Drupad had defeated Karna.
Drupada had defeated Karna when the latter went on a mission to vanquish the former and make him (Drupad) a captive.
1) Gurudakshina
When Karna and his comrades set out for battle
Those warriors then answering, 'So be it', speedily mounted up on their chariots, and for bestowing upon their preceptor the fee he had demanded, marched out, accompanied by him. Those bulls among men, smiting the Panchalas on their way, laid siege to the capital of the great Drupada. And Duryodhana and Karna and the mighty Yuyutsu, and Duhsasana and Vikarna and Jalasandha and Sulochana, these and many other foremost of Kshatriya princes of great prowess, vied with one another in becoming the foremost in the attack. And the princes, riding in first class chariots and following the cavalry, entered the hostile capital, and proceeded along the streets.
This text says that Karna mounted his chariot, was accompanied by even Drona (the preceptor), Since this text says that Karna and his comrades views with one another" that means they were contending against each-other to see who can become the best in the attack. So their was a lack of unity among-st Karna and his team, despite the Kouravas being in it.
It also says that Karna had attacked the capital and was in the streets of Pancala.
Karna's fight with Drupad.
Meanwhile Drupada beholding the Kuru host, rushed forward and pouring a fierce shower of arrows around, terribly afflicted the Kuru ranks. And such was his lightness of motion on the field of battle that, though he was fighting unsupported on a single chariot, the Kurus from panic supposed that there were many Drupadas opposed to them. And the fierce arrows of that monarch fell fast on all sides, till conchs and trumpets and drums by thousands began to be sounded by the Panchalas from their houses (giving the alarm). Then there arose from the mighty Panchala host a roar terrible as that of the lion, while the twang of their bow-strings seemed to rend the very heavens. Then Duryodhana and Vikarna, Suvahu and Dirghalochana and Duhsasana becoming furious, began to shower their arrows upon the enemy. But the mighty bowman, Prishata's son, invincible in battle, though very much pierced with the arrows of the enemy, instantly began, O Bharata, to afflict the hostile ranks with greater vigour. And careering over the field of battle like a fiery wheel, king Drupada with his arrows smote Duryodhana and Vikarna and even the mighty Karna and many other heroic princes and numberless warriors, and slaked their thirst for battle. Then all the citizens showered upon the Kurus various missiles like clouds showering rain-drops upon the earth. Young and old, they all rushed to battle, assailing the Kurus with vigour. The Kauravas, then, O Bharata, beholding the battle become frightful, broke and fled wailing towards the Pandavas.
"The Pandavas, hearing the terrible wail of the beaten host, reverentially saluted Drona and ascended their chariots.
Analysis: Drupada was attacking Karna too fast for him to see properly. It was as if their were hundreds of Drupadas instead of just one Drupada on them. Also the citizens of the Pancala kingdom attacked karna and his comrades too.
Karna was not alone. Other people were also fighting along his side. Duryodhana, Duhsasana, Yuyutsu, Vikarna, Chitrasena (Kaurava brother), Durmukha, Dussaha, Durmasana & other students of Drona.
What is most surprising about this incident is not just the fact that Karna lost this fight even though he had the support of 101 Kuru brothers/princes, several other warriors and his armor/ear-rings. It is not even that Panchala citizens wounded Karna, but the fact that Karna actually cried and wailed to the Pandavas. Look up the definitions of the word "wailing", that is the most astonishing incident in this chapter.
2) Some pathetic excuses made for Karna's defeat.
Excuse number 1 - This is included in KMG but Karna’s defeat and the Kouravas defeat is removed as an interpolation in BORI Mahabharata.
Refute: BORI Mahabharata did not remove this defeat of karna, they just skipped it. They edited it out and removed all details of the incident. According to BORI all pupils of Drona together went to Panchala and made Drupada a captive. They didn't narrate any war and fighting for this incident. So it is not clear if Karna was defeated or not in BORI.
Gita Press is just as (if not more) authentic as BORI and it includes Karna's defeat their.
Screenshot - http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/pawangup0/media/ScreenShot2015-01-01at44154pm_zps78a1260e.png.html [it is not in English though]
Also i am not sure why you Karna fanatics seem to love BORI so much. According to BORI even Shiva was defeated by Arjuna in Khandava-daha.
Excuse number 2 - Karna did not accompany Duryodhana in this incident. It was a different karna not the Vasusena, Radheya, Vaikartana, Vrisha, Suta's son, Karna.
Refute: It was clearly Vasusena Karna that was defeated by Drupad.
He had every reason to go. The incident was an opportune moment for him. This was Karna's chance to prove his superiority to Arjuna, to repay the debt of Drona's teachings, to support his friend Duryodhana, to make the Pandavas look bad.
Moreover, the text that describes the fight of Drupad against the Kouravas, clearly shows the name of "Karna" written in it. It says "even the mighty Karna", the name of Karna is taken right alongside Duryodhana's. A different Karna would never get this much importance, the only Karna that would be called mighty and would have his name taken alongside Duryodhana would be Vasusena Karna. So it has to be him. No one has ever succeeded in proving that the Karna who lost to Drupad was a different Karna. The Hindi edition "Gita Press" mentions Karna's name four (4) times in this incident. It has to be the same Karna. A different Karna would never get this much importance.
Excuse number 3 - Karna's mythological father Surya had blessed Drupada with a boon to remain invincible as long as he was battling within 100 yojanas (arithmetic term) of his kingdom.
Refute: No such incident is ever mentioned in Mahabharata that Drupad had any boon, nor was it ever stated that he was a worshiper of the sun god Surya. And seriously if Drupada had such a boon then he would not have been defeated by the Pandavas (led by Arjuna). They were within 100 yojanas of his his kingdom and still beat him in combat making him their war prisoner. So please don't make up your own fake stories dear Karna fans.
Excuse number 4 - Even if Karna participated then he still was not defeated as he did not retreat. Because it is only mentioned that the Kouravas fled and retreated.
Refute: In the actual incident it is not mentioned that Karna fled but it is mentioned that he was defeated.
Read this line from Adi Parva Section 141: And careering over the field of battle like a fiery wheel, king Drupada with his arrows smote Duryodhana and Vikarna and even the mighty Karna and many other heroic princes and numberless warriors, and slaked their thirst for battle.
Meaning of the word smote: the Synonym of Smote is Chastise, the synonym of Chastise is Beat. So it (smote) means beat.
Synonyms of "smote": Swat, Chastise, Thrash, Punish etc.
Source 1: http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/smote
Source 2: http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/chastise
Also those Brahmins who met the Pandavas in Chaitraratha Parva claimed that Karna ran away from Drupad. So it should be clear as day & night that Karna fled after being beaten.
Conclusion: Karna was clearly defeated by Drupada in this battle.
Excuse number 5 - Vrishasena defeated Drupad during Drona Parva, so how could Drupad defeat Karna when he was defeated by even the son of Karna?
Refute - So what if Vrishasena defeated Drupada? He defeated Drupada when Drupada was old. A Drupada that was literally 50 years older than the time he defeated the Kouravas & Karna (during Adi Parva). Vrishasena did not defeat Drupad in his prime. Also it doesn't matter that it is the son of Karna, because sons can surpass their fathers. It would mean Karna's son is more powerful than him.
Excuse number 6 - This defeat was not mentioned by the Karna hate club in Mahabharata (Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Asvathamman & Shalya), they would have surely used it to belittle him if he did indeed lose to Drupada.
Refute - The reason that these great men did not talk about Karna's defeat at the hands of Drupada is because it would not belittle him. Because Karna defeated Drupada in the second encounter (Narayana-Yajna), these personalities did not even have an opportunity to talk about this defeat of Karna.
Excuse number 7 - Their is no cross reference for the defeat of Karna in this incident) in the Mahabharata.
Refute: Nope their is indeed a cross reference. The cross reference is in Chaitraratha Parva. Where Brahmanas met the Pandavas in disguise. They told them that Karna was defeated by Drupada, and fled the battlefield. Here is the screenshot from Gita Press - http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/pawangup0/media/cGF0aDovU2NyZWVuU2hvdDIwMTUtMDEtMDFhdDQ0MTU0cG1fenBzNzhhMTI2MGUucG5n/?ref=
Excuse number 8 - Karna defeated Drupada in the Narayana Yajna, so how could Drupad possibly have defeated him?
Refute: When Karna went for his conquest during the time of the Narayana Yajna, Duryodhan's sacrifice etc, Drupad was already over 50 years older than he was during the time of Sambhava Parva (the Parva in which he defeated Karna & Duryodhana, rest of Kouravas etc). Drupada was too old, he was way past his prime.
And Karna was not the same inexperienced arrogant fool he used to be back in the day. Karna had tasted several defeats and those losses molded him into a more cautious fighter. Karna wasn't a brash young man anymore. He had done more training this time, with Bhargava, and fought Gandharvas unlike Drupada. He learned all the Brahma weapons now too.
The reason for Karna's victory is because Karna had improved, he learned & bettered himself after 50 years of training. Drupad had only gotten older and weaker over those fifty years. He was incapable of moving as fast as he could before anymore. Drupada was not the same man anymore. After so many years things would clearly change.
Conclusion: king Drupad clearly defeated Karna in the Adi Parva of Mahabharata. Young Drupad > Karna > old Drupada. This is probably Karna’s first war or battle (when Drupad beat him).
Also watch these videos depicting this war and karna's defeat:
#1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6m6ezDhNs8 (in this TV series Karna has no mustache)
#2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6zZFwrRXMo (Asvathamman mentions Karna's defeat here)
#3 - chopra's mahabharat episode 25
After watching these above videos you will see Karna's war with Drupad, and how he got the crap beaten out of him by the king.
3) Gita Press edition.
1. The first time we see Karna in this incident, his name is listed among the group of warriors alongside Duryodhana who participate in the war - http://photobucket.com/gallery/http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/pawangup0/media/ScreenShot2014-12-15at12950am_zpsdc2aaefe.png.html
2. The second time Karna is mentioned here getting pierced by Drupad's twenty arrows - http://photobucket.com/gallery/http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/pawangup0/media/ScreenShot2014-12-15at13055am_zps990d03b5.png.html
3. Third time it shows Karna's name is when Drupada wounds him and Duryodhana with 28 shafts - http://photobucket.com/gallery/http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/pawangup0/media/ScreenShot2014-12-15at13237am_zps780930c2.png.html
4. This is the fourth time he is mentioned. Karna fleeing the battlefield, after getting mangled by Drupad's arrows - http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/pawangup0/media/cGF0aDovU2NyZWVuU2hvdDIwMTQtMTItMTVhdDEzMzUwYW1fenBzYzA3MTgxZmEucG5n/?ref=
5. This is the last time. After the burning of the lac house in Varnavrata, Pandavas are in hiding (because everyone thinks that they are dead). They come across a group of Rishis who tell stories about their preceptor Drona. They tell them about the birth of Dhrishtadyumna and Draupadi, they also tell them about the fees Drona asked for, how he got trained by Bhargava, his friendship with Drupada, and finally how Karna & Duryodhana were defeated by Drupad - http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/pawangup0/media/cGF0aDovU2NyZWVuU2hvdDIwMTUtMDEtMDFhdDQ0MTU0cG1fenBzNzhhMTI2MGUucG5n/?ref=
Gita Press is in a different language. And it would be denial to think that it was a different Karna.
4) Narayana Yajna
When Karna & Duryodhana were defeated in their war against the Gandharva tribe (led by Citrasena) and freed by the Pandava's, then Duryodhana got very depressed. To reclaim their honor and boost their self esteem Duryodhana chose to perform a sacrifice. And for it he would need the eighteen kings of north India to pay tribute to him. Each of them had to be Vishnu worshipers. So Karna volunteered to be the leader of the campaign and Duryodhana agreed. The first king attacked by Karna was Drupada. He took the armies of Hastinapore and Anga to attack Drupad & the Pancalas together.
"Then, O bull among the Bharatas, that mighty bowman, Karna, surrounded by a large army, besieged the beautiful city of Drupada. And he, after a hard conflict, brought the hero under subjection, and, O best of monarchs, made Drupada contribute silver and gold and gems, and also pay tribute. And, O foremost of kings, having subdued him, (Karna) brought under subjection those princes that were under him (Drupada) and made them pay tribute."
Analysis: Karna defeated Drupad, and conquered the kingdom of Panchala. Karna forced Drupada to pay income tax, poor Drupad could not save his money from Karna.
Source - http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03252.htm
#Year_1, Drupada defeats Karna & Kouravas. Arjuna & Pandavas defeat Drupad.
Year 5, Varnavrata is burnt, Pandavas are considered dead.
#Year_7, Pandavas hear about Karna's defeat and retreat from brahmins.
Year 8, Draupadi's swayamvara, Pandavas stay in Panchala for another year.
Year 13, Partition of Hastinapore, Indraprastha built.
Year 14, Yudhishthira coronated.
Year 26, Arjuna's pilgrimage of 12 years ends, Draupadi's 5 sons are born.
Year 28, Khandava vana is burnt down, Mayasabha built.
Year 42, rule in Indraprastha for 16 more years, Jarasandha is dead.
Year 43, Rajasuya Yajna, game of dice, exile starts.
#Year_53, Karna conquers Panchala & defeats Drupad.
Year 55, 12 year exile ends, incognito year begins.
Year 56, incognito year is over, call for war and peace talks start.
#Year_57, Kurukshetra war begins. Vrishasena defeats Drupada. Drona kills Drupada a few hours later.
1. Young Drupada very easily defeated Karna and the 101 Kourava brothers (including Suyodhana, Dushasana, Vikarna, Sulochana, Yuyutsu, Bhimaratha, Chitrasena, Durmukha, Jalasandha etc).
2. Karna's defeat at the hands of Drupada was mentioned by Brahmins. It was also said that Karna fled away. The very Brahmins who Karna donates too and respects alot are the same people who accepted that Karna fled from Drupad here and their.
3. The Karna that was defeated by Drupada was clearly Kunti's son Karna. The same character adopted by Adhiratha & Radha, raised among the suta family. The unknown elder half-brother of the Pandavas. That Karna is the one who Drupad beat.
4. 52 years later Karna managed to defeat a old Drupad that was much past his prime time as a warrior. While Karna on the other hand had more years of experience. These are the reasons for Karna's victory & Drupad's failure in the Narayana Yajna.
5. Vrishasena the son of Karna defeated Drupada on the 14th night of the Kuruskhetra war. This was 5 years after the Narayana Yajna and 56 years after the younger Drupad defeated Vrishasena's father Karna.
6. Karna most clearly ran away from Drupada after being defeated and getting his ass kicked. even Brahmins accepted this fact and told other Brahmanas (they did not even know that they were talking to the Pandavas).
7. Karna after losing to Drupada, started to cry to the Pandavas, wailing towards them. Wailing and crying towards the very Pandavas who he (karna) was jealous of.
8. Karna and the Kouravas lost to Drupad because they lacked unity, they were inexperienced, they were too arrogant and cocky, they fell for the trap and got ambushed by the citizens of Panchala, their opponent (Drupada) was moving too fast for them to react to. It was as if their were 100 Drupadas instead of just one.
Even if Karna didn't lose to Drupada then still Karna's military career is the worst out of all main characters in Mahabharata. Because 40 - 1 = 39. It's like having 10 F's, subtracting 1 F isn't going to make your grade-book look much better.
ReplyDeleteKarna fans say that Karna does not become unconscious as much as Arjuna does but i have many refutes now for that.
ReplyDeleteIncident 1
Arjuna knocks Karna out in Droupadi Swayamvara.
Then the illustrious Arjuna beholding Karna, the son of Vikartana (Surya), advancing towards him, drew his tough bow and pieced him with his sharp arrows. And the impetus of those whetted arrows furnished with fierce energy made Radheya (Karna) faint. Recovering consciousness Karna attacked Arjuna with greater care than before. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01193.htm
Incident 2
Arjuna swoons Karna during Virata Parva
And that arrow, cleaving through his mail, penetrated into his body. And at this, Karna's vision was obscured and his senses left him. And regaining consciousness, he felt a great pain, and leaving the combat fled in a northernly direction. And at this, the mighty car-warrior Arjuna and Uttara, both began to address him contumely.'" http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m04/m04060.htm
Incident 3
Karna becomes unconscious due to the Sammohana-astra
And entirely covering the cardinal and other directions with sharp and keen-edged arrows furnished with beautiful feathers, that mighty hero stupefied their senses with the twang of the Gandiva. And once more, taking up with both his hands that large conch of loud blare, Partha, that slayer of foes, blew it with force and filled the cardinal and other points, the whole earth, and sky, with that noise. And those foremost of the Kuru heroes were all deprived of their senses
p. 115
by the sound of that conch blown by Partha. And all of them stood still, their bows, from which they were never separated, dropping down from their hands. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m04/m04065.htm
Incident 4
Abhimanyu deprives Karna of consiousness (according to Krishna)
Unable, O Partha, to stay in that battle before Abhimanyu's face, mangled with the shafts of Subhadra's son, deprived of consciousness, and bathed in blood, Karna drew deep breaths, inflamed with rage. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08073.htm
Yudhishthira makes Karna senseless
Sped by the king endued with great might, that arrow whose whizz resembled the noise of the thunder, suddenly pierced Karna, that mighty car-warrior, on his left side. Deeply afflicted by the violence of that stroke, the mighty-armed Karna with weakened limbs, fell into a swoon on his car, his bow dropping from his hand. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08049.htm
Bhima pummels Karna into a coma
Forcibly drawing the bow-string to his very ear, the son of the Wind-god, that great bowman, filled with wrath and desirous of making an end of Karna, sped that shaft. Thus sped by the mighty Bhima, that shaft, making a noise loud as that of the thunder, pierced through thunderbolt Karna in that battle, like the thunderbolt itself piercing through a mountain. Struck by Bhimasena, O perpetuator of Kuru's race, the Suta's son, that commander (of thy forces), sat down senseless on the terrace of his car. The ruler of the Madras then, beholding the Suta's son deprived of his senses, bore that ornament of battle away on his car, from that fight. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m08/m08050.htm
ReplyDeleteArjuna & Karna remembering the obvious.
no warrior is greater than Arjun and Karna were, except Abhimanyu who is not single handedly defeated bby Karna. Drupad did not defeat Karna as Karna was not there in the battle and Arjun was because it was Gurudakshina of Drone Battle and only students of Drona can participate so Karna was not there. Archers were the greatest lethal warriors of Mahabharat because of presence divyastras/missiles in each of their weapons in form of arrows and Duryodhan/Kaurva army got defeated easily in the absense any skilled archer. So the 'tathya about karna defeat in gurdakshina war is baseless, and does not makes sense.
ReplyDeletedrupad defeated karna, bheeshma and drona you dumbass karna tard
Deletewaste of sperm karna was a student of drona lol this is radhas son karna whose ass was kicked by drupad ji
Deletedrupad put his foot in karnas fat ass and made him beg for mercy
Was Dhristadhyumna and Satyajit defeated by Karna at Narayana yagna??
ReplyDeleteNo they were not defeated. Karnas campaign is an interpolation.
Cus both warriors were very great warriors and it is not easy to defeat Drupada before Defeating them.Even Shikandi is a great warrior
ReplyDeleteMoreover no where in book Radheya, Angraj, Yuva Yodha or Vasusena name was mentioned that he was defeated by Drupad or Bheem.
If Radheya karna could defeat Drupad singlehanded then How could Drupad defeated him with 100 karavas.
You guys are just fond of bringing Karna down, Karna would remain Greatest warrior of mahabharata. No other, not even Arjun could match Karna because it was his life story that is totally different then any warrior could even get close to Karna. Karna earned everything, he was raised in shudar family. But he never got behind, even Arjun, other Pandavas always tried to disrespect him and abuse his caste. Drone accepted karna when Dhuryodhan got approval from his father Dhrithrashtra, but soon after Rangbhumi when Karna challenged Arjun, but Kripacharya didn’t let him fight against Arjun even after Dhuryodhan announced him king of Ang, Radheya became king of Ang.Soon after this, one day when Drone taught brahmastar to Arjun, Karna went to Drone and asked him to teach him Brahmastar then he would prove that he is better than Arjun. Drone told him that I have given my words to
Arjun, and you always challenge Arjun, you are great student but not part of Kuru clan. After that Karna left, after long time he found Guru Parshuram. If also mentioned their when Parshuram ji heard that Dhuryodhan got defeated, Parshuram ji told Karna about it, because he was considered about Dron. Parshuram ji was dishearted that why dron asked this king of Gurudakshna, he was also against of completion as Drone said that Arjun will be best Archer. But after Karna entered battle field kunti came to Karna, asked him not to fight against his brother, kunti left him still he did his part of duty as a son by forgiving his brothers. He said he will not kill any Pandav , he will only fighting against Arjun, and promise that he is not going to fire same celestial arrow against Arjun that he has used once to kill him. He fulfilled his promise, Karna even knew while going on 17th day war that it would be his last but he still fought furiously, on 16th and 17th krishna saved so called Arjun so many times. Karna never cheated in whole war, you guys talk about Abhimanyu. He was not fighting one on one, and he was ordered by Dhuryodhan to be part of it. He never did single coward act whole, and Arjun was saved by Krishan ji so many times. If Arjun was so brave why he didn’t show up against Karna when he had Indershakti, just before Krishan ji called Ghatotkach that day Karna was shouting but Arjun kept on hiding.
No Arjun bheem could match Karna.
Karna is and remain greatest warrior among all these puppets.
Sucker !!
karna was defeated like namard lund chooser rana pratap was defeated
DeleteDoes it not appear strange that Karna along with Kauravas could do nothing against Drupad but same Karna, alone, defeated whole battery of Panchala warriors including same Drupad and princes Dhrishthdyman & Shikhandi? Which Karna would Krishna and Kunti plead to switch over side? Certainly not to the one who lost alongside Kauravas by single Drupad...! No mention of Vijaya bow in this war.
ReplyDeleteohk , alright , for one second , i can believe that he participated then again there are poitns to be ponder .
Whole time Krishan ji saving Arjun from Karna, didn’t took him in front of Karna until he killed Ghatotkach. And at end how he Karna cowardly when Karna went down 2nd time, when Karna saw Arjun got backout went down to pull his chariot out of mud. Then Krishan woke Arjun and told to fire any sharp Arrow that cut his neck before he got his Vijay bow in his hand again. When Arjun asked that it would be wrong sinful act then Krishan told Arjun just to follow him, don’t think about right or wrong otherwise Karna is going to kill him instead, from long time I am saving you, just kill him because its right time, karna could be killed only when he is not holding his bow, busy in pulling his chariot out so kill him.
Thats why Arjun was so great, shame on such great warrior.
No Arjun bheem coukd match Karna, Karna earned this rank, he is legend and is greatest warrior of Mahabharata. He is tragic hero of mahabharata, most of people love karna, nobody cared about Arjun.
You guys are such a losers keep on talking shit about Karna, if Arjun so great then talk about him, Why you keep on talking about Karna, even haters like you are forced to write about karna, just image that you guys even could resist to talk shit about Karna. You have to do something, it proofs his greatness, nothing could bring him down. Arjun and others are just warriors, nothing special about their character, Karna is unique, legend and greatest amount all.
Karna was defeated by foot soldiers even though he had the help of duryodhana in war.
DeleteKarna was unique in running away this is suryas son karna not gandharis.
Legend die in battle field, they don’t fall from mountain after spoiling one’s skin and die by cronic pain like Arjun died and Bheem falled from mountain. Such a great personalities. They were nothing without Krishan ji, and remain in Hell.
ReplyDeleteSeriously comparing these puppets with Karna, no match.
Losers !!
Namards like laxman and shri ram and balram did not die on battlefields either.
DeleteAlso bhishma died in anusasan parva the war of kurukshetra was over by then.
Foot soldiers died in the battlefield too... were they legends who equal namard karna?