While most Kshatriyas of Mahabharata take great pride in the battle scars that they received throughout their lives, karna on the other hand does not. This is confirmed once he asks Indra to get rid of the wounds on his body.
Do thou, however, grant that my body, thus wounded, may not be unsightly!' Hearing this, Indra said, 'As thou, O Karna, art bent upon observing the truth, thy person shall not be unsightly, or shall any scar remain on it. And, O thou best of those that are graced with speech, O Karna, thou shall be possessed of complexion and energy of thy father him self.http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03308.htm This incident shows a little known quality of Karna. His insecurity.
Even the sons of Gandhari had scars and wounds on their fore arms due to constant war practice, one such example would be the great "Vikarna" here is the quote:
Deprived of life, O slayer of Madhu, Vikarna lieth in the midst of (slain) elephants like the moon in the autumnal sky surrounded by blue clouds. His broad palm, cased in leathern fence, and scarred by constant wielding of the bow, is pierced with difficulty by vultures desirous of feeding upon it.http://sacred-texts.com/hin/m11/m11018.htm This interesting skin sensitivity and insecurity of Karna could be another reason for him fleeing the battlefield so often.
Karna's feet resembled the feet of Kunti's (a woman's feet)
Yudhishthira claim:
Even while listening to the harsh and bitter words of Karna himself on that occasion of our match at dice, to the words, that Karna uttered from desire of doing what was agreeable to Duryodhana, my wrath became cooled at sight of Karna's feet. It seemed to me that Karna's feet resembled the feet of our mother Kunti. Desirous of finding out the reason of that resemblance between him and our mother, I reflected for a long time.This character Karna reminded Yudhishthira of his mother. A mother, a female, a woman, a lady. Clearly showing the feminine side of Karna. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m12/m12a001.htm
After all how many Kshatriyas do you know that where multiple earrings on their ears?
One of his earrings was compared to a mountain and it was cut off by Bhima on the 14th day - http://sacred-texts.com/hin/m07/m07135.htm
In return, O sire, in that battle, he deeply pierced Karna in the ear with a barbed arrow, rubbed with oil, of great keenness, and of excellent temper. (With that arrow) he felled on the earth the large and beautiful ear-ring of Karna. And it felled down, O monarch, like a blazing luminary of great effulgence from the firmament.I have not known anyone else to keep such earrings with them constantly. These are not even the same earrings that were apart of the kundalas karna received at birth. Add this to the fact that Karna spent most of his life surrounded by dudes, males, men, not women, but men! Most of his time was around Duryodhana. http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m12/m12a004.htm
'Having thus obtained weapons from him of Bhrigu's race, Karna began to pass his days in great joy, in the company of Duryodhana, O bull of Bharata's race!Does this not make you question his sexuality? No wonder his wives are very rarely mentioned in the epic.
Proof from BORI Mahabharata that Karna was a homosexual

Here is a link to a similar post about this topic, from Facebook, it is not public (unfortunately). https://www.facebook.com/groups/1903340833219821/permalink/2015012038719366/ Perhaps Karna was a tom girl/tomboy. After all he does hold many qualities of a woman.
Bro I have a request please stop karna is not a gay he is a man he just love his friend Duryodhana and live with him it does mean he is a bisexual ok..so stop this
ReplyDeleteπ€£π€£π€£π€£karna was indeed worth less than the tati of every pakistani child and kid πππ he is gay like your ugly namard father
DeleteBro you know what kill yourself ok karna was not gay..he was a man and he was loved by women's too
Deleteyes i can tell that u like to suck dick, just like hanumans mother sucked ravans dick
Deleteravan fucked punjiksthala who then got raped by vayu and kesari in the ass
after that she gave birth to a weak donkey named hanutati who is worshipped by idiots, virgins, and namards like you
dont spread your bullshit here..karna has two wives Vrushali and Supriya...do some research first