 = 30 + 7 = 37 + 2 = 39 + 1 = 40 + 1 = 41 + 1 = 42 + 1 = 43 + 1 = 44 DEFEATS!
So the world record (in Mahabharata at least) is 43 times Karna was defeated. Karna lost 44 times! Karna the ultimate loser.....
Hopefully people have understood now that Karna is not such a great or superior warrior. Now I don't even wanna hear anything about Karna being undefeated ever again. No character in Mahabharata has faced as many defeats as Karna has. He loses the MOST.
To say that he was never defeated. To deny that Karna lost. To call Karna undefeated is to deny your existence. It is like denying common sense. To deny that you are a human being. Anyone who says Karna is undefeated needs to see this post.
Karna fans often claim some b u l l s h i t. That their hero was undefeated. But the fact is that he has always lost. And after these losses he never truly improved after he lost. No other character in Mahabharata has ever suffered as many defeats Karna did in his military career. So whenever you see someone clam Karna is an undefeated warrior. Expose them by showing them this post.
Here is a list of his defeats BEFORE Kurukshetra war. As a matter of fact BEFORE Kurukshetra Karna did not have any curses hampering him, Karna had no promise to not kill his half brothers, to the contrary karna had his celestial coat of mail the kavacha kundala to help him out. So this should be Karna at his best, if you can even call it that since he lost too many times.
- Karna lost to Drupada - Meanwhile Drupada beholding the Kuru host, rushed forward and pouring a fierce shower of arrows around, terribly afflicted the Kuru ranks. And such was his lightness of motion on the field of battle that, though he was fighting unsupported on a single chariot, the Kurus from panic supposed that there were many Drupadas opposed to them. And the fierce arrows of that monarch fell fast on all sides, till conchs and trumpets and drums by thousands began to be sounded by the Panchalas from their houses (giving the alarm). Then there arose from the mighty Panchala host a roar terrible as that of the lion, while the twang of their bow-strings seemed to rend the very heavens. Then Duryodhana and Vikarna, Suvahu and Dirghalochana and Duhsasana becoming furious, began to shower their arrows upon the enemy. But the mighty bowman, Prishata's son, invincible in battle, though very much pierced with the arrows of the enemy, instantly began, O Bharata, to afflict the hostile ranks with greater vigour. And careering over the field of battle like a fiery wheel, king Drupada with his arrows smote Duryodhana and Vikarna and even the mighty Karna and many other heroic princes and numberless warriors, and slaked their thirst for battle. Then all the citizens showered upon the Kurus various missiles like clouds showering rain-drops upon the earth. Young and old, they all rushed to battle, assailing the Kurus with vigour. The Kauravas, then, O Bharata, beholding the battle become frightful, broke and fled wailing towards the Pandavas. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01141.htm
- So Karna despite having his kavacha kundala was defeated. Karna had 101 Kaurava brothers supporting him yet he was still defeated by one Drupada. Karna had numerous other warriors helping him yet he still lost.
- Karna was tied up and captured by Pradyumna (the son of Krishna) at Dwaraka - the powerful son of kR^iShNa, (pradyumna), at the front of the battle, oppressed karNa who was trying hard for victory in the battlefield and caught him, who was struggling. vinadya cha guhAM vIro ghorAM mAyAmayIM nR^ipa | duryodhanaM cha rAjAnaM virATadrupadAvapi ||2-84-48 O king! (janamejaya! vaishampAyana continued) and threw him into the terrible cave of illusion. In the same way (he caught) king duryodhana, virATa, drupada, www.mahabharata-resources.org/harivamsa/vishnuparva/hv_2_084.html
- Karna attacked Krishna's territory at the same time Jarasandha was alive. So Karna had his kavacha kundala at the time. Yet Karna was still defeated. And Pradyumna's father Krishna was almost 20 years younger than Karna. So Karna was defeated by a warrior who was 40 years younger than him.
- Karna defeated by Arjuna (disguised as a Brahmana at the time) during Draupadi's swayamvara - And beholding those Kshatriyas who were ever furious in battle with Karna ahead, the heroic brothers rushed fearlessly at them like two elephants rushing against a hostile elephant. Then those monarchs eager for the fight fiercely exclaimed, 'The slaughter in battle of one desiring to fight is permitted.' And saying this, the monarchs suddenly rushed against the Brahmanas. And Karna endued with great energy rushed against Jishnu for fight. And Salya the mighty king of Madra rushed against Bhima like an elephant rushing against another for the sake of a she-elephant in heat; while Duryodhana and others engaged with the Brahmanas, skirmished with them lightly and carelessly. Then the illustrious Arjuna beholding Karna, the son of Vikartana (Surya), advancing towards him, drew his tough bow and pieced him with his sharp arrows. And the impetus of those whetted arrows furnished with fierce energy made Radheya (Karna) faint. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01193.htm
- Karna accepts his defeat at the hands of Arjuna and compares him to his preceptor Parshuram and runs away from the swayamvara - Art thou the embodiment of the science of weapons, or art thou Rama that best of Brahmanas, or Indra himself, or Indra's younger brother Vishnu called also Achyuta, who for disguising himself hath assumed the form of a Brahmana and mustering such energy of arms fighteth with me? No other person except the husband himself of Sachi or Kiriti, the son of Pandu, is capable of fighting with me when I am angry on the field of battle.' Then hearing those words of his, Phalguna replied, saying, 'O Karna, I am neither the science of arms (personified), nor Rama endued with superhuman powers. I am only a Brahmana who is the foremost of all warriors and all wielders of weapons. By the grace of my preceptor I have become accomplished in the Brahma and the Paurandara weapons. I am here to vanquish thee in battle. Therefore, O hero, wait a little.' "Vaisampayana continued, 'Thus addressed (by Arjuna), Karna the adopted son of Radha desisted from the fight, for that mighty chariot-fighter thought that Brahma energy is ever invincible. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01193.htm
- Karna lost to Bhima during the Rajasuya wars - And making the earth tremble by means of his troops consisting of the four kinds of forces, the foremost of the Pandavas then encountered Karna that slayer of foes. And, O Bharata, having subjugated Karna and brought him under his sway, the mighty hero then vanquished the powerful king of the mountainous regions. And the son of Pandu then slew in a fierce encounter, by the strength of his arms, the mighty king who dwelt in Madagiri. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m02/m02029.htm
- Karna had his kavacha kundala, yet he was still defeated. His kingdom was conquered and he was subjugated. Made to pay tribute to the Pandavas.
- Some Karna fans have come up with very stupid theories to say that the Karna was subjugated was a "different" Karna. But Bori critical edition's scholar's make it very clear that the Karna who was subjugated was the Karna of Anga. For more information check out this blog. http://logicastra.blogspot.com/2017/02/proof-that-bhima-conquered-karnas-anga.html The evidence that i have gathered to conclude this incident is overwhelming. And it's all pretty much in that blog post.
- Karna lost to Gandharvas - Indeed, Duryodhana and Karna and Sakuni, the son of Suvala, all fought with the Gandharvas, although every one of them was much wounded and mangled in the encounter. All the Gandharvas then, desirous of slaying Karna, rushed together by hundreds and thousands towards Karna. And those mighty warriors, desirous of slaying the Suta's son, surrounded him on all sides, with swords and battle-axes and spears. And some cut down the yoke of his car, and some his flagstaff, and some the shaft of his car, and some his horses, and some his charioteer. And some cut down his umbrella and some the wooden fender round his car and some the joints of his car. It was thus that many thousands of Gandharvas, together attacking his car, broke it into minute fragments. And while his car was thus attacked, Karna leaped therefrom with sword and shield in hand, and mounting on Vikarna's car, urged the steeds for saving himself." http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03239.htm
- Since Karna had his kavacha kundala and yet he still ran away to save himself like a coward. So this is the sixth and final defeat of Karna while he had his kavacha kundala. So it should be obvious by now that kavacha kundala was just a really good armor that was NOT IMPENETRABLE. Kavacha kundala was not something that could save karna from death or defeat.
- Karna himself accepted that he was still mangled and assailed by the enemies and their shafts despite having his armor and earrings - As regards myself, assailed by all the Gandharvas, I fled before thy eyes, unable to rally our flying host. Assailed by the foe with all his might, my body mangled with their arrows, I sought safety in flight. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03245.htm
- Virata Parva Karna gets defeated and runs away like a dog from Arjuna - And the two heroes stationed on their cars, creating clouds of keen-edged arrows in a combat carried on by means of countless shafts and weapons, appeared to the spectators like the sun and the moon covered by clouds, and the light-handed Karna, unable to bear the sight of the foe, pierced the four horses of the diadem-decked hero with whetted arrows, and then struck his car-driver with three shafts, and his flagstaff also with three. Thus struck, that grinder of all adversaries in battle, that bull of the Kuru race, Jishnu wielding the Gandiva, like a lion awaked from slumber, furiously attacked Kama by means of straight-going arrows. And afflicted by the arrowy shower (of Karna), that illustrious achiever of super-human deeds soon displayed a thick shower of arrows in return. And he covered Karna's car with countless shafts like the sun covering the different worlds with rays. And like a lion attacked by an elephant, Arjuna, taking some keen crescent-shaped arrows from out of his quiver and drawing his bow to his ear, pierced the Suta's son on every part of his body. And that grinder of foes pierced Karna's arms and thighs and head and forehead and neck and other principal parts of his body with whetted shafts endued with the impetuosity of the thunderbolt and shot from the Gandiva in battle. And mangled and afflicted by the arrows shot by Partha the son of Pandu, Vikartana's son, quitted the van of battle, and quickly took to flight, like one elephant vanquished by another.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m04/m04054.htm
- Arjuna even kills Karna's foster brother here - And soon slaying the red steeds yoked unto the car of Sangramajit, the brother of Vikatana's son, that hero decked in diadem and endued with great vigour then cut off his antagonist's head by a crescent-shaped arrow. And when his brother was slain, Vikartana's son of the Suta caste, mustering all his prowess, rushed at Arjuna, like a huge elephant with out-stretched tusks, or like a tiger at a mighty bull. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m04/m04054.htm
- So Karna clearly would have been very pissed off over here and would not have shown any mercy at all. He had no curses over here, no promises what so ever.
- Arjuna defeats Karna again (Karna was fighting with several others on his side supporting him) - And Arjuna then shot three and seventy arrows of sharp points at Drona, and ten at Dussaha and eight at Drona's son, and twelve at Dussasana, and three at Kripa, the son of Saradwat. And that slayer of foes pierced Bhishma, the son of Santanu, with arrows, and king Duryodhana with a hundred. And, lastly, he pierced Karna in the ear with a bearded shaft. And when that great bowmen Karna, skilled in all weapons, was thus pierced, and his horses and car and car-driver were all destroyed, the troops that supported him began to break. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m04/m04055.htm
- Karna lost to Arjuna again and runs away - And then the mighty-armed Partha cut off Karna's bow into fragments. And Karna replied by hurling a dart at his adversary, but Arjuna cut it off by means of his arrows. And then the warriors that followed the son of Radha rushed in crowds at Arjuna, but Partha sent them all to the abode of Yama by means of arrows shot from the Gandiva. And Vibhatsu slew the steeds of Karna by means of sharp and tough arrows shot from the bow-string drawn to the ear, and deprived of life they dropped down on the ground. And taking another sharp and blazing arrow endued with great energy, the mighty son of Kunti pierced the breast of Kama. And that arrow, cleaving through his mail, penetrated into his body. And at this, Karna's vision was obscured and his senses left him. And regaining consciousness, he felt a great pain, and leaving the combat fled in a northernly direction. And at this, the mighty car-warrior Arjuna and Uttara, both began to address him contumely.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m04/m04060.htm
- Note the abode of Yama means the afterlife as in they are dead. Yama is the god of death in Mahabharata.
- Karna finally becomes unconscious by the Sanmohana weapon of Arjuna and his yellow garments are stolen - And warding off with weapons, all the weapons of those bulls among the Kurus, the wielder of the Gandiva who was capable of enduring all foes, evolved another irresistible weapon obtained from Indra, called Sanmohana. And entirely covering the cardinal and other directions with sharp and keen-edged arrows furnished with beautiful feathers, that mighty hero stupefied their senses with the twang of the Gandiva. And once more, taking up with both his hands that large conch of loud blare, Partha, that slayer of foes, blew it with force and filled the cardinal and other points, the whole earth, and sky, with that noise. And those foremost of the Kuru heroes were all deprived of their senses by the sound of that conch blown by Partha. And all of them stood still, their bows, from which they were never separated, dropping down from their hands. And when the Kuru army became insensible, Partha calling to mind the words of Uttara, addressed the son of the Matsya king, saying, 'O best of men, go thou among the Kurus, so long as they remain insensible, and bring away the white garments of Drona and Kripa, and the yellow and handsome ones of Karna, as also the blue ones of the king and Drona's son. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m04/m04065.htm
- Of all the above ones only defeats 7, 8, 9 and 10 are Karna AFTER he exchanged his Kavacha Kundala for the Vasavi dart. STILL having kavacha kundala, several warriors supporting him etc. He was still defeated by old kings (Drupada), musicians (Gandharvas), and children (Pradyumna). Is this the UNDEFEATED warrior? Is this the INVINCIBLE Karna? No this is the REAL Karna. And his military career is horrible, his track record is not good. Arjuna spared Karna many times during Virata Parva. He did not want to kill him so soon. And did not want to kill an unconscious warrior who couldn't defend himself. And this was just a trailer look at the rest below. He is worse than son goku.
Now let's move on to the main crust of the epic tale of his defeats. Let us all see just how many more losses this man faced in his military career. During the last days of his life before his death. Now not just Bhima and Arjuna. But many other Pandava warriors were exposing Karna on the battlefield almost every day during the war. But they never killed him out of fear of Arjuna. Because they did not want to falsify his vow of killing Karna.
- During the 11th day he spent most of his time fighting old King Virata and a few matsya warriors, their was NO RESULT to their battle that day. BUT during the rest of the days and battles in the war Karna was thoroughly beaten in ever encounter. During the 12th day he mostly took back seat as Drona & Bhagadatta were doing most of the work, but when Bhagadatta was killed by Arjuna then Karna stepped in and got exposed by other Pandava warriors that day. This is the beginning of the end for Karna.
2. Bhima defeats Karna in archery and kills his relatives - Then Bhima, jumping down from his own car, like a second Garuda, slew with his excellent sword five and ten combatants amongst those that supported Karna. Mounting once more on his car and taking up another bow, he pierced Karna with ten shafts and his charioteer and steeds with five. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07030.htm
3. Satyaki defeats Karna in archery, breaks his bow and Karna has to be saved by Jayadratha and others etc - Sini's grandson also, of splendour equal to that of Indra himself, taking up another bow pierced Suta's son with four and sixty shafts and roared like a lion. And cutting off Karna's bow with a couple of well-shot shafts, he once more pierced Karna on the arms and the chest with three arrows. The king Duryodhana, and Drona and Jayadratha, rescued Karna from the Satyaki-ocean, as the former was about to sink into it. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07030.htm
4. Abhimanyu defeated Karna and 13 other warrior's together AT ONCE on day 13 - And Drona, and Drona's son, and Kripa and Karna and Kritavarman and Suvala's son, Vrihadvala, and the ruler of the Madras, and Bhuri, and Bhurisravas, and Sala, and Paurava and Vrishasena, shooting sharp shafts, checked Subhadra's son by means of those arrowy showers. Confounding him with those showers of shafts, they rescued Duryodhana. The son of Arjuna, however, brooked not that act of snatching a morsel from his mouth. Covering those mighty car-warriors, their charioteers, and steeds with thick showers of arrows and causing them to turn back, the son of Subhadra uttered a leonine roar. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07035.htm
5. Abhimanyu defeats Karna and several others again (Abhimanyu was the son of Arjuna and was 16 years old, and these 20 warriors were all beaten & ran away from him) - Then Karna and Kripa, and Drona and Drona's son, and the ruler of the Gandharas, and Sala and Salya, and Bhurisravas and Kratha, and Somadatta, and Vivinsati, and Vrishasena, and Sushena, and Kundavedhin, and Pratardana, and Vrindaraka and Lalithya, and Pravahu, and Drighalochana, and angry Duryodhana, showered their arrows upon him. Then Abhimanyu, excessively pierced by those great bowmen with their straight shafts, shot shafts at Karna which was capable of piercing through every armour and body. That shaft, piercing through Karna's coat of mail and then his body, entered the earth like a snake piercing through an anthill. Deeply pierced, Karna felt great pain and became perfectly helpless. Indeed, Karna began to tremble in that battle like a hill during an earthquake. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07035.htm
6. Abhimanyu again defeats Karna - Then Karna, the most honoured of all bowmen, desirous of obtaining victory, pierced the son of Subhadra with hundreds of arrows, displacing his best weapons. That foremost of all persons conversant with weapons, that valiant disciple of Rama, by means of his weapons, thus afflicted Abhimanyu who was incapable of being defeated by foes. Though afflicted in battle by Radha's son with showers of weapons, still Subhadra's son who resembled a very celestial (for prowess) felt no pain. With his shafts whetted on stone and furnished with sharp points, the son of Arjuna, cutting off the bows of many heroic warriors, began to afflict Karna in return. With shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison and shot from his bow drawn to a circle, Abhimanyu quickly cut off the umbrella, standard, the charioteer, and the steeds of Karna, smiling the while. Karna then shot five straight arrows at Abhimanyu. The son of Phalguna, however, received them fearlessly. Endued with great valour and courage, the latter then, in a moment, with only a single arrow, cut off Karna's bow and standard and caused them to drop down on the ground. Beholding Karna in such distress, his younger brother, drawing the bow with great force, speedily proceeded against the son of Subhadra. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07037.htm
Abhimanyu also kills Karna's foster brother - Then Abhimanyu, forcibly bending the bow and smiling the while, with one winged arrow cut off his antagonist's head. That head, severed from the trunk, fell down on the earth. Beholding his brother slain and overthrown, like a Karnikara tree shaken and thrown down by the wind from the mountain top, Karna, O monarch, was filled with pain. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07038.htm
7. Abhimanyu as usual defeats Karna and Karna runs away - Meanwhile, the son of Subhadra, causing Karna by means of his arrows to turn away from the field, quickly rushed against the other great bowmen. Then Abhimanyu of fierce energy and great fame, filled with wrath, broke that host of diverse forces abounding with elephants and steeds and cars and infantry. As regards Karna, afflicted by Abhimanyu with countless shafts, he fled away from the field borne by swift steeds. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07038.htm
8. And now Karna attacks Abhimanyu in a group attack and is defeated again running away like a dog what a coward - Beholding them broken and routed, Drona and Drona's son, and Vrihadvala, and Kripa, and Duryodhana, and Karna, and Kritavarman, and Suvala's son (Sakuni), rushed in great wrath against the unvanquished son of Subhadra. Almost all these, O king, were beaten back by thy grandson. Only one warrior then, viz., Lakshmana, brought up in luxury, accomplished in arrows, endued with great energy, and fearless in consequence of inexperience and pride, proceeded against the son of Arjuna. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07043.htm
9. Karna urged by Duryodhana after Abhimanyu killed his son is still beat off and vanquished by Abhimanyu - Then Drona, and Kripa, and Karna, and Drona's son and Vrihadvala, and Kritavarman, the son of Hridika,--these six car-warriors,---encompassed Abhimanyu. Piercing them with sharp arrows and beating them off from him, the son of Arjuna fell with great speed and fury upon the vast forces of Jayadratha. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07043.htm
10. Bhima defeats Karna in archery - Bhima, again, O sire! And once more he began to shoot arrows by hundreds and thousands. Suddenly shrouded with shafts by that firm bowman, viz., Karna, the son of Pandu, smiling the while, cut off Karna's bow-string. And then with a broad-headed arrow, he despatched Karna's charioteer to the abode of Yama. And that mighty car-warrior, viz., Bhima, deprived the four steeds also of Karna of their lives. The mighty car-warrior Karna then speedily jumping down, O king, from his steedless car, mounted the car of Vrishasena. The valiant Bhimasena then, having vanquished Karna in battle, uttered a loud shout deep as the roar of the clouds. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07125.htm
11. Bhima defeats Karna again - The mighty-armed Bhima could not brook that conduct, in battle, of the mighty-armed Karna. Rolling his eyes ill wrath, he pierced Karna with five and twenty long shafts. Thereupon, Karna looked like a white mountain with many snakes of virulent poison (hanging from its sides). And once more, Bhimasena, endued with the prowess of a celestial, pierced the Suta's son who was prepared to lay down his life in battle, with six and then with eight arrows. And, again, with another arrow, the valiant Bhimasena quickly cut off Karna's bow, smiling the while. And he slew also with his shafts the four steeds of Karna and then his charioteer, and then pierced Karna himself in the chest with a number of long shafts endued with the effulgence of the sun. Those winged shafts, piercing through Karna's body, entered the earth, like the rays of the sun piercing through the clouds. Afflicted with arrows and his bow cut off, Karna, though proud of his manliness, felt great pain and proceeded to another car.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07127.htm
12. Bhima once again defeats Karna - Then Bhima once more cut Karna's bow at the handle, O sire, and despatched by means of his shafts the latter's steeds, white as conchs, to the abode of Yama, and the son of Pandu also felled his enemy's charioteer from his niche in the car. Then Karna, the son of Vikartana, made steedless and driverless, and covered in that battle (with shafts), became plunged into great anxiety. Stupefied by Bhima with his arrowy showers, he knew not what to do. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07129.htm
13. Bhima beats Karna again 4th time in a row on the 14th day - Then the son of Radha, without reflecting a moment, pierced Bhima in return with four and ten fierce shafts adorned with gold. Those fierce-winged arrows, piercing through Bhima's right arms, entered the earth like birds entering a grove of trees. Striking against the earth, those arrows looked resplendent, like the blazing rays of the sun while proceeding towards the Asta hills. Pierced in that battle with those all-piercing arrows, Bhima began to shed copious streams of blood, like a mountain ejecting streams of water. Then Bhima pierced the Suta's son in return with three shafts endued with the impetuosity of Garuda and he pierced the latter's charioteer also with seven. Then, O king, Karna thus afflicted by Bhima's might, became exceedingly distressed. And that illustrious warrior then fled, forsaking the battle, borne away by his fleet steeds. The Atiratha Bhimasena, however, drawing his bow adorned with gold, stayed in battle, looking resplendent like a blazing fire.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07130.htm
14. Bhima defeats Karna once more and Duryodhana sends his brothers to protect Karna who runs away - Then the son of Pandu, gifted with great prowess and exerting himself with great activity, shot a thousand arrows at the Suta's son, desirous of taking the latter's life. Karna, however, in the dreadful battle, resisting all those shafts with his own, cut off Bhima's armour also with his arrows. And then he pierced Bhima with five and twenty small shafts in the sight of all the troops. All this seemed exceedingly wonderful. Then, O monarch, Bhima, excited with rage, sped nine straight shafts at the Suta's son. Those keen shafts, piercing through Karna's coat of mail and right arm, entered the earth like snakes into an ant-hill. Shrouded with showers of shafts shot from Bhimasena's bow, Karna once more turned his back upon Bhimasena. Beholding the Suta's son turn back and flying away on foot, covered all over with the arrows of Kunti's son, Duryodhana said, 'Go ye quickly from all sides towards the car of Radha's son.' 'Then, O king, thy sons, hearing these words of their brother that were to them a surprise, rushed towards the son of Pandu for battle, shooting showers of shafts. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07132.htm
15. Bhima defeats Karna using bow's and arrows once again - And once again, O Bharata, the mighty-armed Bhima quickly shot in that battle ten long shafts that looked like snakes of virulent poison just freed from their sloughs. Shot by Bhima, those shafts, O sire, striking Karna's forehead, entered it like snakes entering an ant-hill. With those shafts sticking to his forehead, the Suta's son looked beautiful, as he did before, while his brow had been encircled with a chaplet of blue lotuses. Deeply pierced by the active son of Pandu, Karna, supporting himself on the Kuxara of his car, closed his eyes. Soon, however, regaining consciousness, Karna, that scorcher of foes, with his body bathed in blood, became mad with rage. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07135.htm
16. Bhima was about to kill Karna by pounding him to death with his fists but spared him - Bhima also, raising his fierce fists that were endued with the force of the thunder, desired to slay the Suta's son. Soon, however, he recollected Arjuna's vow. The son of Pandu, therefore, though competent, spared the life of Karna, from desire of not falsifying the vow that Savyasachin had made. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07135.htm
17. Bhima & Arjuna both assail Karna and he runs away from them escaping like a hyena escapes from a lion - Then the ape-bannered (Arjuna), urged by Kesava, shot at the Suta's son, O king, many shafts whetted on stone. Those arrows adorned with gold, shot by Partha's arms and issuing out of Gandiva, entered Karna's body, like cranes into the Krauncha mountains. With those arrows shot from Gandiva which entered Karna's body like so many snakes, Dhananjaya drove the Suta's son from Bhimasena's vicinity. His bow cut off by Bhima, and himself afflicted with the arrows of Dhananjaya, Karna quickly fled away from Bhima on his great car. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07135.htm
18. Arjuna defeats Karna and Drona's son has to save Karna - Then the mighty-armed Phalguna, in that battle, pierced Karna, the son of Vikartana, in all his limbs with a hundred arrows. All his limbs bathed in blood, the Suta's son of great prowess and bravery, pierced Phalguna in return with fifty arrows. Beholding that lightness of hand displayed by him in battle, Arjuna brooked it not. Cutting off his bow, that hero, viz., Dhananjaya, the son of Pritha, quickly pierced Karna in the centre of the chest with nine arrows, Then Dhananjaya, with great speed at a time, when speed was necessary shot in that battle a shaft of solar effulgence for the destruction of Karna. Drona's son, however, with a crescent-shaped arrow, cut off that shaft as it coursed impetuously (towards Karna). http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07141.htm
19. Arjuna defeats Karna and he has to be saved by Aswathamman again - Meanwhile, O monarch, beholding the prowess of Karna, Arjuna, of white steeds, with four shafts shot from the bow-string drawn to the ear, despatched the four steeds of Karna to Yama's domain. And he also felled with a broad-headed arrow, Karna's charioteer from his niche in the car. And he covered Karna himself with clouds of shafts in the very sight of thy son. Thus shrouded with arrows the steedless and driverless Karna, stupefied by that arrowy shower, knew not what to do. Beholding him made carless, Aswatthaman, O king, caused him to ride on his car, and continued to fight with Arjuna. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07141.htm
20. Satyaki also defeats Karna on the 14th day (he just can't catch a break lol...) - Beholding him filled with rage, Satyaki pierced him in return, shooting dense showers of arrows, like an elephant piercing (with his tusks) a rival elephant. Those two tigers among men, endued with the activity of tigers and possessed of incomparable prowess, mangled each other furiously in that battle. The grandson of Sini, then, with shafts made entirely of iron, repeatedly pierced Karna, that chastiser of foes, in all his limbs. And he also felled, with a broad-headed arrow, the charioteer of Karna from his niche in the car. And with his keen shafts, he slew the four steeds, white in hue, of Adhiratha's son. And then cutting into a hundred fragments the standard of Karna with a hundred arrows, that bull among men made Karna carless in the very sight of thy son. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07143.htm
21. Satyaki defeats Karna and 4 other equal warriors using only one bow and spares his life - Karna also, O king, pierced by Satwata with his arrows and exceedingly weakened ascended the car of Duryodhana, sighing deeply, remembering his friendship for thy son from his childhood and having striven to realise the promise he had made about the bestowal of sovereignty on Duryodhana. After Karna hath been made carless, thy brave sons, headed by Duhsasana, O king, were not slain by the self-restrained Satyaki because the latter wished not to falsify the vow made by Bhimasena. Desirous also of not falsifying the vow formerly made by Partha (about the slaughter of Karna), Satyaki simply made those warriors carless and weakened them exceedingly, but did not deprive them of life. It is Bhima that hath vowed the slaughter of thy sons, and it is Partha that, at the time of the second match at dice, vowed the slaughter of Karna. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07143.htm
22. Bhima kills brother's of Karna's best friend Duryodhana and attacks Karna, Sakuni saves Karna and all the kings including Karna ran away from Bhima - Then Karna hurled at the son of Pandu, a dart decked with gold. The Pandava, however, smiling the while, seized with his hand that dart. And the invincible Vrikodara in that battle hurled that very dart back at Karna. Then Sakuni, with a shaft that had drunk oil, cut off that dart as it coursed towards Karna. Having achieved these mighty feats in battle, Bhima, of wonderful prowess, came back to his own car and rushed against thy troops. And while Bhima was thus advancing, slaughtering (thy troops) like the Destroyer himself in rage, thy sons, O monarch, attempted to resist that mighty-armed hero. Indeed, those mighty car-warriors covered him with a dense shower of arrows. Then Bhima, smiling the while, despatched in that battle, with his shafts, the driver and the steeds of Durmada unto the abode of Yama. Durmada, at this, quickly mounted upon the car of Dushkarna. Then those scorchers of foes, viz., the two brothers, riding oh the same car, both rushed against Bhima in the front rank of battle, like the Regent of the waters and Surya rushing against Taraka, that foremost of Daityas. Then thy sons, Durmada and Dushkarna, mounting on the same car, pierced Bhima with shafts. Then in the very sight of Karna, of Aswatthaman, of Duryodhana, of Kripa, of Somadatta, and of Valhika, the son of Pandu, that chastiser of foes, by a stamp of his foot, caused that car of the heroic Durmada and Dushkarna to sink into the earth. Filled with rage, Bhima struck with his fists those mighty and brave sons of thine, viz., Durmada and Dushkarna, and crushed them therewith and roared aloud. Then cries of Oh and Alas arose among the troops. And the kings, beholding Bhima said, 'That is Rudra who is fighting in Bhima's form among the Dhartarashtras.' Saying these words, O Bharata, all the kings fled away, deprived of their senses and urging the animals they rode to their greatest speed. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07151.htm
23. Aswathamman was the only one to stay back and face Ghatotkaca unlike Karna who ran away after getting pained by a few measly attacks - Then, thrown by the Rakshasas who had become more powerful in consequence of the night, there began to fall on the field of battle a thick shower of stones. And a ceaseless shower of iron wheels and Bhundis and darts and lances and spears and Sataghnis and axes also fell there. Beholding that fierce and awful battle, the kings, thy sons, and Karna, also exceedingly pained, fled away. Only the proud son of Drona, ever boastful of his might in arms, stood fearlessly. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07152.htm
24. Arjuna defeats Karna so easily - Approaching each other, those two great bowmen, desirous of counteracting each other's feats, continued to cover each other with showers of shafts. The battle that took place between them, viz., Karna and the son of Pandu, became exceedingly wonderful, like that between the two wild elephants for the sake of a she-elephant in her season. Then the mighty bowman Partha, beholding Karna's prowess, quickly cut of the latter's bow at the handle. And he also despatched the four steeds of the Suta's son to Yama's abode with a number of broad-headed shafts. And that scorcher of foes also cut off from the trunk the head of Karna's driver. Then, the son of Pandu and Pritha pierced the bowless, the steedless, and the driverless Karna with four shafts. Then that bull among men Karna, afflicted with those shafts, specially jumping down from that steedless car, mounted upon that of Kripa. Beholding the son of Radha vanquished, thy, warriors, O bull of Bharata's race, fled away in all directions. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07155.htm
25. Dhrishtadyumna defeats Karna and cuts his bow off - Indeed, O king, Dhrishtadyumna, in that dreadful battle, quickly pierced Drona himself, and Karna, and Drona's son, and thy son. Thus pierced by that bowman, those warriors, fighting together, pierced Dhrishtadyumna again in that encounter, uttering loud roars the while. Then Drumasena, excited with wrath, O king, pierced the Panchala prince with a winged arrow, and once again quickly with three other arrows. And addressing the prince, he said, 'Wait! Wait!' Dhrishtadyumna then pierced Drumasena in return with three straight arrows, in the encounter, which were equipped with wings of gold, steeped in oil, and capable of taking the life of him at whom they are sped. With another broad-headed shaft, the prince of the Panchalas then, in that battle, cut off from Drumasena's trunk the latter's head decked with bright ear-rings of gold. That head, with (the lower) lip bit (in rage), fell on the ground like a ripe palmyra fruit separated from the stalk by the action of a strong wind. Once again, piercing all those warriors with keen shafts, that hero, with some broad-headed shafts, cut off the bow of Radha's son, that warrior conversant with all modes of warfare. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07167.htm
26. Karna and his son Vrishasena are both defeated by Satyaki (disciple of Arjuna) - Resisting with his own weapons those of them all and of Karna also, O lord, Satyaki quickly pierced Vrishasena in the centre of the chest. Pierced with that arrow, the valiant Vrishasena, of great splendour, quickly fell down on his car, casting aside his bow. Then Karna, believing that mighty car-warrior, viz., Vrishasena, slain, became scorched with grief on account of the death of his son and began to afflict Satyaki with great force. Thus afflicted by Karna, the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, with great speed, repeatedly pierced Karna with many shafts. Once more piercing Karna with ten arrows, and Vrishasena with five, the Satwata hero cut off the leathern fences and the bows of both sire and son. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07167.htm
27. Arjuna defeats Drona, Karna & Duryodhana - "Sanjaya continued, 'Thus urged by Bhima and Kesava, Savyasachin prevailing over Drona and Karna, began to resist the foe all round. Many foremost of Kshatriyas (among the Kurus), putting forth all their prowess, failed to withstand Arjuna who advanced at the very van of his troops, and who, like a raging conflagration, was consuming the foremost ones among his foes. Then Duryodhana and Karna, and Sakuni, the son of Suvala, covered Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, with showers of shafts. Baffling the weapons of all those warriors, that foremost of all persons well-skilled in weapons, O monarch, covered them (in return) with his shafts. Aiming at their weapons with his (and thus baffling them all), Arjuna, endued with great lightness of hand and possessing a complete control over his senses, pierced every one of those warriors with ten keen-pointed shafts. The welkin was then covered with dust. Thick showers of arrows fell. Darkness set in, and a loud and terrible uproar arose. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07183.htm
28. Karna, Kritavarman, Kripa, Duryodhana, Dussasana & Vrishasena attacked Satyaki in a group yet he still managed to make them all carless and force them to retreat, karna always runs away - All of them began quickly to pierce Satyaki from every side with keen shafts, Duryodhana pierced him with twenty, Saradwat's son, Kripa, with three. And Kritavarman pierced him with ten, and Karna with fifty. And Duhsasana pierced him with a hundred arrows, and Vrishasena with seven. Satyaki, however, O king, soon made all those great car-warriors fly away from the field, deprived of their cars. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07197.htm
29. Satyaki defeats Karna who gets a rescue team to save him - Then the son of Surya, resembling the chief of the celestials himself in prowess and like unto the younger brother of Indra, struck that foremost one of Sini's race with shafts whose splendour resembled the rays of the Sun. That bull of Sini's race also, in that battle, then quickly shrouded that foremost of men, with his car and steeds and driver, with diverse kinds of shafts terrible as the poison of the snake. Then many Atirathas belonging to thy army, accompanied by elephants and cars and foot-soldiers, quickly approached that bull among car-warriors, viz., Vasusena, when they beheld the latter deeply afflicted with the shafts of that foremost hero of Sini's race. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08030.htm
Satyaki also wounds Karna with almost 200 arrows when Karna tries to escape and run away from him during day 16 - At this, Karna, leaving Satyaki quickly pierced Arjuna with three arrows and Krishna with twenty, and Partha again repeatedly. Although many were the arrows that he shot while slaying his foes in that battle, like Indra himself inspired with wrath, Karna yet felt no fatigue. Meanwhile Satyaki, coming up, pierced Karna with nine and ninety fierce arrows, and once more with a hundred. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08030.htm
30. Arjuna also defeats Karna on the 16th day and Karna's whole army runs away - Slaughtered by the energy of Karna's weapons, almost the whole of that force of the Pandavas, deprived of weapons, and with limbs mangled and torn, retired from the field. Then Arjuna, smiling the while, baffled with his own weapons the weapons of Karna and covered the welkin, the Earth, and all the points of the compass with dense shower of arrows. The shafts of Arjuna fell like heavy clubs and spiked bludgeons. And some amongst them fell like Sataghnis and some fell like fierce thunderbolts. Slaughtered therewith, the Kaurava force consisting of infantry and horse and cars and elephants, shutting its eyes, uttered loud wails of woe and wandered senselessly. Many were the steeds and men and elephants that perished on that occasion. Many, again, struck with shafts and deeply afflicted fled away in fear. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08030.htm
31. Yudhishthira wounds karna so hard on the 17th day that he makes Karna drop his Vijaya bow and fall down on his car - Drawing the bow to its fullest stretch, the king quickly sped that arrow, fatal as the rod of the Destroyer, from desire of slaying the Suta's son. Sped by the king endued with great might, that arrow whose whizz resembled the noise of the thunder, suddenly pierced Karna, that mighty car-warrior, on his left side. Deeply afflicted by the violence of that stroke, the mighty-armed Karna with weakened limbs, fell into a swoon on his car, his bow dropping from his hand. Beholding Karna in that plight, the vast Dhartarashtra host uttered cries of "Oh" and "Alas," and the faces of all the combatants became colourless. Beholding the prowess of their king, on the other hand, O monarch, amongst the Pandavas, leonine roars and shouts and confused cries of joy arose. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08049.htm
32. Bhima makes Karna unconscious as well and Shalya has to save him - Thus sped by the mighty Bhima, that shaft, making a noise loud as that of the thunder, pierced through thunderbolt Karna in that battle, like the thunderbolt itself piercing through a mountain. Struck by Bhimasena, O perpetuator of Kuru's race, the Suta's son, that commander (of thy forces), sat down senseless on the terrace of his car. The ruler of the Madras then, beholding the Suta's son deprived of his senses, bore that ornament of battle away on his car, from that fight. Then after Karna's defeat, Bhimasena began to rout the vast Dhartarashtra host http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08050.htm
32B. Dhrishtadyumna vs Karna day 17 - Then Dhrishtadyumna assailed the son of Radha with a straight shaft in that battle, and addressing him said, "Wait, Wait." The mighty car-warrior Karna, filled with rage, shook his foremost of bows called Vijaya, and cutting off the bow of Dhrishtadyumna, as also his arrows resembling snakes of virulent poison assailed Dhrishtadyumna himself with nine arrows. Those arrows, O sinless one, piercing through the gold-decked armour of the high-souled son of Prishata, became bathed in blood and looked beautiful like so many cochineal. The mighty car-warrior Dhrishtadyumna, casting aside that broken bow, took up another bow and a number of shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison. With those straight shafts numbering seventy, he pierced Karna. Similarly, O king, Karna, in that battle, covered Prishata's son, that scorcher of foes, with many shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison. The slayer of Drona, that great bowman, retaliated by piercing Karna with many keen shafts. Filled with rage, Karna then, O monarch, sped at his antagonist a gold-decked shaft that resembled a second rod of death. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08059.htm
This is NOT a defeat of Karna. BUT you can see how he has so many difficulties with a warrior like Dhrishtadyumna. How Karna get's so frustrated and was forced to use his Vijaya bow. And even though Dhrishtadyumna's weapons got cut off he still got more weapons and continued to fight beating Karna back. Despite being at a disadvantage he held his own against Karna. He proved that he was at-least equal to him. So Karna at his best with the bow of victory (Vijaya) could only MATCH & STALEMATE Dhrishtadyumna (who was nowhere near Arjuna, Bhima or even Satyaki).
NOTE: Some Karna fans say that this above incident was a victory of Karna and a defeat of Dhrishtadyumna because Satyaki intervened. But the thing is that Karna's shaft could not harm Dhrishtadyumna or be his death at all. Satyaki was able to cut off that shaft of Karna easily in the same section 59.
33. Satyaki also defeated Karna during the 17th day of the war - The son of Radha then, that crusher of foes, turning back from the pursuit, quickly covered Bhima himself with sharp arrows from every side. Then Satyaki, of immeasurable soul, O Bharata, placing himself on the side of Bhima's car, began to afflict Karna who was in front of Bhima. Though exceedingly afflicted by Satyaki, Karna still approached Bhima. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08051.htm Karna clearly ran away AVOIDING an encounter with Satyaki cause he was pained by his attacks.
34. Arjuna finally defeats and kills karna putting an end to this story - Then Vasudeva, addressing Partha, said, "Cut off with thy arrow the head of this enemy of thine, viz., Vrisha, before he succeeds in getting upon his car." Applauding those words of the lord Vasudeva, and while the wheel of his enemy was still sunk, the mighty car-warrior Arjuna took up a razor-headed arrow of blazing effulgence and struck the standard (of Karna) bearing the elephant's rope and bright as the spotless sun. That standard bearing the device of the costly elephant's rope, was adorned with gold and pearls and gems and diamonds, and forged with care by foremost of artists excelling in knowledge, and possessed of great beauty, and variegated with pure gold. That standard always used to fill thy troops with high courage and the enemy with fear. Its form commanded applause. Celebrated over the whole world, it resembled the sun in splendour. Indeed, its effulgence was like that of fire or the sun or the moon. The diadem-decked Arjuna, with that razor-headed shaft, exceedingly sharp, equipped with wings of gold, possessed of the splendour of fire when fed with libations of clarified butter, and blazing with beauty, cut off that standard of Adhiratha's son, that great car-warrior. With that standard, as it fell, the fame, pride, hope of victory, and everything dear, as also the hearts of the Kurus, fell, and loud wails of "Oh!" and "Alas!" arose (from the Kuru army). Beholding that standard cut off and thrown down by that hero of Kuru's race possessed of great lightness of hand, thy troops, O Bharata, were no longer hopeful of Karna's victory. Hastening then for Karna's destruction, Partha took out from his quiver an excellent Anjalika weapon that resembled the thunder of Indra or the rod of fire and that was possessed of the effulgence of the thousand-rayed Sun. Capable of penetrating the very vitals, besmeared with blood and flesh, resembling fire or the sun, made of costly materials, destructive of men, steeds, and elephants, of straight course and fierce impetuosity, it measured three cubits and six feet. Endued with the force of the thousand-eyed Indra's thunder, irresistible as Rakshasas in the night, resembling Pinaka or Narayana's discus, it was exceedingly terrible and destructive of all living creatures. Partha cheerfully took up that great weapon, in the shape of an arrow, which could not be resisted by the very gods, that high-souled being which was always adored by the son of Pandu, and which was capable of vanquishing the very gods and the Asuras. Beholding that shaft grasped by Partha in that battle, the entire universe shook with its mobile and immobile creatures. Indeed, seeing that weapon raised (for being sped) in that dreadful battle, the Rishis loudly cried out, "Peace be to the universe!" The wielder of Gandiva then fixed on his bow that unrivalled arrow, uniting it with a high and mighty weapon. Drawing his bow Gandiva, he quickly said, "Let this shaft of mine be like a mighty weapon capable of quickly destroying the body and heart of my enemy, if I have ever practised ascetic austerities, gratified my superiors, and listened to the counsels of well-wishers. Let this shaft, worshipped by me and possessed of great sharpness, slay my enemy Karna by that Truth." Having said these words Dhananjaya let off that terrible shaft for the destruction of Karna, that arrow fierce and efficacious as a rite prescribed in the Atharvan of Angiras, blazing with effulgence, and incapable of being endured by Death himself in battle. And the diadem-decked Partha, desirous of slaying Karna, with great cheerfulness, said, "Let this shaft conduce to my victory. Shot by me, let this arrow possessed of the splendour of fire or the sun take Karna to the presence of Yama." Saying these words, Arjuna, decked with diadem and garlands, cherishing feelings of hostility towards Karna and desirous of slaying him, cheerfully struck his foe with that foremost of shafts which was possessed of the splendour of the sun or the moon and capable of bestowing victory. Thus sped by that mighty warrior, that shaft endued with the energy of the sun caused all the points of the compass to blaze up with light. With that weapon Arjuna struck off his enemy's head like Indra striking off the head of Vritra with his thunder. Indeed, O king, with that excellent Anjalika weapon inspired with mantras into a mighty weapon, the son of Indra cut off the head of Vaikartana in the afternoon. Thus cut off with that Anjalika, the trunk of Karna fell down on the earth. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08091.htm
Let us count this now. Arjuna defeated Karna 13 times (one with Bhima). Bhima defeated Karna 12 times (one with Arjuna). Abhimanyu defeated Karna 6 times. Satyaki defeated Karna 7 times, Dhrishtadyumna defeats Karna 2 times, Ghatotkatcha defeated Karna once, Pradyumna defeated Karna once, Drupada defeated Karna once, Gandharvas defeated Karna, even Yudhishthira also defeated Karna.
Arjuna + Bhima = 24 + 6 = 30 + 7 = 37 + 2 = 39 + 1 = 40 + 1 = 41 + 1 = 42 + 1 = 43 + 1 = 44 DEFEATS!
So the world record (in Mahabharata at least) is 43 times Karna was defeated. Karna lost 44 times! Karna the ultimate loser.....
Hopefully people have understood now that Karna is not such a great or superior warrior. Now I don't even wanna hear anything about Karna being undefeated ever again. No character in Mahabharata has faced as many defeats as Karna has. He loses the MOST.
To say that he was never defeated. To deny that Karna lost. To call Karna undefeated is to deny your existence. It is like denying common sense. To deny that you are a human being. Anyone who says Karna is undefeated needs to see this post.