- Arjuna vs Karna who was stronger physically? (Since Karna fans can't stop their foolish comparisons I have to bring reality and make this a part of this 14 part respect thread for Arjuna)
- Karna failed to lift the bow in Draupadi's swayamvara - Then those princes--Karna, Duryodhana, Salwa, Salya, Aswatthaman, Kratha, Sunitha, Vakra, the ruler of Kalinga and Banga, Pandya, Paundra, the ruler of Videha, the chief of the Yavanas, and many other sons and grandsons of kings,--sovereigns of territories with eyes like lotus-petals,--one after another began to exhibit prowess for (winning) that maiden of unrivalled beauty. Adorned with crowns, garlands, bracelets, and other ornaments, endued with mighty arms, possessed of prowess and vigour and bursting with strength and energy, those princes could not, even in imagination, string that bow of extraordinary stiffness. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01190.htm
- At-least 25 different translations state Karna failed - everybody says he lost. Below is the screenshot from Geeta Press.
- Very credible honest men and people have stated Karna failed -https://www.facebook.com/karnavsarjuna/posts/260932557427328:0
- Arjuna succeeded in lifting the bow that Karna could not - And that bow which Rukma, Sunitha, Vakra, Radha's son, Duryodhana, Salya, and many other kings accomplished in the science and practice of arms, could not even with great exertion, string, Arjuna, the son of Indra, that foremost of all persons endued with energy and like unto the younger brother of Indra (Vishnu) in might, strung in the twinkling of an eye. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01191.htm So it's quite OBVIOUS that Arjuna is INDEED stronger than Karna.
- And Karna himself believed that Bhima was strongest physically - This Vrikodara is brave and is a hero full of wrath. He is reckless in protecting his body, and in strength of limbs he is superior to all. While leading a life of concealment in the city of Virata, relying then on the might of his bare arms, for doing what was agreeable to Draupadi, he secretly slew Kichaka with all his relatives. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08050.htm
- But judging by the facts Arjuna was even stronger than Bhima. As he took 14 days to defeat Jarasandha the same man who failed in lifting the bow that Arjuna lifted with ease. So if we were to do power levels then Arjuna is 1000, Bhima is 900 and Karna is 800.
- A list of Arjuna's strength feats.
- Arjuna lifted and strung the bow that not even Krishna, Balarama, Shalya, Jarasandha, Duryodhana & Sisupala could lift and string - And that bow which Rukma, Sunitha, Vakra, Radha's son, Duryodhana, Salya, and many other kings accomplished in the science and practice of arms, could not even with great exertion, string, Arjuna, the son of Indra, that foremost of all persons endued with energy and like unto the younger brother of Indra (Vishnu) in might, strung in the twinkling of an eye. And taking up the five arrows he shot the mark and caused it to fall down on the ground through the hole in the machine above which it had been placed. Then there arose a loud uproar in the firmament, and the amphitheatre also resounded with a loud clamour. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01191.htm
- Jarasandha himself was so strong that he could hurl objects across the distance of 900 miles (99 yojanas is equivalent to 899.91) - Then, O Bharata, the mighty king of Magadha from his city of Girivraja, whirling a mace ninety-nine times, hurled it towards Mathura. At that time Krishna of wonderful deeds was residing at Mathura. The handsome mace hurled by Jarasandha fell near Mathura at a distance of ninety-nine yojanas from Gririvraja The citizens beholding the circumstance well, went unto Krishna and informed him of the fall of the mace. The place where the mace fell is adjacent to Mathura and is called Gadavasan. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m02/m02019.htm Granted he did whirl the mace 99 times to make sure when he hurls it the mace will go a greater distance.
- When you consider the fact that Bhima had to fight for 14 days to kill Jarasandha, while Arjuna had lifted a bow that Jarasandha FAILED to lift in the twinkling of an eye...... Well you figure it out. It clearly means that Arjuna was superior to his brother Bhima in strength also. And Bhima is always noted for being the strongest physically by the majority of Mahabharata fans.
- Dhrishtadyumna clearly mentions that Krishna will be competing in the swayamvara also - Sankarshana (Valadeva), Vasudeva (Krishna) the mighty son of Rukmini, Samva, Charudeshna, the son of Pradyumna with Gada, Akrura, Satyaki, the high-souled Uddhava, Kritavarman, the son of Hridika, Prithu, Viprithu, Viduratha, Kanka, Sanku with Gaveshana, Asavaha, Aniruddha, Samika, Sarimejaya, the heroic Vatapi Jhilli Pindaraka, the powerful Usinara, all these of the Vrishni race, Bhagiratha, Vrihatkshatra, Jayadratha the son of Sindhu, Vrihadratha, Valhika, the mighty charioteer Srutayu, Uluka, Kaitava, Chitrangada and Suvangada, the highly intelligent Vatsaraja, the king of Kosala, Sisupala and the powerful Jarasandha, these and many other great kings--all Kshatriyas celebrated throughout the world--have come, O blessed one, for thee. Endued with prowess, these will shoot the mark. And thou shalt choose him for thy husband who amongst these will shoot the mark.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01189.htm
- So Krishna probably failed in the swayamvara too but Vyasa and Vaisampayana did not mention it thinking it to be an irrelevant part of the story. But through common sense and analysis we can conclude that Krishna failed. Since the later sections of the Swaymvara Parva state that all monarchs became victims of derisive talk.
- Arjuna kidnapped Subhadra using the strength of his arms - Meanwhile Subhadra, having paid her homage unto that prince of hills, Raivataka and having worshipped the deities and made the Brahmanas utter benedictions upon her, and having also walked round the hill, was coming towards Dwaravati. The son of Kunti, afflicted with the shafts of the god of desire, suddenly rushed towards that Yadava girl of faultless features and forcibly took her into his car. Having seized that girl of sweet smiles, that tiger among men proceeded in his car of gold towards his own city (Indraprastha). Meanwhile, the armed attendants of Subhadra, beholding her thus seized and taken away, all ran, crying towards the city of Dwaraka. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01223.htm
- Arjuna dragged a celestial crocodile - As soon as that tiger among men had plunged into the water a great crocodile (that was in it)
seized him by the leg. But the strong-armed Dhananjaya the son of Kunti, that foremost of all men endued with might, seized that struggling ranger of the water and dragged it forcibly to the shore. But dragged by the renowned Arjuna to the land, that crocodile became (transformed into) a beautiful damsel bedecked with ornament. http://sacred-texts.com/hin/m02/m02560.htm - Struck Lord Shiva some sound blows and dragged him with his bow Gandiva - And he began to think, 'Alas, my arrows are all exhausted. What shall I shoot now from my bow? Who is this person that swalloweth my arrows? Slaying him with the end of my bow, as elephants are killed with lances, I shall send him to the domains of the mace-bearing Yama.' The illustrious Arjuna then, taking up his bow and dragging the Kirata with his bow-string, struck him some fierce blows that descended like thunderbolts. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03039.htm
- Arjuna's punches (blows) were being described as thunderbolts. He attacked his opponent with the force of thunderbolts.
- Not only that but he also dragged Shiva himself with his bow Gandiva.
- Shiva said Arjuna's strength is almost equal to his own - And Hara, beholding the wonder of Arjuna and seeing that his body had been emaciated with ascetic austerities, spake unto him in a voice deep as the roaring of the clouds, saying, 'O Phalguna, I have been pleased with thee for thy act is without a parallel. There is no Kshatriya who is equal to thee in courage, and patience. And, O sinless one, thy strength and prowess are almost equal to mine. O mighty-armed one, I have been pleased with thee. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03039.htm
- Phalguna is another one of Arjuna's names.
- Note: Shiva is a god of the universe with infinite energy, on par with the supreme personality of godhead Krishna himself. And this is the type of deity, the type of being that said Arjuna is almost equal to himself.
- Seized prince Uttara - Meanwhile, Dhananjaya, hastily pursuing the retreating Uttara, seized him by the hair within a hundred steps. And seized by Arjuna, the son of Virata began to lament most woefully like one in great affliction, and said, 'Listen, O good Vrihannala, O thou of handsome waist. Turn thou quickly the course of the car. He that liveth meeteth with prosperity. I will give thee a hundred coins of pure gold and eight lapis lazuli of great brightness set with gold, and one chariot furnished with a golden flag-staff and drawn by excellent steeds, and also ten elephants of infuriate prowess. Do thou, O Vrihannala, set me free.' http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m04/m04038.htm
- Held back Lord Krishna on the 3rd day - Meanwhile, jumping down from his car, Partha, himself of massive and long arms, quickly ran on foot after that chief of Yadu's race possessed of massive and long arms, and seized him by his two hands. That first of all gods devoted in self, Krishna, was excited with rage. And therefore, though thus seized, Vishnu forcibly dragged Jishnu after him, like a tempest bearing away a single tree. The high-souled Partha, however, seizing them with great force his legs as he was proceeding at a quick pace towards Bhishma, succeeded, O king, in stopping him with difficulty at the tenth step. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06059.htm
- You can read clearly in English how Arjuna stopped the god of the universe Krishna from moving another step after his tenth step.
- Held back Lord Krishna once again on the 9th day - Meanwhile, the mighty-armed Partha. quickly following Kesava behind, seized him by encircling him with his two arms. That best of male beings, viz., Krishna, of eyes like lotus petals, seized by Partha, still proceeded with great speed, bearing the latter away with him. The mighty Partha, that slayer of hostile heroes, however, forcibly catching hold of his legs, stopped Hrishikesa with great difficulty at the tenth step. Then Arjuna his dear friend, filled with sorrow, affectionately addressed Kesava, who was then sighing like a snake and whose eyes were troubled in wrath, saying, 'O thou of mighty arms, stop, O Kesava, it behoveth thee not to make those words false which thou hadst spoken before, viz., I will not fight. O Madhava, people will say that thou art a liar. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m06/m06107.htm
- You can see clearly in the text it is mentioned that after he was seized Krishna (Kesava) was sighing like a snake and how he was troubled in wrath.
- Arjuna dragged Bhima with some help and support from Krishna on the 15th day of the Kurukshetra war - Then Nara and Narayana, for the pacification of Narayana weapon, began forcibly to drag Bhima and all his weapons. Thus dragged by them, Kunti's son, that mighty car-warrior, began to roar aloud. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07197.htm
- On the 17th day of the Kurukshetra war Arjuna plucked the string of his Gandiva bow so hard that it broke - O king, the sounds caused by the bows, bow-strings, and palms, of both Dhananjaya and Adhiratha's son, became tremendous and their well-sped arrows also caused a deafening whizz. Then the bow-string of the son of Pandu, stretched with force, broke with a loud noise. www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08089.htm
- No one besides Karna has ever been able to break Arjuna's bow-string besides Arjuna himself. That too Karna was only able to accomplish the cutting of Gandiva's bow-strings using arrows. But Arjuna was able to do it due to his physical strength alone.
- CONCLUSION: Arjuna was physically among the STRONGEST men of his time. In the story of Mahabharata Arjuna is among the strongest physically. Bhima is said to have the strength of ten thousand elephants - Without doubt, O sire, be will glide along the field of battle like a blazing fire; Bhimasena, O king, is regarded equal to eight Rathas. In an encounter with the mace or even with arrows, there is none equal to him. Endued with the strength of ten thousand elephants, and filled with pride, in energy he is superhuman. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m05/m05170.htm so Arjuna has to at the very LEAST have the strength of ten thousand elephants. Definitely stronger than Bhima and Karna.
Saturday, March 4, 2017
One thing we hear very little about is how strong Arjuna was physically. In terms of physical, muscular, pure raw strength Arjuna was probably at-least equal or superior to Krishna himself.
Future respect threads int his section of Arjuna an ultiamte warriors will be.......
ReplyDeleteArjuna's preceptors and his education in the science of arms & warfare
Arjuna's conquests (he performed 4, not just Rajasuya & Aswamedha)
Arjuna's arsenal of celestial weapons of mass destruction
Arjuna's achievements without the Gandiva bow
Arjuna's battle at the 14th day
Arjuna's success during Virata Parva
Arjuna's speed in the use of his weapons
in virata parva, arjuna defeated kauravas and karna not with vijaya bow in his hands. He was victorious but Bhishma was not defeated nor he was a commander of a defeated kuru army if it makes sense. Bhishma possessed parshwapastra and he was the only one which was a weapon of ashta vasus and he could have used it on arjuna as it breaks the sammohana astra and would straight go to arjuna falling him to sleep. Bhishma could have used Prajna astra that stops the effect of sleep like agneyastra-varunastra or nagastra-garudastra.
Deleteyou do realize that the vijaya bow was in the hands of Karna when he was defeated by Satyaki in chapter 82 and chapter 51 of Karna Parva right?
Deletethese latest defeats occured on day 17 when karna held the bow
and the vasus were slaves to Indra so Indra also had Praswapastra he gave one to Dhrishtadyumn and another to Arjuna
Deleteso those two could defeat Parashuram as well, your bhishma and parashuram are not a match for Indra or his son Arjuna or their relative Dhrishtadyumn
Proof of Arjuna being able to shoot his arrows at a distance of two miles ahead.
ReplyDeleteArjuna accomplishes it (Draupadi-harana) - Meanwhile Bhima and Arjuna, learning the enemy was full two miles ahead of them urged their horses to greater speed in pursuit of him. And the mighty Arjuna performed a wonderful deed, killing the horse of Jayadratha although they were full two miles ahead of them. Armed with celestial weapons undaunted by difficulties he achieved this difficult feat with arrows inspired with Mantras. And then the two warriors, Bhima and Arjuna, rushed towards the terrified king of Sindhu whose horses had been slain and who was alone and perplexed in mind. And the latter was greatly grieved on seeing his steeds slain. http://sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03269.htm
Arjuna displays the feat once again (14th day) -Standing on his car, as Arjuna shot his shafts full two miles ahead, those shafts pierced and despatched his foes just as that car itself p. 198 came up to the spot. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07095.htm
Karna's statement (17th day) - Indeed, there is no warrior equal to the son of Pandu. He taketh a large number of arrows and shooteth them as if they were one. Quickly fixing them on the bow-string, he propelleth them to the distance of two miles. They always fall on the foe. What warriors is there on earth that is equal to him?http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08079.htm
So now their even "brave" Karna himself has admitted confessed and accepted the fact about Arjuna's range of arrow firing.
Arjuna was the strongest warrior ever made
DeleteVery valuable information of Great Arjuna.. Am a great fan of him.
ReplyDeleteI will not say he is the strongest man but yes, he is very strong
ReplyDeleteHe is tougher than Bheema, bhishma, karna, ghatotkatch
Deletebhishma was also extremely physically strong.
ReplyDeleteYour north indian racist mentality cant accept anyone whose not Bhishma as a powerful fighter.
DeleteBhishma said that if the almighty was not with pandavas, he could have slayed them all. Krishna-Arjuna, considered the best duo also agreed that their grandfather could slay all the pandavas in one arrow
ReplyDeleteYup youre going to keep talking about him, the biggest namard Bhishma whose ass was bleeding when Duryodhan's father-in law Suvajra (the king of Kalinga) defeated Bhishma & made him beg for mercy.
DeleteBut you will never ever praise the skills of Suvajra, your north indian mentality cant accept a dark skinned man like Suvajra as a great warrior, you will only praise wannabee whites like Bhishma who dont have any achievements besides defeating a child rapist like Parashuram
bhishmaś prowess only grew as he grew older. A maharathi is like an ardha rathi in front of arjuna so arjuna definetly is an atimaharathi. Indrajit is an atimaharathi but he is not as popular as his father Ravana. Arjuna is the only atimaharathi who is actually popular unlike indrajit and is the one who is not an avatar of shiva or Vishnu. The original mahabharata says he is a fragment/portion of Indra
ReplyDeleteBhishma would still lose to Indra's son Jayant even if Jayant doesnt use his best weapons.
DeleteTheir is nothing called atimaharathi its a fanmade term coined by internet users.
Bhishma is a chutiya and napunsak fighter, you can call yourself his fan/bhakt as even my father is a bhishma fan but the reality of bhishma is that he is not among the top 25 warriors of Mahabharat.
Bhishma fairly lost to Shikandi, Drupad, Dhrishtadyumn, Yudhisthir, Bheema, Abhimanyu, Ghatotkatch, Arjuna, Satyaki, Virata.
Do not read in parts and comme up with yourown hypothesis. Arjuna is the Nara avtar of God vishnu from his fourth avtar the nara narayana. indra was only a means for him to come into the world . since Indra is his father in this life ,he just has his qualities in him,.semelerly rest of the pandavas are actually 4 old Indras who took the parts of vayu,yama,and the ashwini devas inorder to be born ,so we may say that they resemble them and have their qualities .So if they where only the portions all of us know that indra is nowhere near as arjuna is actually compared to God Shiva in his strength and Narayana was actually krishna who is the twin brother of nara they are actually the same energy which took the form of two persons.That is why they are in seperable and ,only difference is that krishna only came as the direct avtar of vishnu..
Deletefor me, a the best WARRIOR who is a synonym of a warrior is Bhishma. That son of Ganga who resembles his own Pitamah Brahma deva himself in knowledge, a devotee of Vishnu, whose avatar Parashurama was his guru and had the entire knowledge of Shiva as he was Shivaś disciple accepted defeat. Grandson of Brahma, Devotee of Vishnu whose avatar parashurama was his guru, Shivaś discipleś disciple is really strong, even stronger than dhritarashtra who could crush bhima and iron with bare hands.
ReplyDeletethats really pathetic cuase this man did not have knowledge, bhishmas armor was torn in a fight with normal rathas in the 8th day
Deletehe was also defeated by Satyaki, Bheema, Ghatotkatch, Dhrishtadyumn, Virat Raj etc
Once Drupad fired his Vaishnava-astra and Bhishma fled the battlefield, seeing their commander run away led the kuru army to give up
As for beating Parashuram if you consider that a great achievement my response to you is that even the most overrated and weak fighter called Karna could have done that, no one cares if hes an avatar of Vishnu this Parashuram is trash like a saibaman from Dragon Ball Z
all pandavas could be slain by gangaputra in a single strike
ReplyDeletehahah the same gangaputra whose ass was fucked by a 2 foot tall warrior like durjaya?
DeleteOoo...arjun k bhakt tera bass chale to tu arjun ko mahadev se b strong describe krrde ...phele mahabharat padh k aa dhyaan se phir gyan chodna akele devvrat bhishma hi kaafi the pandavo k liye and for your kind information lord krishna did not participate in swayamvar he was only there for watching and idiots like you should not post such things
ReplyDeletebhishma was shamelessly defeated by pakistani soldiers and pakistani women many pakistanis have defeated namards like bhishma, also bhishma lost a fist fight to dilip kumar the famous actor who also had no offspring like bhishma but was able to get more fame than that namard
DeleteKrishna did not take part in the swayamvara .Dhristadyumna assumes that Krishna came to participate. But neither he nor balarama are ever mentioned to take part. So they probably watched. Besides if Arjuna is Nara Krishna is Narayana. If he had taken part, he would have won easily.
ReplyDeletekrishna like hanuman is overrated