Sunday, March 19, 2017


Illiterate blind Karna fans need to be taught a lesson again over here. As usual i will be posting reference links to the text Mahabharata and quotes of the text and the incidents that took place in it. You Karna fans of all people should know that killing is not the same as victory. Similarly Karna's killing of Ghatotkaca does not prove his superiority over Ghatotkaca. Lion's kill with their own strength. Karna was a hunter with a gun.
This thread is divided into 4 parts!
1) Karna fails to counter a weapon of Ghatotkaca.
2) Karna was defeated by even foot soldiers from Ghatotkaca's army.
3) Ghatotkaca defeats Karna many times. Karna fails to counter and destroy the illusions of Ghatotkaca. Karna even runs away from Ghatotkaca. Upon seeing Karna's repeated defeats his best friend Duryodhana calls in his demon comrades for support.
4) Why Karna used the Vasavi dart. As usual i will be posting quotes of Mahabharata and my own commentary/analysis.
  • 1) Karna could not counter Ghatotkaca's weapons.
    • Debroy
Thousands of giant boulders fell down there, with thunder and lightning. There were hundreds of razor-sharp chakras. They manifested themselves, blazing like the fire. There were spears, rocks, battleaxes, javelins, vajras and extremely terrible bolts of thunder. That large and blazing shower descended. With his storm of arrows, Karna could not destroy these. Horses were struck by the arrows and fell down.
It clearly says karna could not destroy it. And despite shooting storms of arrows, so his arrows were useless material against boulders.
Drona Parva Section 154
    • Kmg
And large rocks fell from it, and thousands of thunderbolts with loud report, and many hundreds of wheels and razors of the splendour of fire. Karna shooting showers of shafts, failed to destroy that thick and blazing downpour of darts and lances and clubs.
  • 2) Leave aside Ghatotkaca, even his foot soldiers, infantry army etc was superior to Karna.
Then, thrown by the Rakshasas who had become more powerful in consequence of the night, there began to fall on the field of battle a thick shower of stones. And a ceaseless shower of iron wheels and Bhundis and darts and lances and spears and Sataghnis and axes also fell there. Beholding that fierce and awful battle, the kings, thy sons, and Karna, also exceedingly pained, fled away.
Analysis: Karna fled away, it was written that everyone fled away only Aswathama stayed their. And to this day people say that Karna never fled from any battles. Fleeing the battlefield is a trait of Karna. These Rakshasas had defeated Karna. By the karna was mentioned separetly from the sons of of Dhritarashtra and the kings, so it was indeed Suryaputra karna.
Once twilight has passed, the rakshasas become even more powerful on earth. In every direction, they brought down a shower of boulders. Iron wheels, catapults, lances, javelins, spears, shataghnis and battleaxes showered down incessantly. On seeing the fierce and terrible state in the field of battle, the kings, your sons and Karna were distressed and fled in different directions.
Analysis: Once again karna is mentioned separately from the kauravas.
Source: Drona Parva Section 131
  • 3) Ghatotkaca defeated Karna three times. Karna was never a match for Ghatotkaca. 
    • First defeat of karna
Aiming keen shafts and shooting them to the utmost measure of his might, the twang of Ghatotkacha's bow inspired both friends and foes p. 405 with fear. 1 At that time, O king, Karna could not prevail over Ghatotkacha. Seeing this, that foremost of all persons acquainted with weapons, invoked into existence celestial weapons.
Analysis: Karna could not prevail over Ghatotkaca, so he choose to save himself by utilizing celestial wepaons.
    • Second defeat of Karna
They all offered a respectful welcome to Alayudha, During the progress of that terrible and superhuman battle between Karna and the Rakshasa at night,--a battle which though fierce was yet delightful to behold,--the Panchalas, with all the other Kshatriyas, smilingly looked on as spectators. Meanwhile, thy soldiers, O king, though protected (by their leaders) all over the field and Drona and Drona's son and Kripa and others, uttered loud wails, saying, 'All is lost!' Indeed, beholding those feats of Hidimva's son on the field of battle, all thy warriors were agitated with fear, and uttering cries of woe became almost deprived of their senses. Thy troops, O king, became hopeless of Karna's life. Then Duryodhana, beholding Karna fallen into great distress, summoned Alayudha and said unto him,
Analysis: Alayudh saved karna, karna's friends and all the spectators said all is lost, the proclaimed that he was defeated, they even thought that he was going to die. Even Karna was scared as he was a warrior.
    • Third defeat of karna
With that weapon, the Rakshasa first slew the steeds of Karna and then the latter's driver. Having achieved that feat, Hidimva's son quickly made himself invisible.' "Dhritarashtra said, 'When the Rakshasa fighting by deceitful means thus disappeared, tell me, O Sanjaya, what the warriors of my army thought.' "Sanjaya said, Seeing the Rakshasa disappear, all the Kauravas loudly said, Appearing next, the Rakshasa, fighting deceitfully, will certainly slay Karna.'
Analysis: Theirs nothing decietful about it, karna should be skilled enough to fight agaisnt a rakshasa's maya. His horses were killed so were his driver.
  • 4) Karna could not have used any other weapon besides Vasavi shakti dart
Vyasa’s statement (As per Ved Vyasa Karna would have thrown the dart on Arjuna only once all his weapons got consumed, destroyed & baffled. Vyasa could see the future as he was the writer of the epic.)
"Vyasa said, By good luck, Phalguna liveth still although he had encountered Karna in battle. Indeed, Karna had kept his dart, desirous of slaying Savyasachin, O bull of Bharata's race, by good luck Jishnu did not engage in single combat with Karna. Each of them in that case challenging the other, would have shot his celestial weapons on all sides. The weapons of the Suta's son would have been destroyed by Arjuna. The former then afflicted by the latter, would certainly have hurled Indra's dart in that battle. O Yudhishthira! O foremost one of Bharata's race, (if this had come to pass), then great would have been thy grief. O giver of honours, by good luck the Rakshasa hath been slain in battle by the Suta's son.
Indra’s statement
And if, maddened by wrath, thou hurlest this dart, while there are still other weapons with thee, and when thy life also is not in imminent peril, it will fall even on thyself.'
Analysis: As you can all see Lord Indra told Karna that if he hurls the Vasavi dart while he has other weapons in his arsenal it will turn on him instead. Such weapons are intelligent. So the Bhargava, Brahma, Naga weapons could not have saved Karna against Ghatotkatcha.
Point (1) - So according to the man who gifted Karna this weapon Karna could not utilize this weapon until he used other weapons like Bhargavastra, Brahmastra, high Brahmastra, Nagastra, Aswasenastra etc were useless.
Point (2) - According to Lord Indra, Karna could not use this weapon unless his life was in danger/peril.
So Karna was clearly helpless against Ghatotkaca and Arjuna WITHOUT this weapon.
Karna himself accepting he will only use it when his life is in danger
Karna answered, 'As thou directest me, O Sakra, I shall hurl this Vasavi dart only when I am in imminent peril! Truly I tell thee this!'"
Analysis: Anyone who can read the above quote should know that Karna himself vowed that he would only use the Vasavi dart if his life is endangered. Karna made a vow a promise so he probably kept his promise right karna fans? Karna was weak without celestial weapons unlike arjuna who relied on his skills not weapons.
Karna replied, “O Shakra! As you have told me, I will release Vasava’s weapon only when I confront supreme danger. I promise you this truthfully.”
Source: Page 378 of Mahabharata Volume 3, Debory's translation of BORI CE
CONCLUSION: Clearly (based on the above facts) Karna did not have any other choice other than to use the Vasavi dart on Ghatotkaca because Ghatotkaca had backed him into a corner. Ghatotkaca was a superior warrior to Karna. Karna was impotent without the Vasavi Dart for protection. Karna used all of his weapons and failed. He HAD TO resort to his last card the Vasavi Dart. It was the only thng that could save Karna that day.
Vyasa's statement, Indra's statement, Karna's own statement, these thing sprove karna only had one way to kill Ghatotkaca, and that was through the use of the Vasavi dart, would karna have been able to do anything with his kavach kundala? No, because the Kavacha kundala was torn apart by the vasavi dart.
Vaisampayana continued, "Thereupon, O king, taking the blazing dart, Karna began to peel off his natural mail. And beholding Karna cutting his own body, the entire host of celestials and men and Danavas set up a leonine roar. And Karna betrayed no contortions of face while peeling his mail. And beholding that hero among men thus cutting his body with an weapon, smiling ever and anon, celestial kettle-drums began to be played upon and celestial flowers began to be showered on him. And Karna cutting off the excellent mail from his person, gave it to Vasava, still dripping.
Analysis: Weapons could cut the kavacha kundala of karna.
He grasped his sharp sword and began to cut up his entire body. On seeing Karna cut up his own body, the gods, humans, danavas and masses of siddhas began to roar, because despite the pain, there were no distortions on his face. Celestial drums were sounded and divine flowers were showered down from above, at the sight of Karna, the brave man, smiling repeatedly as he cut up his own body with the sword. Having sliced off the divine armour from his body, while it was still wet, he gave it to Vasava.
Analysis: According to bori he used a sword instead of the vasavi dart. So the kavacha kudnala would break upon contact with a ORDINARY SWORD/BLADE.
Source: Vana Parva Section 294
Karna's kavacha kundala is indeed useless, it was not a good armor.


  1. Why didn't he use brmhastra against Gatotgaja. Did it fail?

    1. Their is an instance in the 17th day where Karna used the Brahmastra on ORDINARY SOLDIERS but i do not know why Karna did not use it on Ghatotkaca. It would probably not even work though. It was an overrated weapon.

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    5. Karna Brahmastra can be countered by Arjuna’s Brahmastra or Dhristadhyumna’s Brahmastra or Yudhishthira brahmastra.Brahmastra was common amongst some Great Maharathis.Technically Karna knows he can’t kill Ghatorkach using his other weapons,Bhargavastra etc.Brahmastra can be countered.So no other option.He had to use vasavi Shakti or run away leaving Kaurava sena to perish.

  2. Brother first of all you have no right to insult karna fans. And he did not use vasavi shakti to save his life but duryodhan's life and kaurava army. Vasavi shakti was the fastest weapon in his arsenal,he had to use it as no other weapon could reach ghatotkach that fast as ghatitkach was about to kill duryodhan. He did not use bramastra or bhahmanda astra because he knew arjun had one and clashing of both could have caused annihilation of earth and nature. And about his kawaj,anyone who destroys his kawaj will be killed instantly
    according to the boon of suryadev given to him in his previous birth when he was a demon.Vishnu destroyed 99 out of hundred only one remained which he wore in his present birth. So brother please read books. To judge karna read Mahabharata,don't judge by seeing TV serials.

    1. i can insult karna fans for being idiots, biased, retarded, illiterate, napunsak, namard and spreading fake shit to satisfy their hardons for bhishma, hanuman (Hanutati), karna etc i advise you to get a life instead of stalking real men like Jaideep that have the balls to do things that you dont

    2. Vasavi Shakti is fast and extremely efficient weapon but Devaraj Indra told that he can use when his Bhargavastra and Brahmastra is useless.Karna was unable to handle Ghatorkach illusions and many warriors begged him to use Vasavi Shakti on Ghatorkach.If karna never did that...Entire sena over.

  3. And his kavach could only be destroyed by a rishi who has done tapasya for 1000 yrs and as it breaks the person dies. And karna cut the attachment of kavach with his body. No harm could be done to the kavach.

    1. your jokes really do suck, i think you shouldnt be drinking alcohol, go outside, get a job, earn a degree, do anything, but never involve yourself in a debate with a king, a mard, a sher, a general, a badshah, a badass and a real man

      because you would get crushed and owned like a pussy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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  5. Karna couldn't have use Brahmastra because he was cursed by his Guru Lord Parashurama.So,that Astra was of no use to save his life.
    Vasavi shakti was the only option left.
    He also had Bhargavastra which was Lord Parashurama's own weapon.
    But Karna had absolutely no time to recall the mantras of this weapon because Ghatotkacha was wrecking havoc in the kaurava army.
    Karna was not terrified but rather it was Duryodhana,Shakuni who panicked and urged Karna to use Vasavi shakti.
    Although reluctant to use this weapon as he had decided to use it only against Arjuna,he couldn't bear to see the devastation and the plight of the Kaurava soldiers caused by the rampaging Ghatotkacha.
    Kaurava soldiers begged for their lives to Karna and the Generous eldest Pandava, the "SuryaPutra" Karna's heart melted and he used Vasavi shakti upon the demon.
    It was not out of fear for his own life but rather for the sake of the entire Kaurava army and the constant pressure put by the terrified Duryodhana and Shakuni that he finally used his most reliable weapon aginst Ghatotkacha.
    Once again Karna's generosity proved to be his downfall and he paid the price for that as he did not have a suitable weapon against Arjuna when his chariot wheel got stuck in his battle against Arjuna on the 17th day.

    1. No the curse of a impotent chakka namard eunuch like Parashuram means nothing because karna used a brahmastra on the 17th day. The curse failed so dont fucking try to say that the curse worked. Dont be a bitch and pretend that this curse worked when it didnt.

      Kaurava soldiers beg to real men like Ashwathama, Kritavarma, Drona not namards like Karna who fucked their own mothers after Arjuna raped them like a king.

      Sakuni never urged karna for anything, Sakuni was a brave man who fought for what he believed in, he was not a crybaby or coward like Karna, at least Sakuni made certain one of his sons would be away from the war and safe in gandhara to continue his lineage, sakuni always fought on the front lines all karna did was stand by like a helpless kutta and namard from the backside.

      Karna was not generous, he was a taker not a giver, he took away and stole the kingdom that the mighty kuru king Dhritarashtr earned with his prowesss known as angadesh, but karna had no rights to it still he took the donations fo Dhritarashtra.

      karna got punkd by Ghatotkatcha's soldiers first, then later on by Ghatotkatcha himself, because karna was not worthy of facing Ghatotkatcha in a battle

      when Ghatotkatcha died he was unarmed and Karna surprise attacked him like a coward, he could never win a fight fairly, he was a pussy

  6. YOU MORON(BLIND ARJUN FAN WHO COULD NOT EVEN KILL A SINGLE MAHARATHI WITHOUT THE HELP OF KRISHNA(ONLY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PANDAVS WIN)..."WHY ARJUN WASNT ABLE TO KILL KARNA BEFORE KARISHNA USING TRICKS TO MAKE HIM WEAPON LESS AND THAT ARJUN KNEW HE COULD NOT KILL HIM WITH KARNA'S VIJAY BOW SO HE SHOT WHEN HE WAS WEAPON LESS(PARSHURAM CURSE).NOW LOOK WHAT YOUR FATHER(ARJUN'S)GODFATHER KRISHNA TOLD ABOUT KARNA...HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF U WERE TOLD THAT U CANNOT MAKE A BLOG AS U ARE NOT A GENERAL CASTE???????????????(NO OFFENCE) .........."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Hear in brief, O son of Pandu! I regard the mighty car-warrior Karna as thy equal, or perhaps, thy superior! With the greatest care and resolution shouldst thou slay him in great battle. In energy he is equal to Agni. As regards speed, he is equal to the impetuosity of the wind. In wrath, he resembles the Destroyer himself. Endued with might, he resembles a lion in the formation of his body. He is eight ratnis in stature. His arms are large. His chest is broad. He is invincible. He is sensitive. He is a hero. He is, again, the foremost of heroes. He is exceedingly handsome. Possessed of every accomplishment of a warrior, he is a dispeller of the fears of friends. Engaged in the good of Dhritarashtra’s son, he always hates the sons of Pandu. No one, not even the gods with Vasava at their head, can slay the son of Radha, save thee, as I think. Slay, therefore, the Suta’s son today. No one possessed of flesh and blood, not even the gods fighting with great care, not all the warriors (of the three worlds) fighting together can vanquish that car-warrior"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" who had his senses under control, could singly vanquish the three worlds with the very gods. Neither Vasava, nor Varuna the lord of the waters, nor Yama, could venture to approach him. Indeed, if that bull among men had his armour and ear-rings, neither thyself, bending the Gandiva, nor myself, uplifting my discus, called Sudarsana, could vanquish him in battle.""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" He is incapable of being vanquished in battle by the gods, he would mangle them in such a way that their flesh and blood would fall copiously on the field""""""""""""""""""""""

    1. I know what its like to be a 40 year old virgin with the manhood of a 2 year old, i met pavan ingles father he explained the difficulties. xD

    2. Karna lost to foot soldiers and killed his own soldiers, he was nothing without his son vrishasen's three inch penis to protect him 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. I bet that the first time you masturbated was when you saw a photo of karna, and then you said swami karna please show me your 2 inch penis so i can suck it because only your dick is small enough to be sucked, but arjuna's dick is too BIG for me to suck today!

      Arjuna defeated Shiva at least 5 times, Shiva used to be a citizen of Kuberas empire, and Kubera bowed to Arjuna like a helpless baccha. Arjuna had the ability to manipulate peoples senses using his Sammohanastra

      Arjuna had the vajra which could kill shiva, hanuman, ravan.

      Arjuna has the sudarshan chakra, and pashupatastra, one weapon could kill even Vishnu.

      How would Arjuna ever lose to a namard like Karna? Karna was unable to win against the foot soldiers of Chitrasen, a million of them were murdered by Arjuna because Arjuna was a better fighter.

      Go take your karnatardedness to the ass of Aham Sharma first before you confront me.

    4. Arjuna is not worthy to defeat dwaraka robbers .in his presence yadavava ladies taken away by robbers.where is his strength there.arjuna is nothing but a joker after the death of Krishna.

  7. Blind man is that we are blind.every knows without krishna arjuna is just a numskull.

    1. lmao dritarashtra was blind and he was the father of karna's father duryodhan

