- Day 11 (enters war and get's defeated by Upapandavas his life gets saved by Aswathamman) - Thereupon, the other sons of Draupadi, desirous of rescuing that brother of theirs, rushed at him. And soon they made Karna's son invisible by means of their arrowy showers. Against them thus smiting (the son of Karna), many car-warriors headed by Drona's son (Aswatthama) rushed. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07016.htm
- Day 13 (group attack on Abhimanyu yet still Vrishasena gets defeated by Abhimanyu and runs away) - The clash between them of immeasurable energy, scattering their arrowy showers with great force, on the one side and Abhimanyu alone on the other, became awful. The son, of Arjuna, encompassed on all sides by those enemies with crowds of cars, slew the charioteer of Vrishasena and also cut off his bow. And the mighty Abhimanyu then pierced Vrishasena's steeds with his straight shafts, upon which those coursers, with the speed of the wind, bore Vrishasena away from the battle. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07041.htm
- Day 14 - Then Vrishasena, the son of Karna, and Salya, the ruler of the Madras, and Drona's son, encompassed the grandson of Sini from all sides. Then a confusion set in, and nothing could be seen. Indeed, when the heroic Karna was made carless by Satyaki, cries of Oh and Alas arose, among all thy troops. Karna also, O king, pierced by Satwata with his arrows and exceedingly weakened ascended the car of Duryodhana, sighing deeply, remembering his friendship for thy son from his childhood and having striven to realise the promise he had made about the bestowal of sovereignty on Duryodhana. After Karna hath been made carless, thy brave sons, headed by Duhsasana, O king, were not slain by the self-restrained Satyaki because the latter wished not to falsify the vow made by Bhimasena. Desirous also of not falsifying the vow formerly made by Partha (about the slaughter of Karna), Satyaki simply made those warriors carless and weakened them exceedingly, but did not deprive them of life. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07143.htm
- Day 15 - Resisting with his own weapons those of them all and of Karna also, O lord, Satyaki quickly pierced Vrishasena in the centre of the chest. Pierced with that arrow, the valiant Vrishasena, of great splendour, quickly fell down on his car, casting aside his bow. Then Karna, believing that mighty car-warrior, viz., Vrishasena, slain, became scorched with grief on account of the death of his son and began to afflict Satyaki with great force. Thus afflicted by Karna, the mighty car-warrior Yuyudhana, with great speed, repeatedly pierced Karna with many shafts. Once more piercing Karna with ten arrows, and Vrishasena with five, the Satwata hero cut off the leathern fences and the bows of both sire and son. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07167.htm
- Day 16 - The battle raged fiercely, like that of the gods and the Asuras between those heroes striking one another. Satyaki, slaying the driver of Vrishasena with three arrows, cut off the latter's bow with a broad-headed shaft and struck his steeds with seven arrows. Crushing his standard then with another arrow, he struck Vrishasena himself with three arrows in the chest. Thus struck, Vrishasena became senseless on his car, but within the twinkling of an eye, stood up again. Deprived of his driver and steeds and car standard by Yuyudhana (Satyaki), Vrishasena then, armed with sword and shield, rushed against Yuyudhana from desire of slaying him. Satyaki, however, as his antagonist rushed towards him, struck at his sword and shield with ten arrows equipped with heads like a boar's ear. Then Duhshasana, beholding Vrishasena made carless and weaponless, quickly caused him to ascend his own car, and bearing him away from the spot, caused him to ride another vehicle. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08048.htm
- Day 17 -With eyes red in wrath, that hero capable of slaying Yama himself if the latter fought with him, then laughed terribly and said unto Karna and all the other Kaurava heroes headed by Duryodhana and Drona's son, these words, "Today, O Karna, in thy very sight in this battle, I will despatch the fierce Vrishasena unto Yama's abode with my keen arrows! People say that all of you, united together, slew my son, endued with great activity, in my absence, and while he was alone and unsupported on his car. I, however, will slay thy son in the very sight of you all. Let all the Kaurava car-warriors protect him. I will slay the fierce Vrishasena. After that, I will slay thee, O fool, even I, Arjuna, in the midst of battle! Today I will, in battle, slay thee that art the root of this quarrel and that hast become so proud in consequence of Duryodhana's patronage. Putting forth my strength, I will certainly slay thee in this battle, and Bhimasena will slay this Duryodhana, this wretch among men, through whose evil policy this quarrel born of dice hath arisen." Having said these words, Arjuna rubbed the string of his bow and took aim at Vrishasena in that battle, and sped, O king, a number of shafts for the slaughter of Karna's son. The diadem-decked Arjuna then, fearlessly and with great force, pierced Vrishasena with ten shafts in all his vital limbs. With four fierce razor-headed arrows he cut off Vrishasena's bow and two arms and head. Struck with Partha's shafts, the son of Karna, deprived of arms and head, fell down on the earth from his car, like a gigantic shala adorned with flowers falling down from a mountain summit. Beholding his son, thus struck with arrows, fall down from his vehicle, the Suta's son Karna, endued with great activity and scorched with grief on account of the death of his son, quickly proceeded on his car, inspired with wrath, against the car of the diadem-decked Partha. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08085.htm
- CONCLUSION - Well it would seem like the eldest, most capable son of Karna was no better than his father as a warrior. He was in the war for 7 days and got exposed badly on the battlefield by many opponents. Upapandavas, Satyaki, Yuyudhana, Abhimanyu & Arjuna etc defeated him. Saved from death by Kauravas, Dussasana and Aswathamman. Believed to be killed when he's not even killed (Day 15). Smh, just another mediocre suta.
- Abhimanyu defeated Bhurishravas many times. 4th day - And with another sharp-edged arrow he cut off the mighty dart of golden staff, resembling a snake, that was hurled at him by Somadatta's son. And the heir of Arjuna, baffling in the very sight of Salya, his hundreds of terrible shafts, slew his four steeds. Thereupon Bhurishravas, and Salya, and Drona's son and Samyamani, and Sala struck with the fear at the strength of arms displayed by Krishna's son could not stay before him. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06061.htm
- PS - Here Bhurisravas was assisted by a group of Maharathis like Salya, Ashwathamman, Samyamani and Sala, still could not face an alone youth like Abhimanyu.
- 13th day - And Drona, and Drona's son, and Kripa and Karna and Kritavarman and Suvala's son, Vrihadvala, and the ruler of the Madras, and Bhuri, and Bhurisravas, and Sala, and Paurava and Vrishasena, shooting sharp shafts, checked Subhadra's son by means of those arrowy showers. Confounding him with those showers of shafts, they rescued Duryodhana. The son of Arjuna, however, brooked not that act of snatching a morsel from his mouth. Covering those mighty car-warriors, their charioteers, and steeds with thick showers of arrows and causing them to turn back, the son of Subhadra uttered a leonine roar. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07035.htm
- PS - Here also Bhurisravas was supported by many warriors like Karna, Kripa, Kritvarma and many others, still an alone Abhimanyu forces them all to turn their backs.
- Ghatotkaca defeated Bhurishravas Narrative: Then that Rakshasa of immeasurable soul, excited With rage, O bull of Bharata's race, sped at Bhurisravas five and ten shafts. These, penetrating THROUGH the latter's armour, entered the earth. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06093.htm PS - Here also Bhurisravas was accompanied by his Father (Somadatta), Kripacharya, Ashwathamman, Vahlika, Chitrasena, Vikarna, Jayadratha and few other warriors. Yet could not even defeat one lone Rakshasa warrior like Ghatotkaca, also it should be noted that it wasn't night time yet so Ghatotkaca had NO rakshasa power boost.
- In the next chapter we read that the warriors mentioned above fled, hence its an obvious defeat of Bhurisravas. Narrative: Sanjaya said, "Having in that battle made all those warriors (of thy army) turn their faces from the field, the Rakshasa then, O chief of the Bharatas, rushed at Duryodhana, desirous of slaying him. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06094.htm
- Arjuna defeats Bhurishravas on day 3 of Kurukshetra war. Narrative: And all said, 'In today's battle Arjuna hath slain ten thousand car-warriors, and full seven hundred elephants. And all the westerners, and the diverse tribes of the Sauviras, and the Kshudrakas and the Malavas, have all been slain. The feat achieved by Dhananjaya is a mighty one. None else is competent to achieve it. Srutayush, the ruler of the Amvashtas, and Durmarshana, and Chitrasena, and Drona, and Kripa, and the ruler of the Sindhus, and Valhika, and Bhurisravas, and Salya, and Sala, O king, and other warriors by hundreds united together, along with Bhishma himself, have on battle, by the prowess of his own arms, been vanquished today by the angry son of Pritha, viz., Kiritin, that one mighty car-warrior in the world.' http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06059.htm
PS - Here Bhurisravas was assisted by Bhishma, Drona, Jayadratha and 12 other Maharathas, yet still lost to one Arjuna. - During the 11th day of the Kurukshetra war, Bhurishravas was being defeated by even Srikandi a female warrior - The valiant Bhurisravas, O king, covered that mighty car-warrior, Yajnasena's son Sikhandin, with a thick shower of arrows. Sikhandin, then O monarch, excited with wrath, pierced Somadatta's son with ninety shafts, and caused him, O Bharata, to tremble. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07014.htm - (Chapter linK)
- Bhurishravas failed in Draupadi's swayamavara - Somadatta of the Kuru race with his three sons, all mighty chariot-fighters and heroes, viz., Bhuri, Bhurisrava, and Sala, Sudakshina, Kamvoja of the Puru race, Vrihadvala, Sushena, Sivi, the son of Usinara, Patcharanihanta, the king of Karusha, Sankarshana (Valadeva), Vasudeva (Krishna) the mighty son of Rukmini, Samva, Charudeshna, the son of Pradyumna with Gada, Akrura, Satyaki, the high-souled Uddhava, Kritavarman, the son of Hridika, Prithu, Viprithu, Viduratha, Kanka, Sanku with Gaveshana, Asavaha, Aniruddha, Samika, Sarimejaya, the heroic Vatapi Jhilli Pindaraka, the powerful Usinara, all these of the Vrishni race, Bhagiratha, Vrihatkshatra, Jayadratha the son of Sindhu, Vrihadratha, Valhika, the mighty CHARIOTEER Srutayu, Uluka, Kaitava, Chitrangada and Suvangada, the highly intelligent Vatsaraja, the king of Kosala, Sisupala and the powerful Jarasandha, these and many other great kings--all Kshatriyas celebrated throughout the world--have come, O blessed one, for thee. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01189.htm All monarchs including Bhurishravas had failed - At last when in that assemblage consisting of highly respectable people, all the monarchs had become subjects of derisive talk that foremost of heroes--Jishnu, the son of Kunti--desired to string the bow and placed the arrows on the bow-string.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01190.htm
- CONCLUSION - So Bhurishravas could not even defeat a 16 year old boy, he could not even defeat a cannibal even while doing group attacks on children like Abhimanyu and cannibals like Ghatotkaca he ran away. Bhurishravas was in the war for 14 days straght and he could only defeat 12 people (Satyaki, Maniman & ten sons of Satyaki) that to only through trivial techniqalaities. He only beat Satyaki because Satyaki was fatigued, did not have a special chariot, and Bhurishravas was given a boon by Shiva to be able to kick Satyaki. And the ten sons of Satyaki were young boys who were totally inexperienced. Not everyone can be like Abhimanyu. Maniman was a feat less fodder warrior who has no feats, relevance or accolades at all. So Bhurishravas was defeated 4 times in 14 days and only defeated 2 people one fodder and one fatigued. -and maybe ten inexperienced kids who only fought one battle the one where they died in- You guy's know it was really actually Bhurishravas fault that Jayadratha died that day? Because he chose to attack Satyaki instead of listening to Drona's orders of protecting Jayadratha. He chose his personal enmity over duty. #Bhurishravasexposed!!!!!
- Aswathamman failed in Draupadi swayamvara - Then those princes--Karna, Duryodhana, Salwa, Salya, Aswatthaman, Kratha, Sunitha, Vakra, the ruler of Kalinga and Banga, Pandya, Paundra, the ruler of Videha, the chief of the Yavanas, and many other sons and grandsons of kings,--sovereigns of territories with eyes like lotus-petals,--one after another began to exhibit prowess for (winning) that maiden of unrivalled beauty. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01190.htm All monarchs including Aswathamman had failed - At last when in that assemblage consisting of highly respectable people, all the monarchs had become subjects of derisive talk that foremost of heroes--Jishnu, the son of Kunti--desired to string the bow and placed the arrows on the bow-string.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01190.htm
- Group attack on Satyaki by Aswathamman, Vrishasena, Salya and the Kaurava brothers. Yet even combined together they all were defeated and beaten by Satyaki using just one bow on day 14 - Then Vrishasena, the son of Karna, and Salya, the ruler of the Madras, and Drona's son, encompassed the grandson of Sini from all sides. Then a confusion set in, and nothing could be seen. Indeed, when the heroic Karna was made carless by Satyaki, cries of Oh and Alas arose, among all thy troops. Karna also, O king, pierced by Satwata with his arrows and exceedingly weakened ascended the car of Duryodhana, sighing deeply, remembering his friendship for thy son from his childhood and having striven to realise the promise he had made about the bestowal of sovereignty on Duryodhana. After Karna hath been made carless, thy brave sons, headed by Duhsasana, O king, were not slain by the self-restrained Satyaki because the latter wished not to falsify the vow made by Bhimasena. Desirous also of not falsifying the vow formerly made by Partha (about the slaughter of Karna), Satyaki simply made those warriors carless and weakened them exceedingly, but did not deprive them of life. It is Bhima that hath vowed the slaughter of thy sons, and it is Partha that, at the time of the second match at dice, vowed the slaughter of Karna. Although all those warriors headed by Karna made strong efforts for slaying Satyaki, yet those foremost of car-warriors, failed to slay him. Drona's son and Kritavarman and other mighty car-warriors, as also hundreds of foremost Kshatriyas, were all vanquished by Satyaki with only one bow. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07143.htm
- Satyaki defeated Aswathamman in one on one combat in the 9th day - Satyaki then, taking up another bow capable of bearing a great strain and slaughtering the foe, struck Drona's son, O king, in the chest and arms with six shafts. Pierced therewith and feeling great pain, for a moment he was deprived of his senses, and he sat down on the terrace of his car, catching hold of his flag-staff. Regaining his consciousness then, the valiant son of Drona, excited with rage afflicted him of Vrishni's race in that battle, with one long shaft. That shaft, piercing Sini's grandson through, entered the earth like a vigorous young snake entering its hole in the season of spring. And with another broad-headed arrow, Drona's son in that battle cut off the excellent standard of Satyaki. And having achieved this feat he uttered a leonine roar. And once more, O Bharata, he covered his adversary with a shower of fierce shafts like the clouds, O king covering the Sun after summer is past, Satyaki also, O monarch, baffling that arrowy shower, soon covered the son of Drona with diverse showers of arrows That slayer of hostile heroes, viz., the grandson of Sini, freed from that arrowy shower like the Sun from the clouds, began to scorch the son of Drona (with his energy). Swelling with rage the mighty Satyaki once more covered his foe with a thousand arrows and uttered a loud shout. Beholding his son then thus afflicted like the Moon by Rahu, the valiant son of Bharadwaja rushed towards the grandson of Sini. Desirous, O king, of rescuing, his son who was afflicted by the Vrishni hero, Drona, in that great battle, pierced the latter with a shaft of exceeding sharpness. Satyaki then, abandoning the mighty car-warrior Aswatthaman, pierced Drona himself in that battle with twenty arrows of exceeding sharpness. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06102.htm
- Aswathamman ran away from an angry 16-year old Abhimanyu - Then that great car-warrior, the son of Arjuna, took up a mighty mace. Deprived by them of his bow and car and sword, and divested also of his wheel by his foes, the mighty-armed Abhimanyu (mace in hand) rushed against Aswatthaman. Beholding that mace upraised, which looked like the blazing thunderbolt, Aswatthaman, that tiger among men, rapidly alighted from his car and took three (long) leaps (for avoiding Abhimanyu). Slaying Aswatthaman's steeds and two Parshni charioteers with that mace of his, Subhadra's son, pierced all over with arrows, looked like a porcupine. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07046.htm
- Ghatotkaca forced Aswathamman to flee the battlefield on the 8th day - He then exhibited a fierce and awful illusion. Therewith that prince of the Rakshasas, endued with extraordinary powers of illusion, confounded the son of Drona in that battle. Then all thy troops, in consequence of that illusion, turned their backs upon the field. They beheld one another cut down and lying prostrate on the surface of the earth, writhing convulsively, perfectly helpless, and bathed in blood. Drona and Duryodhana and Salya and Aswatthaman, and other great bowmen that were regarded as foremost among the Kauravas, also seemed to fly away. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06095.htm
- Arjuna defeats Aswathamman after Krishna goads him to - Why is it then that I see the son of Drona prevail over thee in battle? Do not, O Partha, spare thy assailant, regarding him as the son of thy preceptor, O bull of Bharata's race. This is not the time for sparing him." Thus addressed by Krishna, Partha speedily took up four and ten broad-headed arrows at a time, when speed was of the highest moment, and with them he cut off Ashvatthama's bow and standard and umbrella and banners and car and dart and mace. With a few calf-toothed arrows he then deeply struck the son of Drona in the latter's shoulder. Thereupon overcome with a deep swoon, Ashvatthama sat down, supporting himself on his flagstaff. The latter's driver then, O monarch, desirous of protecting him from Dhananjaya, bore him away insensible and thus deeply afflicted by the foe. Meanwhile that scorcher of foes, viz., Vijaya, slaughtered thy troops by hundreds and thousands, in the very sight of that hero, viz., thy son, O sire. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08056.htm
- Arjuna defeats Aswathamman again on the 17th day - Filled with rage, Drona's son struck Arjuna in the arms and the chest. Thus provoked, Partha, in that battle, sped at Drona's son, a long shaft that resembled a second rod of Death, or rather, Death himself. That arrow of great splendour fell upon the shoulder of the Brahmana hero. Exceedingly agitated, O monarch, in that battle, by the violence of the stroke, he sat down on the terrace of his car and swooned away. Then Karna, O monarch, shook his bow Vijaya and, filled with rage, repeatedly eyed Arjuna in that battle, desiring a single combat with him. Meanwhile the driver of Drona's son, beholding the latter senseless, quickly bore him away on his car from the field of battle. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08059.htm
- Jayadratha was beaten up in the woods by Bhima during Vana Parva, Arjuna & Yudhishthira had to save him - Vaisampayana said, "Jayadratha flying for his life upon beholding those two brothers with upraised arms, was sorely grieved and bolted off with speed and coolness. But the mighty and indignant Bhimasena, descending from his chariot, ran after him thus fleeing, and seized him by the hair of his head. And holding him high up in the air, Bhima thrust him on the ground with violence. And seizing the prince by the head, he knocked him about. And when the wretch recovered consciousness, he groaned aloud and wanted to get up on his legs. But that hero endued with mighty arms kicked him on the head. And Bhima pressed him on the breast with his knees as well as with his fists. And the prince thus belaboured, soon became insensible. Then Falguna dissuaded the wrathful Bhimasena from inflicting further chastisement on the prince, by reminding him of what Yudhishthira had said regarding (their sister) Dussala. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03270.htm
- Abhimanyu defeated Jayadratha (the ruler of the Sindhus) and caused him and his comrades to tremble including Drona on the 9th day - And as the high-souled son of Subhadra careered on the field on his car whose limbs were decked with gold, people were incapable of finding an opportunity (for striking him). Confounding Kripa and Drona and mighty son of Drona, as also the ruler of the Sindhus, the great bowman moved on the field of battle with great activity and skill. As he consumed thy troops, O Bharata, I beheld his bow incessantly drawn to a circle and resembling on that account the circular halo of light that is sometimes seen around the Sun. Brave Kshatriyas, beholding him endued with such activity and scorching the foe thus, thought, in consequence of those feats, that the world contained two Phalgunis. Indeed, O king, the vast host of the Bharatas, afflicted by him, reeled hither and thither like a woman drunk with wine. Routing that large army and causing many mighty car-warriors to tremble, he gladdened his friends (like Vasava gladdening the celestials) after vanquishing Maya. And while being routed by him in that battle, thy troops uttered loud exclamations of woe that resembled the roar of the clouds. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06101.htm
- This happened on the 10th day, Jayadratha was assisted by Vinda, Anuvinda, Chitrasena, Bhagadatta, Salya, Kritavarman, Vikarna and Gautama (Kripa) yet still got defeated by one single warrior Bhima in ARCHERY - Pierced with those ten shafts like a huge elephant with the hook, the valiant Bhimasena, O king, filled with wrath, struck Gautama in that battle with many shafts. Possessed of the splendour of Yama himself, as he appears at the end of the Yuga, Bhimasena then, with three arrows, despatched unto Death's domain the steeds of the ruler of the Sindhus as also his charioteer. Thereupon that mighty car-warrior, (viz., Jayadratha), quickly jumping down from that car whose steeds had been slain, shot in that battle many sharp-pointed shafts at Bhimasena. Then, O sire, with a couple of broad-headed arrows, he cut off, O chief of the Bharatas, the bow of the high-souled king of the Sindhus in the middle. His bow cut off, himself deprived of car, his steeds and charioteer slain, Jayadratha then, O king, quickly mounted on the car of Chitrasena. Indeed, the son of Pandu achieved in that battle a most wonderful feat, for piercing all those mighty car-warriors and holding them in check, he deprived, O sire, the ruler of the Sindhus of his car in the very sight of all the army. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06114.htm
- Jayadratha lost a sword fight with Abhimanyu and runs away on the 11th day - And none could notice any difference between those two lions among men as regards the whirl-strokes, and descent of their swords and shields. 2 And as regards the descent and the whiz of their swords, and the warding off of each other's blows, it seemed there was no distinction between the two. Coursing, beautifully in outward and inward tracks, those two illustrious warriors seemed to be like two winged mountains. Then Jayadratha struck on the shield of the renowned Abhimanyu when the latter stretched his sword for making a pass at him. Then, O Bharata, Jayadratha's large sword sticking into Abhimanyu's shield covered with golden plate, broke, as the ruler of the Sindhus attempted to draw it off forcibly. Seeing his sword broken, Jayadratha hastily retreated six steps and was seen within a twinkle of the eye to be mounted on his own car. Then Arjuna's son also, that combat with the sword being over, ascended his own excellent car. Many kings, then, of the Kuru army, uniting together, surrounded him on all sides. The mighty son of Arjuna, however, eyeing Jayadratha, whirled his sword and shield, and uttered a loud shout. Having vanquished the ruler of the Sindhus, Subhadra's son, that slayer of hostile heroes, then began to scorch that division of the Kaurava army like Sun scorching the world. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07014.htm
- Jayadratha failed in Draupadi's swayamavara - Vrihatkshatra, Jayadratha the son of Sindhu, Vrihadratha, Valhika, the mighty charioteer Srutayu, Uluka, Kaitava, Chitrangada and Suvangada, the highly intelligent Vatsaraja, the king of Kosala, Sisupala and the powerful Jarasandha, these and many other great kings--all Kshatriyas celebrated throughout the world--have come, O blessed one, for thee. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01189.htm All monarchs including Jayadratha had failed - At last when in that assemblage consisting of highly respectable people, all the monarchs had become subjects of derisive talk that foremost of heroes--Jishnu, the son of Kunti--desired to string the bow and placed the arrows on the bow-string.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01190.htm
- Even Dussala (Jayadratha's own wife) had bad opinions of him - The cheerless sister then said unto her brother, who was equally cheerless, these words: 'Behold thy sister. Behold the child of thy sister's son. O perpetuator of Kuru's race, O thou that art fully conversant with every duty, it behoveth thee to show mercy to this child, forgetting the Kuru prince (Duryodhana) and the wicked Jayadratha. Even as that slayer of hostile heroes, Parikshit, has been born of Abhimanyu, so has this mighty-armed child, my grandson, sprung from Suratha. Taking him with me, O chief of men, I have come to thee, desirous of the safety of all the warriors. Do thou listen to these words of mine. This child of that wicked foe of thine hath now come to thee, O mighty-armed hero. It behoveth thee, therefore to show mercy to this infant. O chastiser of foes, this infant seeks to gratify thee by bending his head. He solicits thee for peace. O mighty-armed hero, be inclined to make peace. O thou that art conversant with every duty, be thou gratified with the child whose friends and kinsmen have all been slain and who himself knows nothing of what has happened. Do not yield to wrath. Forgetting his disreputable and cruel grandfather, who offended against thee so highly, it behoveth thee to show thy grace towards this child.' http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m14/m14078.htm
- CONCLUSION: So even his own wife didn't like him. Jayadratha was just anther mediocre warrior of the Kauaravas side. He's just a one day wonder. A one day warrior, who only showed his prowess on the 13th day, the rest of the days he got clobbered and even before the war he was a failure, as he failed badly in the contest of Draupadi's swayamvara & got roughed up by an exiled Bhima because he lusted after their wife Draupadi. Only to be saved by the mercy of Yudhishthira & Arjuna. During the war Bhima and Abhimanyu also defeated him. And Pandava's queen wife Draupadi made Jayadratha a slave. #PERVERTEDSLAVEJAYADRATHAEXPOSED!!!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Here are some other Kaurava warriors besides Karna who are over glorified. Let us analyze their track records and see how skilled they truly are. And if they are worthy of a comparison with elite warriors of the epic Mahabharata like Satyaki, Bhima, Ghatotkatcha, Abhimanyu, Drona, Bhishma, Bhagadatta, Shalya etc. Let alone Arjuna & Krishna.
ReplyDeleteAre they even important warriors? What did they even accomplish on the field of kurukshetra? What are their feats in Mahabharata? They were all scrubs and they died a scrub's death. Kritavarman was decent. Bhagadatta was one of the FEW Kaurava warriors who were skilled.
DeleteShalya didn't really accomplish anything. He considered himself superior or equal to Krishna but he never proved so. Just like Karna was the rival/enemy of Arjuna so was Shalya the rival/enemy of Krishna in Kurukshetra.
SHANTAM SHARMA'S list of top ten Arjuna fans
ReplyDelete1). His friend who's name to be revealed
2). shantam Sharma
3). Praveen Kumar
4). Yogi Arjuna
5). Jaideep Gill
6). Pawan Gupta
7). Shubhashish Sengupta
8). Pranshu Saxena
9). Milin Patel
10). Anmol Kumar Sharma
1. Akshad Katyal
2. Daku Angulimal (whoever keeps creating these fake accounts on quora)
3. Jaideep Gill
4. Milin patel
5. Shantam Sharma
6. Pawan Gupta
7. Pranshu Saxena
8. Praveen Kumar
9. Deepak Kumar Jha
10. Anmol Kumar Sharma
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ReplyDeleteaccording to me
ReplyDeleteaccording to me, bhishma is mahamaharathi
ReplyDeleteYeah he is very mighty but Maha maharathi is only for tridevs and Ma Durga Ma kali band sons of lord shiva.
Deleteno he is not mighty and he is not a good warrior
Deletebhishma was defeated by foot soldiers
any pakistani could kill bhishma and his stupid mother ganga
whats up with this insult to ganga?? Go back to pakistan suar
DeleteGanga is polluted and disgusting
Deletei have one question though.
ReplyDeleteHow was arjuna so good?
Because he is the nara , the avatar of lord Vishnu himself