1st in Guru Kool;
"Drona continued giving lessons to the princes in the science of weapons. And while he gave unto every one of his pupils a narrow-mouthed vessel (for fetching water) in order that much time may be spent in filling them, he gave unto his own son Aswatthaman a broad-mouthed vessel, so that, filling it quickly, he might return soon enough. And in the intervals so gained, Drona used to instruct his own son in several superior methods (of using weapons). Jishnu (Arjuna) came to know of this, and thereupon filling his narrow-mouthed vessel with water by means of the Varuna weapon he used to come unto his preceptor at the same time with his preceptor's son. And accordingly the intelligent son of Pritha, that foremost of all men possessing a knowledge of weapons, had no inferiority to his preceptor's son in respect of excellence. Arjuna's devotion to the service of his preceptor as also to arms was very great and he soon became the favourite of his preceptor."
Logic - Arjuna was fighting a uphill contest, he did not have the benefit of Drona being partial to him now instead guru Drona was partial against Arjuna here.
2nd Ashwathama's original defeat in virata parva.
"And that hero of inconceivable energy overwhelmed, by means of all celestial weapons, all the great bowmen of the enemy, although they were possessed of great prowess. And Arjuna then shot three and seventy arrows of sharp points at Drona, and ten at Dussaha and eight at Drona's son, and twelve at Dussasana, and three at Kripa, the son of Saradwat. And that slayer of foes pierced Bhishma, the son of Santanu, with arrows, and king Duryodhana with a hundred. And, lastly, he pierced Karna in the ear with a bearded shaft. And when that great bowmen Karna, skilled in all weapons, was thus pierced, and his horses and car and car-driver were all destroyed, the troops that supported him began to break."
Logic - here it was just prince arjuna striking the opponent while no enemy of his retaliated for some reason. Probably the reason is cause no archer (except for arjuna himself) can hit a target which is two miles beyond them, so ashwathama, bhishma & drona were trying to get in a closer distance, they probably ordered their drivers to take them near arjuna so they can fight him properly.
3rd in virat yudh.
How Bhishma described Ashwathama's duel.
"On that occasion, of old, of the seizure of kine, he vanquished that mighty bowman the son of Drona, and Saradwat also."
How it is described in the actual battle itself.
"And that mighty car-warrior, the preceptor's son, then resisted the Pandva with a mighty array of cars. And although enraged with Arjuna, yet Aswatthaman mentally admired that feat of the high-souled son of Pritha. And waxing wroth, he rushed towards Partha, and discharged at him an arrowy shower like a heavy down-pour by the cloud. And turning his steeds towards Drona's son, Partha gave Drona an opportunity to leave the field. And thereupon the latter, wounded in that terrible encounter, and his mail and banner gone sped away by the aid of swift horses."
Arjuna vs Ashwathama (encounter).
Drona's son rushed to an encounter with Arjuna in battle. Beholding his rush to the conflict like a hurricane, showering shafts like a rain charged cloud Pritha's son received him with a cloud of arrows. And terrible was the encounter between them, like that between the gods & the Danavas. They shot arrows at each other like Virata & Vasava. The welkin being enveloped on all sides with arrows, the sun was completely hidden & the air itself was hushed. As they assailed & struck each other, loud sounds arose as of bamboos on fire. Aswatthaman's horses being sorely afflicted by Arjuna, they became bewildered & could not ascertain which way to go. And as Pritha's son ranged on the field, the powerful son of Drona finding an opportunity, cut off the string of the Gandiva with an arrow furnished with a horse-shoe head. Beholding that extraordinary feat of his, the celestials applauded him highly. And exclaiming "Well done! Well done!" Drona, Bhishma, Karna & the mighty warrior Kripa, all applauded that feat of his greatly.
Logic; Here it might seem like ashwathama was at an advantage but truth be told both men were fighting equally with eachother, arjuna injured ashwathama's horses which caused them to be perplexed or baffled. It was basically a score for arjuna before ashwathama scored in return (he counters by cutting a string of gandiva) so it is 1 to 1 in terms of points.
Fight goes on:
And the son of Drona, drawing his excellent bow, pierced with his shafts, furnished with the feathers of the Kanka bird, the breast of Partha, that bull among warriors. Thereupon, with a loud laughter, the mighty-armed son of Pritha attached a strong & fresh string to Gandiva. And moistening his bow-string with the sweat that stood on his forehead resembling the crescent moon, Pritha's son advanced towards his adversary the encounter that took place between those two matchless heroes on the field of battle was exceedingly fierce & made the bristles of the spectators stand on their ends. And those brave bulls among men assailed each other with arrows of snaky forms & resembling blazing fires. And as the couple of quivers belonging to the Pandava was inexhaustible, that hero was able to remain on the field immovable as a mountain. And as Aswatthaman's arrows, in consequence of his ceaseless discharge in that conflict, were quickly exhausted, it was for this that Arjuna prevailed over his adversary. Then Karna, drawing his large bow with great force twanged the bow-string. And thereupon arose loud exclamation of "Oh!" and "Alas!" & Pritha's son, casting his eyes towards the spot where that bow was twanged, beheld before him the son of Radha. And at that sight his wrath was greatly excited. And inflamed with ire and desirous of slaying Karna, that bull of the Kuru race stared at him with rolling eyes. And, O king, beholding Partha turn away from Aswatthaman's side, the Kuru warriors discharged thousands of arrows on Arjuna. And the mighty-armed Dhananjaya, that conqueror of foes, leaving Drona's son, all on a sudden rushed towards Karna.
Logic; though ashwathama had ability he still did not fight in a very intelligent way, his style was too risky as he would fail to consider his stock of resources, how many weapons he had left, the main reason for his defeat was refusing to make the most of every item he had, instead he wasted all arrows by firing them without considering if they'd successfully hit a mark.
4th Sammohan Astra;
"Warding off with weapons, all the weapons of those bulls among the Kurus, the wielder of the Gandiva evolved another irresistible weapon obtained from Indra, called Sanmohana. Entirely covering the cardinal & other directions with sharp & keen-edged arrows furnished with beautiful feathers, that mighty hero stupefied their senses with the twang of the Gandiva. And once more, taking up with both his hands that large conch of loud blare, Partha, that slayer of foes, blew it with force and filled the cardinal & other points, the whole earth & sky, with that noise. And those foremost of the Kuru heroes were all deprived of their senses by the sound of that conch blown by Partha. And all of them stood still, their bows, from which they were never separated, dropping down from their hands. And when the Kuru army became insensible, Partha calling to mind the words of Uttara, addressed the son of the Matsya king."
Proof ashvathama was a victim of it.
"Go thou among the Kurus, so long as they remain insensible, and bring away the white garments of Drona and Kripa, and the yellow and handsome ones of Karna, as also the blue ones of the king and Drona's son."
Note - it is hard to believe that arjuna is willing to embarrass/humiliate his 2 father figures (kripa/drona) too i thought he had too much regard for them.
Shree Asvathama ended up losing his clothes.
5th; End of war.
"The other warriors also, desirous of protecting Duryodhana, resolved to return. Beholding those foremost of Kuru heroes departing for their city, Dhananjaya, the son of Pritha, with a cheerful heart followed them for a while, desirous of addressing and worshipping them. And having worshipped the aged grandsire the son of Santanu, as also the preceptor Drona, and having saluted with beautiful arrows Drona's son and Kripa and other venerable ones among the Kurus, the son of Pritha broke into fragments Duryodhana's crown decked with precious gems, with another arrow."
Note; ashwathama wanted to protect suyodhan so he decided to come back but arjuna saluted him with a respectful arrow instead. Likely ashwathama was distracted by this leading him to lower his own guard causing himself to lose the alertness he once had, which allowed arjuna to fire one arrow that destroys the mukut of shri duryodhan.
Bhishma Parva day five.
And that terrible bowman and mighty car-warrior of firm hand, Drona's son, pierced with six shafts the wielder of Gandiva between his two breasts. Thereupon that grinder of foes Phalguni, that slayer of hostile heroes, cut off Aswatthaman's bow and deeply pierced him in return with five shafts. Deprived of his senses by anger, and unable to bear the cutting off of his bow in that battle, Drona's son, taking up another bow that was tougher, pierced Phalguni, with ninety sharp-shafts & Vasudeva also with seventy fierce arrows. Then, with eyes red in wrath, Phalguni, with Krishna, breathing long and hot breaths, reflected for a moment. Firmly grasping the bow with his left hand, that grinder of foes, the wielder of gandiva excited with rage, fixed on his bowstring a number of sharp fierce shafts, perfectly straight & capable of taking life. And that foremost of mighty men speedily pierced Drona's son, in that battle, with those arrows.
And those arrows, penetrating through his armour, drank his life-blood. But though thus pierced by the wielder of Gandiva, Drona's son wavered not. Shooting in return similar arrows at Partha, he stayed unperturbed, in that battle, desirous, O king, of protecting Bhishma of high vows. And that feat of his was applauded by the foremost warriors of the Kuru army, consisting, as it did, of his having encountered the two Krishnas united together. Indeed, Aswatthaman daily battled fearlessly amid the forces, having obtained from Drona all weapons with the methods also of their withdrawal. This one is the son of my preceptor. He is again the dear son of Drona. He is especially a Brahmana, and, therefore, worthy of my regard. Thinking so, that scorcher of foes, the heroic Vibhatsu, that foremost of car-warriors, showed mercy to the son of Bharadwaja. Avoiding the son of Drona, Kunti's son endued with great prowess and having white steeds began to fight, displaying great quickness of arms and causing a great carnage of thy troops.
Note; His life was spared by arjuna.
Ashwathama vs Arjuna (day 14).
1st quote;
"Arjuna inspired some arrows with mantras, and began to draw them on the bow-string. And while he was thus drawing them on the bow-string, the son of Drona cut them off with a weapon that was capable of baffling every weapon."
2nd quote;
"Jayadratha, Sala, Karna, Vrishasena, Shalya, Kripa, Bhurishravas & the son of Drona. These eight great car-warriors, as if devouring the skies (as they proceeded) illuminated the ten points of the compass with their splendid cars, cased in tiger-skins and decked with golden moons. Clad in mail, filled with wrath and mounted upon their cars the rattle of which resembled the roar of masses of clouds, they covered Arjuna on every side with a shower of sharp shafts."
3rd quote:
"Duryodhana and those eight great car-warriors appointed for the protection of Jayadratha all surrounded the son of Pandu. The son of Drona struck Vasudeva with three and seventy shafts, and Arjuna himself with three broad-headed shafts, and his standard and (four) steeds with five others. Beholding Janardana pierced, Arjuna, filled with rage, struck Aswatthaman with hundred shafts."
4th passage;
"The son of Drona pierced him with sixty arrows. And he, once more, pierced Partha with five arrows, and Vasudeva with twenty. Then the tiger among men Arjuna owning white steeds and having Krishna for his driver, pierced each of those warriors in return, displaying the lightness of his hand. Piercing Karna with a dozen shafts and Vrishasena with three, Partha cut off Salya's bow at the handle. And piercing the son of Somadatta with three arrows and Salya with ten, he pierced Kripa with five and twenty arrows, and the ruler of the Sindhus with a hundred, Partha struck Drona's son with seventy arrows."
5th narrative:
"And the feat that Kunti's son, having Krishna for his charioteer, achieved there, was highly wonderful, inasmuch as, alone, he encountered fearlessly all those warriors united together. And that mighty-armed hero looked resplendent as he stretched his bow Gandiva, desirous of vanquishing all those tigers among men for slaying the ruler of the Sindhus."
Logic - two battle's are described, the first is when arjuna was aiming a weapon against a Suyodhana (who during that period was covered/equipped with a divine armor) but ashwathama interfered and cut it off. Then the next battle was a group attack against Arjuna, nine versus one person.
If bhagwan ashwathama was so great & brave then why did he have to fight with such unfair method's & means in a war like this? Dont say the overrated hanuman was helping arjuna or krishna was involved.
Its clear that krishna was not fighting he would never retaliate when someone hits him in this war. This was all arjuna against ashwathama & his 8 comrade's.
Jayadrath Vadha Final;
"Aswatthaman and Kripa & the ruler of the Sindhus himself, excited with wrath & fighting for the sake of the Sindhu king, encompassed the diadem-decked Arjuna on all sides. All those warriors, skilled in battle, placing the ruler of the Sindhus at their back & desirous of slaying Arjuna & Krishna surrounded Partha, that hero conversant with battle, who was then dancing along the track of his car, producing fierce sounds with the bowstring and his palms and resembling the Destroyer himself with wide-opened mouth. The Kaurava warriors, bending their bows with arms sped their shafts in hundreds towards Phalguna, resembling the rays of the sun."
"Cutting off those shafts thus sped towards him, into two, three, or eight fragments the diadem-decked Arjuna, invincible in battle, pierced them all in that encounter. Then Aswatthaman, bearing on his banner the mark of a lion's tail, displaying his might, began to resist Arjuna. Indeed, the son of Saradwata's daughter piercing Partha with ten shafts and Vâsudeva with seven, stayed in the track of Arjuna's car, protecting the ruler of the Sindhus. Then, many foremost ones among the Kurus, great car-warriors, all encompassed Arjuna, on all sides with a large throng of cars. Stretching their bows & shooting countless shafts, they began to protect the ruler of the Sindhus, at the command of thy son. We then beheld the prowess of the brave Partha as also the inexhaustible character of his shafts, and the might, too, of his bow Gandiva."
"Baffling with his own weapons those of Drona's son and Kripa, he pierced every one of those warriors with nine shafts. Then, Drona's son pierced him with five and twenty arrows, and Vrishasena with seven, and Duryodhana pierced him with twenty, and Karna and Salya each with three. And all of them roared at him and continued to pierce him frequently, and shaking their bows, they surrounded him on all sides. And soon they caused their cars to be drawn up in a serried line around Arjuna. Desirous of the setting of the sun, those mighty car-warriors of the Kaurava army, endued with great activity, began to roar at Arjuna, and shaking their bows, covered him with showers of keen arrows like cloud pouring rain on a mountain. Those brave warriors, with arms resembling heavy clubs, also discharged on that occasion, O king, on Dhananjaya's body celestial weapons. Having caused an immense slaughter in thy army, the mighty and invincible Dhananjaya, of prowess incapable of being baffled came upon the ruler of the Sindhus."
After this arjuna cut karna's bow and Ashwathama then does cut an arrow of Arjuna but the battle continued as karna vs arjuna not ashwathama vs arjuna.
Saving karna from prince Arjun:
"Thus shrouded with arrows the steedless and driverless Karna, stupefied by that arrowy shower, knew not what to do. Beholding him made carless, Aswatthaman caused him to ride on his car, and continued to fight with Arjuna."
Getting hurt by a guy that was fighting with so many characters at once:
"Dhananjaya, pierced all of them in return. Indeed, piercing Drona's son with four and sixty shafts, and the ruler of the Madras with a hundred, and the Sindhu king with ten broad-headed arrows, and Vrishasena with three arrows and Saradwata's son with twenty, Partha uttered a loud shout."
Note; no retaliation was mentioned from the underrated hero Ashwathama.
Ashwathama becomes a punching bag:
"The son of Kunti proceeded towards Jayadratha, And he pierced the son of Drona. with fifty shafts and Vrishasena with three. And the son of Kunti mildly struck Kripa with nine arrows, and he struck Salya with sixteen arrows and Karna with two and thirty. And piercing the ruler of the Sindhus then with four and sixty arrows, he uttered a leonine shout."
Logic - the punches here are obviously arrows fired from the bow of Arjuna.
"Dhananjaya began to strike with terrible shafts the protectors of the ruler of the Sindhus with his arrowy showers, Karna and Drona's son and Kripa and Salya and Vrishasena and Duryodhana. So quick was he in the use of weapons that no one could mark when Arjuna took out his arrows, when he fixed them on the bowstring, when he stretched the bow and let them off."
"With many arrows that foremost of victors Dhananjaya, then deeply pierced in that battle Kripa and Aswatthaman, related as uncle and nephew to each other. Sorely afflicting those mighty car-warriors of thy army thus, the son of Pandu took up a terrible arrow of fiery splendour."
Note; again same story ashwathama got hit and struck but did not retaliate.
Ashwathama got duffed one last time before the sun officially sets.
"Drona's son also, on his car, rushed against Phalguna, the son of Pritha. Those two foremost of car-warriors began from their cars to shower from opposite directions upon the son of Pandu their keen arrows. That foremost of car-warriors the mighty-armed Arjuna, afflicted by those arrowy showers of (Kripa and Drona's son) felt great pain. Without desiring, however, to slay his preceptor (Kripa) as also the son of (his other preceptor) Drona, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti, began to act like a preceptor in arms. Baffling with his own weapons those of both Aswatthaman and Kripa, he sped at them, without desiring to slay them, shafts that coursed mildly."
"Those shafts, however (though mildly), shot by Jaya struck the two with great force, and in consequence of their number, caused great pain to Kripa and his nephew. Then Saradwat's son, O king, thus afflicted with the arrows of Arjuna, lost all strength and swooned away on the terrace of his car. Understanding his master afflicted with shafts to be deprived of his senses, and believing him to be dead, the driver of Kripa's car bore Kripa away from the fight. And after Kripa, the son of Saradwat, had thus been borne away from the battle, Aswatthaman also, from fear, fled away from the son of Pandu."
Logic - technically this is not his final defeat cause after this ashwathama got defeated by satyaki. But still a fatigued, injured & mild arjuna did this to ashwathama & kripacharya when both were angry. But neither of them used celestial weapons from the look of it.
Ashwathama's carnage;
"Within the twinkling of an eye, he destroyed, by means of his sharp shafts, a full Akshauhini of Rakshasa troops with steeds, drivers, cars, elephants, in the very sight of Bhimasena & Hidimva's son & Prishata's son & the twins & Dharma's son & Vijaya & Achyuta."
Where Arjuna's location was;
"Dhananjaya is engaged in battle surrounded by a hundred thousand car-warriors of great valour. Go thou against him, with sixty thousand cars."
Note - Sakuni then arrived with another lakh (one hundred thousand) to combat Arjuna, so prince Arjun had to deal with 2 lakh warrior's, he was not fighting drona or suyodhan or karna this time. But he had an excuse to not defend the victims of Ashwathama, so them dying infront of arjuna is not a sign of ashwathama being tougher.
The battle to save suryaputra karna (again...).
Then Duryodhana witnessing the prowess of Karna, repaired to Aswatthaman & addressing him, said "Behold, Karna, clad in mail, is engaged with all the (hostile) kings. Behold, the hostile army, afflicted with the arrows of Karna, is being routed like the Asura army overwhelmed with the energy of Kartikeya. Seeing his army vanquished in battle by that intelligent Karna, yonder cometh Vibhatsu from desire of slaying the Suta's son. Let such steps, therefore, be taken as may prevent the son of Pandu from slaying that mighty car-warrior Suta's son, in the very sight of us all." Drona's son, and Kripa, and Salya, and that great car-warrior the son of Hridika, beholding the son of Kunti coming (towards them) like Sakra himself towards the Daitya host, all advanced against Partha for rescuing the Suta's son.
If you do read the text in the link then you will see arjuna defeated karna but ashwathama was not involved in the battle, so ashwathama was a mute spectator. Its hinted that he liked seeing karna lose or get embarrassed in the duel they had. I believe ashwathama could have chosen to interfere but he clearly did not because of his recent argument with karna in that chapter.
Ashwathama supposedly slew ten mards infront of shri arjuna.
"Baffling that shower, Drona's son in that battle, slew ten brave warriors amongst them, in the very sight, O lord, of Dhrishtadyumna and the sons of Pandu."
Note; of course their exists one possibility that arjuna was not among the sons of pandu that were their, more likely it is the other 3 (bheem, sahadeva, nakula). Because if yudisther was their he'd be vulnerable to getting captured, while arjuna most likely was fighting another person or was away from the location of ashwathama.
Slaying a hundred Panchalas with a hundred arrows, and three foremost of men with three keen arrows, in the very sight of Drupada's son and of Phalguna, that mighty car-warrior, the son of Drona, slew a very large number of Panchalas that stayed before him. The Panchalas then, as also the Srinjayas, thus disconcerted in battle, fled away leaving Drona's son, with their banners torn. Then that mighty car-warrior the son of Drona, having vanquished his foes in battle, uttered a loud roar like that of a mass of clouds at the end of summer.
Logic - here clearly arjuna was directly mentioned by his nickname (phalguna) so he chose inaction, i assume its due to his own affection/love for ashwathama as a brother/friend.
But the reason its no defeat for arjuna is because of a similar incident occurring.
"Dhrishtadyumna and Sikhandin blew their large conchs, as also the twins (Nakula and Sahadeva), and Vrikodara, the son of Pandu. Thus those fierce warriors, vanquished thousands of kings; on thy side that were endued with great energy, at the sight of thy Son and of Karna and the heroic Drona and Drona's son, O monarch!"
Comment: clearly a karna fan or pandava hater would not have a conversation about a incident like this knowing that it is a bad look for ashwathama, guru drona, suyodhan & karna. Just cause a group of people died near Arjuna's location that can't be a defeat, similarly this can't be counted as a defeat either for those four warriors.
Ashwathama scorched a unknown group of people:
"In the midst of that battle, that foremost of Brahmanas, the high-souled Aswatthaman, scorching the Pandavas, O ruler of men, resembled the midday sun at the end of the season of rains, scorching everything with his fierce ray."
"Arjuna began to afflict the Kauravas, and the Kauravas began to afflict Arjuna, with diverse kinds of weapons. Drona's son covered the, ruler of the Panchalas, and Drona himself covered the Srinjaya, with showers of straight shafts in that battle."
Comment - if he really scorched the PANDAVAS then all five brothers should have been dead, how did arjuna somehow survive the next chapter and begin fighting kaurava brothers? It then says that panchal raaj (Droopad) was the opponent of ashwathama.
Before the man went on his rampage and fired a Narayan Astra this's what characters thought of him in comparison to Arjuna.
"When Kesava himself is here, praisest thou the son of Drona, a warrior that does not come up to even a sixteenth part of thyself, O Dhanajaya, confessing thy own faults, why dost thou not feel shame?"
Note - this's from the tongue of Bheem however i disagree personally with Bheem. I guess the only way of looking at this quote would be that before kurukshetra prince Arjuna went on countless expeditions (kirata parva, gandharv yudh, rajasuya campaign, guru dakshina, swayamvara, war against yadavas for subhadra, the battle to punish jayadrath, nivatakavaca war).
Compared to that Ashwathama's character had nothing in the time period before virata parva. He was basically a INACTIVE warrior compared to arjuna. Which's why he is considered less than 6 percent of Arjuna (1 divided by 16).
Reasons for Arjuna choosing to not counter the narayan missile.
Arjuna said "O Bhima, even this is my great vow, that my Gandiva shall not be used against the Narayana weapon, kine, and Brahmanas." Thus answered by Arjuna, Bhima, that chastiser of foes, riding on his car of solar effulgence, whose rattle, besides, resembled the roar of the clouds, rushed against the son of Drona.
Proof he was immune to damage that would come from that narayan astra.
"Arjuna and Vasudeva, both endued with great splendour, quickly alighting from their car, ran towards Bhima. Those two mighty men, diving into that energy born of the might of Aswatthaman's weapon, had resorted to the power of illusion. The fire of that weapon consumed them not, in consequence of their having laid aside their weapons, as also in consequence of the force of the Varuna weapon, and owing also to the energy possessed by themselves."
Note - varunastra was utilized in a defensive manner and arjuna/krishna had energy which defended them both from this narayan astra's effects.
Final point is this;
Addressing Arjuna, he said "O Arjuna, O son of Pandu, the time is come for the use of that celestial weapon which is in thy memory, knowledge of which was imparted to thee by Drona. For protecting thyself as also thy brothers, O Bharata, shoot in this battle that weapon which is capable of neutralising all weapons."
Comment - according to krishna this brahmashir weapon could negate any astra. This'd include vaishnavastra, narayan astra and pashupatastra too, that is believable because it has the required force to consume a whole planet. In my opinion the reason arjuna did not use brahmashir is due to the damage it'd do to wildlife around & it could potentially consume their planet (the very earth their feet were standing upon).
Kiritin, Bhimasena, Vrihatkshatra of Puru's race, the youthful prince of the Chedis, and Sudarsana, the chief of the Malavas, quickly rushed against Aswatthaman. Armed with bows, all these rushed with cries Oh and Alas. And those heroes quickly encompassed the son of Drona on all sides. Advancing twenty paces, all of them, with great care, simultaneously struck the angry son of the preceptor with five and twenty arrows. Drona's son, however, with five and twenty shafts, resembling snakes of virulent poison, cut off, almost at the same time, those five and twenty arrows shot at him. Then Aswatthaman afflicted the Paurava prince with seven sharp shafts. And he afflicted the chief of the Malavas with three, Partha with one, and Vrikodara with six shafts."
"Then all those great car-warriors, O king, pierced Drona's son unitedly and separately with many shafts, whetted on stone equipped with wings of gold. The youthful prince of the Chedis pierced Drona's son with twenty and Partha pierced him with three. Then Drona's son struck Arjuna with six arrows, and Vasudeva with six, and Bhima with five, and each of the other two (the Malava and the Paurava) with two arrows. Piercing next the driver of' Bhima's car with six arrows, Aswatthaman cut off Bhimasena's bow and standard with a couple of arrows. Then piercing Partha once more with a shower of arrows, Drona's son uttered a leonine roar. With the sharp, well-tempered, and terrible arrows shot by Drona's son, the earth, the sky, the firmament, and the points of the compass, cardinal and subsidiary, all became entirely shrouded both in his front and rear."
Comment: this indicates he got encircled/attacked on all sides. Cause ashwathama had to shoot arrows in the rear of his chariot. Still so far it's a good performance by bhagwan asvathama & if we use the point of whoever was the last person to attack and hit a individual wins then ashwathama did defeat arjuna here but its obviously clear that Arjuna was holding back (despite doing a group attack) as he was an avid opposer of dresthadyumna when it came to the murder of drona.
So arjuna is fighting HALF HEARTEDLY HERE as he wants his guru drona's son Ashwathama to get his justice/revenge.
"Aswatthaman with three arrows, almost simultaneously cut off the two arms, like unto Indra's poles, and the head of Sudarsana, as the latter was seated on his car. Then piercing Paurava with a dart and cutting off his car into minute fragments by means of his arrows, Aswatthaman lopped off his antagonist's two arms smeared with sandal-paste and then his head from off his trunk with a broad-headed shaft. Possessed of great activity, he then pierced with many arrows resembling blazing flames of fire in energy, the youthful and mighty prince of the Chedis who was of the hue of the dark lotus, and despatched him to Yama's abode with his driver and steeds. Beholding the chief of the Malavas, the descendant of Puru, and the youthful ruler of the Chedis slain in his very sight Bhimasena, the mighty-armed son of Pandu, became filled with rage."
Logic: this happened in front of arjuna, yes arjuna proved to be a biased person cause he cared more for ashwathama than he did for the 3 allies that had been fighting by his side. So this was a mistake done by arjuna. After this the rampage of Ashwathama becomes a bheem vs ashwathama fight which is not important enough to discuss as the topic of this post is not ashwathama vs bheem.
Arjuna enter's.
Beholding that force broken, Kunti's son, Dhananjaya, of immeasurable soul, proceeded against Aswatthaman from desire of slaying him. Those troops then rallied with effort by Govinda and Arjuna, stayed on the field of battle. Only Vibhatsu, supported by the Somakas and the Matsyas, shot his arrows at the Kauravas and checked their onset. Quickly approaching Aswatthaman, that great bowman having the mark of the lion's tail on his banner, Arjuna addressed him, saying "Show me now the might thou hast, the energy, the knowledge, and the manliness, that are in thee, as also thy affection for the Dhartarashtras & thy hatred for us, and the high mettle of which thou art capable. Even Prishata's son, that slayer of Drona, will quell thy pride today. Come now and encounter the Panchala prince, that hero resembling the Yuga fire and like the Destroyer himself with Govinda. Thou hast displayed thy pride in battle, but I shall quell that pride of thine."
Note; This paragraph is different because it said arjuna shot his arrow's at Kauravas now i dont know if that means soldier's of the kouravas or the bodies of the kaurava princes themselves. It also has the line that 2 armies (somaka & matsya) were aiding him this time. And arjunas dialogue made no sense because in the lines/paragraph after it is mentioned by sanjaya that dresthadyumna was already defeated by ashwathama so how can arjuna say "even prishata's son dresthadyumna will quell your pride today ashwathama."
Ashwathama used an ultra-agneya missile;
"The valiant Aswatthaman, then, staying resolutely on his car, touched water & invoked the Agneya weapon incapable of being resisted by the very gods. Aiming at all his visible & invisible foes, the preceptor's son, that slayer of hostile heroes, inspired with mantras a blazing shaft possessed of the effulgence of a smokeless fire & let it off on all sides, filled with rage. Dense showers of arrows then issued from it in the welkin."
"Endued with fiery flames, those arrows encompassed Partha on all sides. Meteors flashed down from the firmament. A thick gloom suddenly shrouded the (Pandava) host. All the points of the compass also were enveloped by that darkness. Inauspicious winds began to blow. The sun himself no longer gave any heat. The very elements seemed to be perturbed. The sun seemed to turn. The universe, scorched with heat, seemed to be in a fever. The elephants & other creatures of the land, scorched by the energy of that weapon, ran in fright, breathing heavily and desirous of protection against that terrible force. The very waters heated, the creatures residing in that element became exceedingly uneasy & seemed to burn. From all the points of the compass, cardinal & subsidiary, from the firmament & the very earth, showers of sharp & fierce arrows fell & issued with the impetuosity of Garuda or the wind. Struck & burnt by those shafts of Aswatthaman that were all endued with the impetuosity of the thunder, the hostile warriors fell down like trees burnt down by a raging fire."
"Huge elephants, burnt by that weapon, fell down on the earth all around, uttering fierce cries loud as the rumblings of the clouds. Other huge elephants, scorched by that fire, ran hither & thither & roared aloud in fear, as if in the midst of a forest conflagration. The steeds & the cars also, burnt by the energy of that weapon, looked like the tops of trees burnt in a forest-fire. Thousands of cars fell down on all sides. Indeed it seemed that the divine lord Agni burnt the (Pandava) host in that battle, like the Samvarta fire consuming everything at the end of the Yuga. Beholding the Pandava army thus burning in that dreadful battle, thy soldiers, O king, filled with joy, uttered leonine shouts."
Logic; this also makes little to no sense cause why would ashvathama choose to target a bunch of random warrior's or animals? When his prime dushmans are yudisther, arjuna, dresthadyumn & krishna not anyone else (the next closest would be prince bheem for killing that elephant who shared his name).
How the agneyastra was negated;
Darkness having enveloped the world during that fierce battle, the entire Pandava army, with Savyasachin, the son of Panda, could not be seen. We had never before, O king, heard of or seen the like of that weapon which Drona's son created in wrath on that occasion. Then Arjuna, O king, invoked into existence the Brahma weapon, capable of baffling every other weapon, as ordained by the Lotus-born (Brahma) himself. Within a moment that darkness was dispelled, cool winds began to blow, and all the points of the compass became clear and bright. We then beheld a wonderful sight a full Akshauhini (of the Pandava troops) laid low. Burnt by the energy of Aswatthaman's weapon, the forms of the slain could not be distinguished. Then those two heroic and mighty bowmen Kesava and Arjuna, freed from that darkness, were seen together, like the sun and the moon in the firmament. Indeed, the wielder of Gandiva and Kesava were both unwounded. Equipped with its banners and standards and steeds, with the Anukarsa unjoined; and with all the mighty weapons stored on it remaining uninjured, that car, so terrible to thy warriors, freed from that darkness, shone resplendent on the field. And soon there arose diverse sounds of life mingled with the blare of conchs and the beat of drums, from among the Pandava troops filled with joy. Both hosts thought that Kesava and Arjuna had perished Beholding Kesava and Arjuna, therefore (freed from darkness and the energy of that weapon) and seeing that reappear so quickly, the Pandavas were filled with joy, and the Kauravas with wonder. Unwounded and full of cheerfulness, those two heroes blew their excellent conchs. Indeed, seeing Partha filled with joy, thy soldiers became exceedingly melancholy. Seeing those two high-souled ones (Kesava and Arjuna), freed (from the energy of his weapon) the son of Drona became very cheerless. For a moment he reflected, O sire, on what had happened. And having reflected, O king, he became filled with anxiety and grief. Breathing long and hot sighs, he became exceedingly cheerless. Laying aside his bow, then, the son of Drona speedily alighted from his car, and saying "O fie, fie! Every thing is untrue" he ran away from the fight. On his way he met Vyasa, the abode of Saraswati, the compiler of the Vedas, the habitation of those scriptures, unstained by sin, and of the hue of rain-charged cloud.
Note - How does it make any sense for the agneyastra to be the cause of so much DARKNESS isn't agneyastra supposed to emit fire not darkness or shadows? It's hard to believe but according to this arjuna fired one brahmastra for nulling the offensive agneya astra, but it makes no sense to counter offense with offense.
Its supposed to be an elemental game, or if the author (Vyasa) was tired of using varun astra. Maybe they could have rewritten it to say that arjuna summoned a black hole that warped time & space and the fire of ashwathama's agneyastra was sucked into that instead. Or if Arjuna summoned a piece of land that got in the path of the Agney astra instead of him using varunastra/brahmastra.
16th day.
With his arm that held an arrow in its grasp, the son of Drona hailed the Pandava, shooting shafts equipped with foe-slaying heads, and smilingly told him these words "If, O hero, thou regardest me a worthy guest arrived then give me today, with the whole heart, the hospitality of battle." Thus summoned by the preceptor's son from desire of battle, Arjuna regarded himself highly honoured, and addressing Janardana said, "The samsaptakas should be slain by me, but Drona's son again is summoning me. Tell me, O Madhava, to which of these duties should I first turn? First let the services of hospitality be offered, if thou thinkest that to be proper." Thus addressed, Krishna bore Partha who had been summoned according to the rules of triumphant challenge to the vicinity of Drona's son, like Vayu bearing Indra to the sacrifice.
Saluting Drona's son whose mind was fixed upon one thing, Keshava, said unto him, "O Ashvatthama, be cool, and without losing a moment strike and bear. The time has come for those that are dependent on others to repay their obligation to their masters. The disputes between brahmanas are subtle. The consequences, however, of the disputes of kshatriyas are palpable, being either victory or defeat. For obtaining those excellent rites of hospitality that from folly thou solicitest at the hands of Partha, fight coolly now with the son of Pandu." Thus addressed by Vasudeva, that foremost of regenerate ones, replied saying, "So be it!" pierced Keshava with sixty shafts and Arjuna with three. Arjuna then, filled with rage, cut off Ashvatthama's bow with three shafts.
Drona's son took up another bow that was still more formidable. Stringing it within the twinkling of an eye, he pierced Arjuna & Keshava, the latter with three hundred arrows & the former with a 1,000. And then Drona's son, with good care, stupefying Arjuna in that battle, shot thousands & tens of thousands & millions of arrows. From the quivers, the bow, the bow-string, the fingers, the arms, the hands, the chest, the face, the nose, the eyes, the ears, the heads, the limbs, the pores of the body, the armour on his person, the car, and the standard, O sire, of that utterer of Brahma, arrows began to issue.
Logic; this latest paragraph, sentence or line mention's that arrows came out of the chest, nose and face of ashwathama, so i assume it was either a magic trick, ability or possibly a divine missile he used as all these objects literally emerged from the direction his body parts were in but never from a bow, they were not let off from his fingers.
{Credit to Mrinal Rai for this picture above. ^^^^}
Piercing Madhava and the son of Pandu with the thick arrowy shower, Drona's son filled with joy, roared aloud like a vast mass of congregated clouds. Hearing that roar of his, the son of Pandu said unto Keshava these words "Behold, O Madhava, this wickedness towards me of the preceptor's son. He regardeth us to be slain, having shrouded us with his dense arrowy shower. I will presently, however, by my training and might, baffle his purpose." Cutting off every one of those arrows shot by Ashvatthama into three fragments, that foremost one of Bharata's race destroyed them all like the Sun destroying a thick fog. After this the son of Pandu once more pierced with his fierce shafts, the samsaptakas with their steeds, drivers, cars, elephants, standards and foot-soldiers. Every one of those that stood there as spectators, every one of those that were stationed there on foot or car or steed or elephant, regarded himself as shrouded by the arrows of Arjuna. Shot from Gandiva, those winged arrows of diverse forms slew in that battle elephants and steeds and men whether stationed in his immediate front or at the distance of two miles.
The trunks, cut off with broad-headed shafts, of elephants, down whose cheeks and other limbs flowed the juice indicative of excitement, fell down like tall trees in the forest struck down with the axe. A little after down fell elephants, huge as hillocks, with their riders, like mountains crushed by Indra with his thunder. With his shafts cutting into minute portions well-equipped cars that looked like dissolving edifices of vapour in the evening sky and unto which were yoked well-trained steeds of great speed and which were ridden by warriors invincible in battle, the son of Pandu continued to shower his arrows on his enemies. And Dhananjaya continued to slay well-decked horsemen and foot-soldiers of the foe. Indeed, Dhananjaya, resembling the very Sun as he rises at the end of the Yuga, dried up the samsaptaka ocean incapable of being dried up easily, by means of keen arrows constituting his rays.
Without losing a moment, the son of Pandu once more pierced Drona's son resembling a huge hill, with shafts of great impetuosity and the splendour of the Sun, like the wielder of the thunderbolt piercing a mountain with the thunder. Desirous of battle, the preceptor's son then, filled with rage, approached Arjuna for piercing him and his steeds and drivers by means of his swiftly coursing shafts. Arjuna, however, quickly cut off the shafts shot at him by Ashvatthama. The son of Pandu then filled with great wrath, proffered unto Ashvatthama, that desirable guest, quivers upon quivers of arrows, like a charitable person offering everything in his house unto a guest. Leaving the samsaptakas then the son of Pandu rushed towards Drona's son like a donor abandoning unworthy guests, for proceeding towards one that is worthy.
Analysis - After countering the arrow shower of ashwathama next arjuna chose to target sampsaptakas instead of ashwathama, but it was a impressive performance as each of his arrows hit a target which was a distance of two miles away. After that it's mentioned he pierced ashwathama again, to continue his battle but it is not known what ashwathama was doing when arjuna was harassing the samsaptaka legion.
"Then Arjuna deeply pierced Ashvatthama with a shaft in the midst of his eyebrows. With that shaft the son of Drona looked resplendent like the Sun with upward rays. The two Krishnas (Nara & Narayana), also deeply afflicted by Ashvatthama with hundreds of arrows, looked like two Suns at the end of the Yuga, resplendent with their own rays. Then when Vasudeva seemed to be stupefied, Arjuna shot a weapon from which issued torrents of shafts on all sides. And he struck the son of Drona with innumerable shafts, each resembling the thunder or fire or the sceptre of Death. Endued with mighty energy, that achiever of fierce feats, (Ashvatthama) then pierced both Keshava and Arjuna with well-shot shafts which were inspired with great impetuosity and struck with which Death himself would feel pain. Checking the shafts of Drona's son, Arjuna covered him with twice as many arrows equipped with goodly wings, and shrouding that foremost of heroes and his steeds and driver and standard, began to strike the samsaptakas."
"When that elephant force was broken, the diadem-decked Arjuna shrouded the son of his preceptor with shafts endued with the splendour of the newly risen Sun, like the wind shrouding the risen Sun with masses of congregated clouds. Checking with his own shafts those of Arjuna, Drona's son shrouding both Arjuna and Vasudeva with his arrows, gave a loud roar."
"Deeply afflicted with those arrows, Arjuna, aiming his weapons at Ashvatthama and at those followers of his belonging to the army, speedily dispelled that darkness caused by Ashvatthama's arrows, and pierced all of them with shafts equipped with goodly wings. In that battle none could see when Savyasaci took up his shafts, when he aimed them, and when he let them off. All that could be seen was that elephants and steeds and foot-soldiers and car-warriors, struck with his arrows, fell down deprived of life. Then Drona's son without losing a moment, aiming ten foremost of arrows, sped them quickly as if they formed only one arrow. Shot with great force, five of these pierced Arjuna and the other five pierced Vasudeva. Struck with those arrows, those two foremost of men, like Kuvera and Indra, became bathed in blood. Thus afflicted, all the people there regarded those two heroes as slain by Ashvatthama the warrior who had completely mastered the science of arms."
Then the chief of the Dasharhas addressed Arjuna and said, "Why errest thou in thus sparing Ashvatthama? Slay this warrior. If treated with indifference, even this one will be the cause of great woe, like a disease not sought to be put down by treatment." Replying unto Keshava of unfading glory with the words "So be it!" Arjuna of unclouded understanding began with good care to mangle the son of Drona with his shafts. Now the son of Pandu, filled with rage, quickly pierced the massive arms, smeared with sandal-paste, and the chest, the head, and the unrivalled thighs of his antagonist with shafts equipped with heads like goats' ears, and shot with great force from gandiva. Then cutting off the traces of Ashvatthama's steeds, Arjuna began to pierce the steeds themselves, whereat the latter bore Ashvatthama away to a great distance from the field. Thus borne away by these steeds endued with the speed of the wind, the intelligent son of Drona, deeply afflicted with the shafts of Partha, reflecting for some time, wished not to go back and renew the fight with Partha. Knowing that victory is ever with the chief of the Vrishnis and with Dhananjaya, that foremost one of Angirasa's race, endued with great activity, entered the army of Karna, deprived of hope and with shafts and weapons almost exhausted. Indeed, Drona's son, restraining his steeds, and having comforted himself a little, O sire, entered the force of Karna, teeming with cars and steeds and men. After Ashvatthama, that enemy of theirs, had been thus removed from the field by his steeds like a disease removed from the body by incantations and medicines and means, Keshava and Arjuna proceeded towards the samsaptakas.
Logic - a clear W for arjuna. But its also proof that arjuna is holding back in other battles with ashwathama too not only this one.
Final DUEL;
"Arjuna, cutting off his adversary's bow and driver and steeds and standard with seven shafts, next cut off his umbrella with one arrow. Obtaining then an opportunity, he sped at Duryodhana an excellent shaft, capable of taking the life of the person struck. Drona's son, however, cut off that shaft into seven fragments. Cutting off then the bow of Drona's son and slaying the four steeds of the latter with his arrow, the son of Pandu next cut off the formidable bow of Kripa too. Then cutting off the bow of Hridika's son, he felled the latter's standard and steeds. Then cutting off the bow of Duhshasana, he proceeded against the son of Radha."
NOTE - ashwathama get's PUNKD again.
DAY 17
1st battle.
When the wing and the further wing of the samsaptakas had thus been exterminated by Savyasaci, the son of Drona quickly proceeded against Arjuna, that foremost of victorious warriors. Indeed, Drona's son rushed, shaking his formidable bow, and taking with him many terrible arrows like the Sun himself appearing with his own rays. With mouth wide open from rage and with the desire to retaliate, and with red eyes, the mighty Ashvatthama looked formidable like death himself, armed with his mace and filled with wrath as at the end of the Yuga. He then shot showers of fierce shafts. With those shafts sped by him, he began to rout the Pandava army. As soon as he beheld him of Dasharha's race (Keshava) on the car, O king, he once more sped at him, and repeated showers of fierce shafts. With those falling shafts, O monarch, sped by Drona's son, both Krishna and Dhananjaya were completely shrouded on the car. Then the valiant Ashvatthama, with hundreds of keen arrows, stupefied both Madhava and the son of Pandu in that battle.
Beholding those two protectors of all mobile and immobile creatures thus covered with arrows, the universe of mobile and immobile beings uttered cries of "Oh!" and "Alas!" Crowds of Siddhas and Charanas began to repair to that spot from every side, mentally uttering this prayer "Let good be to all the worlds." Never before, O king, did I see prowess like that of Drona's son in that battle while he was engaged in shrouding the two Krishnas with shafts. The sound of Ashvatthama's bow, inspiring foes with terror, was repeatedly heard by us in that battle, O king, to resemble that of a roaring lion.
While careering in that battle and striking right and left the string of his bow looked beautiful like flashes of lightning in the midst of a mass of clouds. Though endued with great firmness and lightness of hand the son of Pandu, for all that, beholding the son of Drona then, became greatly stupefied. Indeed, Arjuna then regarded his own prowess to be destroyed by his high-souled assailant. The form of Ashvatthama became such in that battle that men could with difficulty gaze at it. During the progress of that dreadful battle between Drona's son and the Pandava, during that time when the mighty son of Drona, O monarch, thus prevailed over his antagonist and the son of Kunti lost his energy, Krishna became filled with rage. Inspired with wrath he drew deep breaths, O king, and seemed to burn with his eyes both Ashvatthama and Phalguna as he looked at them repeatedly.
Filled with rage, Krishna addressed Partha in an affectionate tone, saying, "This, O Partha, that I behold in battle regarding thee, is exceedingly strange, since Drona's son, O Partha, surpasseth thee today! Hast thou not now the energy and the might of thy arms thou hadst before? Hast thou not that Gandiva still in thy hands, and dost thou not stay on thy car now? Are not thy two arms sound? Hath thy fist suffered any hurt? Why is it then that I see the son of Drona prevail over thee in battle? Do not, O Partha, spare thy assailant, regarding him as the son of thy preceptor, O bull of Bharata's race. This is not the time for sparing him."
Thus addressed by Krishna, Partha speedily took up four and ten broad-headed arrows at a time, when speed was of the highest moment, and with them he cut off Ashvatthama's bow and standard and umbrella and banners and car and dart and mace. With a few calf-toothed arrows he then deeply struck the son of Drona in the latter's shoulder. Thereupon overcome with a deep swoon, Ashvatthama sat down, supporting himself on his flagstaff. The latter's driver then, O monarch, desirous of protecting him from Dhananjaya, bore him away insensible and thus deeply afflicted by the foe. Meanwhile that scorcher of foes Vijaya, slaughtered thy troops by hundreds & thousands.
Logic - it seems like the same old story, arjuna is fighting half heartedly, mildly, he's holding back so krishna has to provoke him in order to make him try harder.
Cross Reference for the above win on day 17.
"Having vanquished the son of Drona, and other great car-warriors, Arjuna, O king, addressing Vasudeva, said."
2nd fight between both in the 17th day.
"Seeing Dhrishtadyumna dragged, O ruler of men by his enemy, the mighty Partha sped many arrows at the son of Drona. Those arrows, decked with gold and sped from Gandiva, approached the son of Drona and pierced him deeply like snakes penetrating into an ant-hill. Thus pierced with those terrible arrows, the valiant son of Drona, O king, abandoned the Pancala prince of immeasurable energy. Indeed, the hero, thus afflicted with Dhananjaya's shafts, mounted on his car, and taking up his own excellent bow, began to pierce Partha with many shafts. Meanwhile, the heroic Sahadeva, O ruler of men, bore away on his car the son of Prishata, that scorcher of foes. Arjuna then, O king, pierced Drona's son with many arrows. Filled with rage, Drona's son struck Arjuna in the arms and the chest. Thus provoked, Partha, in that battle, sped at Drona's son, a long shaft that resembled a second rod of Death, or rather, Death himself. That arrow of great splendour fell upon the shoulder of the Brahmana hero. Exceedingly agitated, O monarch, in that battle, by the violence of the stroke, he sat down on the terrace of his car and swooned away. Then Karna, O monarch, shook his bow Vijaya and, filled with rage, repeatedly eyed Arjuna in that battle, desiring a single combat with him. Meanwhile the driver of Drona's son, beholding the latter senseless, quickly bore him away on his car from the field of battle. Beholding Prishata's son rescued and Drona's son afflicted, the Pancalas, O king, expectant of victory, began to utter loud shouts."
Third fight.
"The mighty car-warrior Ashvatthama proceeded, with great care, against Arjuna."
Word's of of bhagvan Salya inform us of the situation.
"Him for whose sake Dhritarashtra's son always honours thee, slay that Partha, O son of Radha. What wouldst thou gain by slaying Yudhishthira? The two Krishnas are blowing their conchs, whose loud blare is being heard. The twang also of Arjuna's bow is being heard, like the roar of the clouds in the season of rains. There, Arjuna, striking down the foremost of our car-warriors with his arrowy down-pours, is devouring all our troops. Behold him, O Karna, in this battle. The two that are protecting his rear are Yudhamanyu and Uttamauja. The brave Satyaki is protecting his left wheel, and Dhrishtadyumna is protecting his right wheel."
17th day.
Continuation of their last duel.
"Partha having Saurin (Krishna) for his help-mate withstood the impetuously rushing Ashvatthama. Then, O monarch, the valiant son of Drona, filled with rage, covered both Arjuna and Vasudeva with his shafts. Beholding the two Krishnas shrouded with arrows, the great car-warriors (of the Pandava army), as also the Kurus that witnessed it, wondered exceedingly. Then Arjuna, as if smiling, invoked into existence a celestial weapon. The brahmana Ashvatthama, however, O Bharata, baffled that weapon in that battle. Indeed, all those weapons that Arjuna sped from desire of slaying the son of Drona were baffled by the latter, that great bowman, in that encounter. During the progress of that awful encounter of weapons, O king, we beheld the son of Drona to resemble the Destroyer himself, with gaping mouth. Having covered all the points of the compass, cardinal and subsidiary, with straight arrows, he pierced Vasudeva with three arrows in the right arm. Then Arjuna, slaying all the steeds of his high-souled assailant, caused the Earth in that battle to be covered with a river of blood that was exceedingly awful that led towards the other world, and that had diverse kinds of creatures floating on it. All the spectators beheld a large number of car-warriors along with their cars, belonging to the division of Ashvatthama, slain and destroyed by means of the arrows sped from Partha's bow."
"Ashvatthama also, slaying his enemies, caused a terrible river of blood to flow there that led to Yama's domains. During the progress of that fierce and awful battle between Drona's son and Partha, the combatants fought without showing any regard for one another, and rushed hither and thither. In consequence of cars having their steeds and drivers slain, and steeds having their riders slain, and elephants having their riders and guides slain, an awful carnage, O king, was made by Partha in that battle! Car-warriors, deprived of life with shafts sped from Partha's bow, fell down. Steeds freed from their trappings ran hither and thither. Beholding those feats of Partha, that ornament of battle, that valiant son of Drona quickly approached the former, that foremost of victorious men, shook his formidable bow decked with gold, and then pierced him from every side with many sharp arrows. Once more bending the bow, O king, the son of Drona cruelly struck Arjuna, aiming at the chest, with a winged arrow."
"Deeply pierced by Drona's son, O Bharata, in that encounter, the wielder of gandiva, that hero of great intelligence forcibly covered the son of Drona with showers of arrows, and then cut off his bow. His bow cut off Drona's son then, taking up a spiked mace whose touch resembled that of thunder's, hurled it, in that encounter, at the diadem-decked Arjuna. The son of Pandu, however, O king, as if smiling the while, suddenly cut off that spiked mace decked with gold, as it advanced towards him. Thus cut off with Partha's shafts, it fell down on the Earth, like a mountain, O king, broken into pieces, struck with the thunderbolt. Filled with rage at this, Drona's son, that great car-warrior, began to cover Vibhatsu, aided by the energy of the aindra weapon."
"Beholding that shower of arrows spread over the welkin through the aindra weapon, Partha, endued with great activity, O king, taking up his bow gandiva, and fixing on his bowstring a mighty weapon created by Indra, destroyed that aindra-shower of arrows. Having baffled that arrowy shower caused by the aindra weapon, Partha soon covered the car of Drona's son (with his own arrows). The son of Drona, however, overwhelmed with Partha's shafts, penetrated through that shower of arrows shot by the son of Pandu, and approaching the latter, invoked a mighty weapon and suddenly pierced Krishna with hundred shafts and Arjuna with three hundred small arrows. Then Arjuna pierced the son of his preceptor with a hundred arrows in all his vital limbs. And then he poured many arrows on the steeds and driver and the bowstring of Drona's son in the very sight of thy warriors."
"Having pierced Drona's son in every vital part, Pandu's son, that slayer of hostile heroes, then felled his adversary's driver from the car-niche with a broad-headed arrow. Drona's son, however, himself, taking up the reins, covered Krishna with many arrows. The activity of prowess that we then beheld in Drona's son was exceedingly wonderful, since he guided his steeds while he fought with Phalguni. That feat of his in battle, O king, was applauded by all the warriors."
"Then Vibhatsu, otherwise called Jaya, smiling the while, quickly cut off the traces of Ashvatthama's steeds in that battle, with a razor-faced arrow. Already afflicted by the energy of Arjuna's shafts, the steeds of Drona's son thereupon ran away. Then a loud noise arose from thy troops, O Bharata! Meanwhile the Pandavas, having obtained the victory, and desiring to improve it, rushed against thy troops, shooting from all sides sharp arrows at them.
"Having vanquished the son of Drona and achieved a mighty and heroic feat that is exceedingly difficult of accomplishment, Dhananjaya, irresistible by foes, and with bow outstretched in his hands, cast his eyes among his own troops."
"Kripa, and the chief of the Bhojas, and thy son himself shooting showers of shafts, rushed towards him. Drona's son also, that mighty car-warrior, rushed towards him, shooting his shafts. Indeed, all of them rained their arrows on him, like the clouds pouring torrents of rain on a mountain. The son of Pandu, however, with great activity and speed, cut off with his own shafts those excellent arrows sped at him with great care in that dreadful battle by those accomplished warriors desirous of slaying him, and pierced the chest of each of his adversaries with three shafts. Having arrows for his fierce rays, the Arjuna sun, with gandiva drawn to its fullest stretch constituting his corona, looked resplendent, as he scorched his foes, like the Sun himself between the months of Jyeshtha and Ashadha, within his bright corona. Then Drona's son pierced Dhananjaya with ten foremost of shafts, and Keshava with three, and the four steeds of Dhananjaya with four, and showered many shafts on the Ape on Arjuna's banner. For all that, Dhananjaya cut off the full drawn bow in his adversary's hand with three shafts, the head of his driver with a razor-faced arrow, and his four steeds with his four other shafts and his standard with three other arrows and felled him from his car. The son of Drona then, filled with wrath, took up another costly bow, bright as the body of Takshaka, and decked with gems and diamonds and gold, and resembling a mighty snake caught from the foot of a mountain. Stringing that bow as he stood on the earth, and bringing out one after another shafts and weapons, Drona's son, that warrior who excelled in many accomplishments, began to afflict those two unvanquished and foremost of men and pierce them from a near point with many shafts."
Second quote (regarding the 5th fight).
Then those mighty car-warriors, Shikhandi and Satyaki and the twins, proceeding in the direction of Dhananjaya, checked those foes and, piercing them with keen arrows, uttered terrible roars. Then the Kuru heroes and the Srinjayas, encountering one another with rage, slew one another with straight shafts of great energy, like the Asuras and the celestials in days of yore in great battle.
Logic - arjuna retaliated against all opponents who did a group attack against him except for ashwathama, most likely ashwathama was being checked by the twins or by srikandi or maybe satyaki.
"Then Duryodhana, and the chief of the Bhojas, and Subala's son, and Kripa, and the son of Sharadvata's daughter, these five great car-warriors, assailed Dhananjaya and Keshava with shafts capable of producing great pain. Dhananjaya, however, with his shafts, cut off at the same time the bows, the quivers, the steeds, the elephants, and the cars with their drivers, of those warriors, and mangling every one of them with excellent shafts, pierced the Suta's son with a dozen arrows."
After above incident;
Then Drona's son, catching hold of Duryodhana's hand, and adopting a soothing tone, addressed thy son, saying, "Be gratified, O Duryodhana! Make peace with the Pandavas. There is no need for quarrel. Fie on war! The preceptor, conversant with the mightiest of weapons and like unto Brahma itself, hath been slain. Other bulls among men, headed by Bhishma, have also been slain. As regards myself, I am unslayable, as also my maternal uncle. Rule the kingdom for ever, (sharing it) with the sons of Pandu. Dissuaded by me, Dhananjaya will abstain. Janardana also doth not desire hostilities. Yudhishthira is always engaged in the good of all creatures. Vrikodara is obedient to him. So also are the twins. Peace being made between thee and the Parthas, all creatures will be benefited, through, as it would seem, thy desire. Let the kings that are still alive go back to their homes. Let the troops abstain from hostilities. If thou dost not listen to my words, O king, struck by foes in battle, thou wilt have to burn with grief. Thou hast beheld, as well as the universe, what has been achieved by the single-handed Arjuna decked with diadem and garlands. The slayer of Vala himself could not achieve its like, nor the Destroyer, nor Prachetas, nor the illustrious king of the Yakshas. Dhananjaya, as regards his merits, is even much greater than that. He will never transgress whatever I say unto him. He will always follow thee. Be thou gratified, O king, for the benefit of the universe. Thou always honourest me greatly. I, too, bear a great friendship for thee. It is for this that I say so unto thee. I shall dissuade Karna also, provided thou art inclined to peace. Discerning persons say that there are four kinds of friends, those that are naturally so, those that are made so by conciliation, those that become so through wealth, and lastly those brought under subjection by the exercise of power. All these elements are owned by thee with regard to the sons of Pandu. The Pandavas, O hero, are naturally thy friends. Obtain them again as friends for certain by conciliation. If upon thyself being gratified, they agree to become friends, do thou, O king of kings, act in that way." These beneficial words having been said unto him by his friends, Duryodhana reflected for some time.
Note - this dialogue of ashwathama was immediately after he got wounded by arjuna, not right after duhsasana vadha, so this can be considered another defeat for ashwathama, as it took place after a minor skirmish/duel/fight.
Nonetheless all the incident's in karna parva show that ashwathama was never a true challenge for arjuna, if you remove brahmashir astra & narayan astra from the mix then ashwathama was a sitting duck vulnerable to weapons of Arjuna (no pasupata/vajra is needed). In regular combat with normal arrows he is beaten, its only when ashwathama used the 2 best weapons then he became a equal to arjuna or a real threat for MB's protagonist warriors.
"3,000 cars, O king, despatched by thy son and headed by Drona's son, battled with Vijaya (Arjuna). All those combatants, O king, had firmly resolved to win victory and had cast off fear with life itself."
Comment - so now ashwathama no longer trusts his own personal might and chooses to do the group attack technique again, but having three thousand allies is unfair, thats too much and overkill when it comes to a group attack, yes it is true arjuna did a group attack on day fifteen but he made sure to hold back against his opponent even giving ashwathama the chance to defeat dresthadyumna, vrihatkshatra, the mallava king and cedi prince & bheem too. Here its arjuna alone against three thousand chariot warriors & Ashwathama combined.
"Meanwhile Arjuna, in that battle, pierced with many arrows by the son of Drona as also by the latter's followers, the heroic and mighty car-warriors among the Trigartas, pierced Drona's son in return with three shafts, and each of the other warriors with two. Once again, the mighty-armed Dhananjaya covered his enemies with showers of shafts. Though struck with keen arrows and though they looked like porcupines in consequence of those arrows sticking to their limbs, still thy troops fled not from Partha in that battle. With Drona's son at their head, they encompassed that mighty car-warrior and fought with him, shooting showers of shafts."
"The gold-decked arrows shot by them, speedily filled the terrace of Arjuna's car. Beholding those two great bowmen, those two foremost of all warriors, the two Krishnas, covered with arrows, those invincible combatants became filled with delight. Indeed, at that time, the Kuvara, the wheels, the shaft, the traces, the yoke, and the Anukarsha of Arjuna's car, became entirely enveloped with arrows. The like of what thy warriors then did unto Partha had never before been either seen or heard. That car looked resplendent with those keen arrows of beautiful wings like a celestial vehicle blazing with hundreds of torches dropped on the Earth. Then Arjuna covered that hostile division with showers of straight shafts like a cloud pouring torrents of rain on a mountain."
"Struck in that battle with arrows inscribed with Partha's name, those warriors, beholding that state of things, regarded the field of battle to be full of Parthas. Then the Partha-fire, having for its wonderful flames and the loud twang of Gandiva for the wind that fanned it, began to consume the fuel constituted by thy troops. Then, O Bharata, heaps of fallen wheels and yokes, of quivers, of banners & standards, with the vehicles themselves that bore them, of shafts and Anukarshas and Trivenus, of axles and traces and goads, of heads of warriors decked with earrings and headgears, of arms and thighs in thousands of umbrellas along with fans, and of diadems and crowns, were seen along the tracks of Partha's car. Indeed, along the track of the angry Partha's car the ground, miry with blood, became impassable, O chief of the Bharatas, like the sporting ground of Rudra. The scene inspired the timid with fear and the brave with delight. Having destroyed 2,000 cars with their fences, that scorcher of foes, Partha, looked like a smokeless fire with blazing flames."
Logic - Ashwathama was not able to do anything to prevent arjuna from doing this much damage.
Part II:
"Beholding the prowess of Pandu's son in that battle, the son of Drona, on his car equipped with many banners, endeavoured to check him. Those two tigers among men, both having white steeds yoked unto their vehicles and both regarded as the foremost of car-warriors, quickly encountered each other, each desirous of slaying the other. The arrowy showers shot by both became exceedingly terrible and were as dense as the torrents of rain poured by two masses of clouds at the close of summer. Each challenging the other, those two warriors mangled each other with straight shafts in that battle, like a couple of bulls tearing each other with their horns. The battle between them, O king, was fought equally for a long while. The clash of weapons became terrific. The son of Drona then pierced Arjuna with a dozen gold-winged arrows of great energy and Vasudeva with ten. Having shown for a short while some regard for the preceptor's son in that great battle, Vibhatsu then, smiling the while, stretched his bow Gandiva with force. Soon however the mighty car-warrior Savyasaci (Arjuna) made his adversary steedless, driverless, carless & without putting forth much strength pierced him with three arrows. Staying on that steedless car, Drona's son, smiling the while, hurled at the son of Pandu a heavy mallet that looked like a dreadful mace with iron-spikes."
"Beholding that weapon, which was decked with cloth of gold, coursing towards him, the heroic Partha cut it off into seven fragments. Seeing his mallet cut off, Drona's son of great wrath took up a terrible mace equipped with iron spikes and looking like a mountain summit. Accomplished in battle, the son of Drona hurled it then at Partha. Beholding that spiked mace coursing towards him like the Destroyer himself in rage, Pandu's son Arjuna quickly cut it off with five excellent shafts. Cut off with Partha's shafts in that great battle, that weapon fell down on the Earth, riving the hearts as it were of the (hostile) kings. The son of Pandu then pierced Drona's son with three other shafts."
"Though deeply pierced by the mighty Partha, Drona's son, however, of great might, relying upon his own manliness, showed no sign of fear or agitation. That great car-warrior, the son of Drona, then, O king, shrouded Suratha (the Pancala) with showers of shafts before the eyes of all the Kshatriyas. At this, Suratha, that great car-warrior among the Pancalas, in that battle, riding upon his car whose rattle was as deep as the roar of the clouds rushed against the son of Drona."
Comment; Obviously over here Ashwathama did not have a desire to lose again to Arjuna so he switched his target and attacked another person instead. Similar to how karna avoided Satyaki for fighting bheem (a warrior inferior to satyaki). The chapter goes onto describe how suratha was murdered by Aswathama. So its not important enough to discuss in this post.
Ending of their duel;
Then, O monarch, that warrior, invincible in battle, the son of Drona, well-equipped with armour and weapons, and supported by the Samsaptakas, fought with Arjuna. That battle, at the hour of noon, between one and the many, enhancing the population of Yama's domains, became exceedingly fierce. Wonderful was the sight that we then beheld, for, noticing the prowess of all those combatants, Arjuna, alone and unsupported, fought with his foes at the same time. The encounter was exceedingly fierce that thus took place between Arjuna and his enemies.
The result of this battle is not mentioned but clearly it was going in the favor of Arjuna. My guess is both characters avoided eachother cause their were more important opponents to deal against.
What was drona putra doing after?
"The Pancala prince Shikhandi resisted the son of Drona."
"Then the mighty car-warrior Ashvatthama, and Kripa and Kritavarma, followed that car, desirous of rescuing thy son."
"The son of Drona, at this time, speedily proceeded towards the ruler of the Madras who had been reduced to that plight, and quickly taking him up on his own car, fled away quickly."
It's clear that if Ashwathama has to run from Yudisther too (cause yudisther was the guy that reduced shalya to a bad condition) then ashwathama has fallen extremely low.
Ashwathama just runs again instead of fighting the other pandava warrior.
"Then Ashvatthama, taking up on his car the son of Hridika who had been made steedless and carless by the (Pandava) king, bore him away from Yudhishthira's presence."
Location/action of Arjuna.
"Meanwhile, hearing that Shalya had been slain and that Yudhishthira was afflicted by the mighty car-warriors of the Madrakas devoted to the welfare of the Madraka king, the great car-warrior Partha came there, stretching his bow Gandiva, and filling the Earth with the rattle of his car."
"Arjuna, that slayer of hostile heroes, quickly alighted from the car, taking with him his bow with shaft fixed on the string. Softly wishing good unto the preceptor's son and then unto himself, and unto all his brothers, that scorcher of foes then bowed unto all the gods and all his superiors and let off his weapon, thinking of the welfare of all the worlds."
Point - this tells all reader's that after everything that occurred even now arjuna still has a soft corner for Ashwathama.
Despite ashwathama participating in the murder of abhimanyu (day 13), protecting jayadrath (day 14). killing ten maternal uncles of arjuna (sons of kuntibhoj died on the 14th night), slaying a brother of nakula's wife (karenumati was a Chedi princess) on day 15 and murdering the five sons of Droupadi too (who subhadra served) one of which was his own beta.
Still it tells u that arjuna was mild even here he did not have a desire to cause harm to Ashwathama after all of this. I wonder if he'd change his mind if he knew ashvathama was going to target the fetus in uttara's belly/womb.
Nonetheless even IF this incident get's counted as a defeat for Arjuna then still its just one defeat on the other hand Ashwathama lost 18 times;
1 - once in gurukul despite having a unfair edge (bigger mouthed vessel/item).
2, 3, 4 & 5 - four times in virat yudh because first a incident where arjuna struck multiple warrior's with arrows and they failed to fight back. Then the one vs one duel where asvathama ran out of arrow's, next is the sammohan astra, finally the failure to defend suyodhana's mukut.
6 - on day fourteen of Kurukshetra he tried a group attack and still was defeated (this's before satyaki entered the kaurav formation).
7th and 8th - once again arjuna defeats ashvathama before slaying jayadratha then again after jayadratha is dead arjuna defeated ashvathama with kripacharya.
9 - since ashvathama basically ran away after his agneyastra failed then it counts as another loss.
10, 11, 12 - all on day sixteen have been described elaborately.
13 - karna parva chapter 8056 to 8058.
14 - during the fifty ninth chapter of karna parva he loses to arjuna.
15 - he defeated asvathama one more time before the bhargavastra was released by karna.
16th - on day seventeen again arjuna defeated ashvathama right after the death of vrishasena/duhsasana.
17 - ashwathama with over 3 thousand samsaptakas was fighting arjuna then ashvathama refused to fight any longer and choose to attack prince Suratha instead.
18 - on day eighteen yet again ashvathama tried continuing his battle but failed, he left arjuna & choose to protect other kaurava warrior's until officially abandoning the war until suyodhana vadh. It's basically before souptika parva.
Even if i do give day 15 to Ashvathama then still arjuna defeated him 17 times & ashwathama only defeated Arjuna 2 times. It is elementary school education that will tell u the amount of 2 is below the number seventeen.
I've never used words like "useless" "namard" etc when referring to Ashwathama so it should be clear that i have no hatred for Ashwathama, in my eyes he is a better character and warrior compared to Bheem, hanuman, parshurama, laxman etc. But he clearly was beaten, repulsed & humiliated multiple times in war so he shouldn't be overrated by fanclubs these days either.
This is not to DEGRADE Ashwathama because with ordinary arrows he still defeated General Dresthadyumna (an unknown amount of times) and Satyaki (twice in war), he also defeated Yudisther and stalemated Bheem & defeated Ghatotkaca multiple times. His kill rate was only surpassed by his father guru Drona and the hero Arjuna. He has been unfortunately underrated by TV serial's.