Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Prince Sveta the best warrior of kurukshetra's 1st day.

Basically - first i will provide my reader's with a small summary of Sweta's achievements on this day. Then after that summary is complete, i will show a list of quotes with link's to Bhishma Parva chapter's on a website. So i will have proof.
Summary of combat feat's he had;
Cut off the bow's of 7 elite warriors (1 of them was Jayadratha who possesed weapon's of Shiva & another was Sudakshina who had swooned Arjuna on the 14th day, something karna failed in doing).
Cutting off all their bow's again (the 7 warrior's bows) and their dart's, even knocking out one of them (Rukmaratha) to unconciousness.
Cut the flag's of Jayadratha, Sudakshina, Vinda, Anuvinda, Vrihadvala and Jayatsena combined, they together failed to stop him. He covered each of them at the same time with arrow's, then once Sweta came closer to king Shalya it was Duryodhan with Bhishma who rescued Shalya.
Next prince Sweta murdered more than 200 royal family member's (all were prince's) either from the Kuru family (Dhritārāshtrā's line) or from one of Hastinapura's ally tribes. If they're kaurav royalty then they were the son's of Dhritrashtra's children, basically son's of Duryodhan & his ninety nine brother's.
Sweta frightened the opposition so much to the point where Sanjay & all kuru family members abandoned Bhishma's inner circle, leaving him alone to confront Sweta.
Blocked the divine weapon's which Bhishma fired at him (they were taught to bhishma cause of Parshurama & Indra). Sweta protected the entire pandav army with normal arrows.
Was able to multitask by taking a mini break from his duel with Bhishma so he could slaughter the army of Duryodhan fast and resume his duel with Bhishma again. Like count dooku turned his attention to savage opress momentarily only to fire his lightning at asajj ventress again. [from a cartoon called TCW]
Sweta injured Bhishma with 32 or more arrow's while Bhishma could only cut a arrow and pierce Sweta with 10 at most.
Sweta fired ten arrows cutting Bhishma's bow apart, and destroyed his flag with another. All kauravas including Suyodhana thought Bhishma died at that point. He asked his own army to come for Bhishma's protection but Sweta never needed such assistance (an army to protect him).
While checking the group attack/ambush of 8 warrior's (Vivinsati, Vikarn, Shalya, Kripa, Vahlika, Chitrasen, Kritvarma & a son of Jarasandha) he was still able to cut off the bow of a ninth warrior using a arrow, and that ninth warrior was gandu Bhishma.
Due to Sweta not being wounded yet still the opposing warrior (bhishma) had suffered injuries & was mangled all spectators believed Bhishma died. This's the 2nd occasion where someone believed Bhishma was no longer alive and it happened cause of Sweta.
Frustrated Bhishma grew angrier, he tried to fire arrows but Sweta cut each of them. Even cutting the bow of Bhishma for the third occasion.
 After he lost his chariot, horses and flag Sweta took up a fierce dart. Though it failed as the dart was cut still Sweta was not disheartened, he continued his campaign. This time taking up a mace he charged at namard Bhishma, while Bhishma was clueless he decided to abandon his chariot so he can save himself from dying at the hands of Sweta. He brought bhishma down to the floor. This time it was king Shalya who provided bhishma with another chariot.
Sweta cut's the bow Bhishma held for a 4th time. But Sweta does it with a sword instead of an arrow. Either tossing the sword or going in close quarters on foot and cutting the bow with a slash of his sword while he is in close proximity.
After exerting himself and being somewhat careless momentarily, the brave prince was then killed finally by Bhishma's arrow.
Though it was clear to everyone who the better warrior was, the guy that had to constantly fight with the armies of maharathis that interfered with his solo battle. The guy who repeatedly kicked the butt of namard bhishma to the point people though he was dead or needed protection.
Evidence from Mahabharat.
"Virata's son Sweta blazed up in wrath, like fire (blazing up) with clarified butter. And that mighty warrior, stretching his large bow that resembled the bow of Sakra himself, rushed with the desire of slaying Salya the ruler of the Madras. Surrounded on all sides with a mighty division of cars, he advanced towards Salya's car pouring an arrowy shower."

"And beholding him rush to the fight with prowess equal to that of an infuriate elephant, seven car-warriors of thy side surrounded him on all sides, desirous of protecting the ruler of Madras who seemed to be already within the jaws of Death. And those seven warriors were Vrihadvala the ruler of the Kosalas, and Jayatsena of Magadha, and Rukmaratha, O king, who was the valourous son of Salya, and Vinda and Anuvinda of Avanti, and Sudakshina the king of the Kamvojas, and Jayadratha, the ruler of the Sindhus and the kinsman of Vrihadkshatra."
Comment se7en warrior's rushed at Sweta just for the protection of Shalya. This leads me to believe maybe Sweta already had a reputation as a dangerous warrior and that's why these people decided to gang up on him immediately as they considered him a big threat. It is likely that prince Sweta had many feat's & achievements prior to Kurukshetra. But focus isn't brought to those feat's by Vyasa.
"And the stretched bows of those high-souled warriors, decorated with diverse colours, looked like the lightning's flashes in the clouds. And they all poured on Sweta's head ceaseless showers of arrows like the clouds tossed by the wind dropping rain on the mountain breast on the expiry of summer. That mighty bowman and commander of the forces, enraged at this, with seven broad-headed arrows of great impetuosity, struck their bows, and then continued to grind them. And those bows we saw were cut off, O Bharata, and thereupon they all took up, within half the time taken up in a wink of the eye, other bows. And they then shot at Sweta seven arrows. And once again that mighty-armed warrior of immeasurable soul, with seven fleet shafts, cut off those (other) bows of these bowmen."
"Those warriors then, whose large bows had been cut off, those mighty car-warriors swelling (with rage), grasping (seven) darts, set up a loud shout. And, O chief of the Bharatas, they hurled those seven darts at Sweta's car. And those blazing darts which coursed (through the air) like large meteors, with the sound of thunder, were all cut off, before they could reach him, that warrior conversant with mighty weapons, by means of seven broad-headed arrows. Then taking up an arrow capable of penetrating into every part of the body, he shot it, O chief of the Bharatas, at Rukmaratha. And that mighty arrow, surpassing (the force of) the thunder-bolt, penetrated into the latter's body. Then, O king, forcibly struck by that arrow, Rukmaratha sat down on the terrace of his car and fell into a deadly swoon. His charioteer then, without betraying any fear, bore him away, senseless and in a swoon, in the very sight of all."

"Then taking up six other (arrows) adorned with gold, the mighty-armed Sweta cut off the standard-tops of his six adversaries. And that chastiser of foes then, piercing their steeds and charioteers also, and covering those six warriors themselves with ceaseless shafts, proceeded towards the car of Salya. And beholding that generalissimo of the (Pandava) forces proceeding quickly towards Salya's car, a loud uproar of oh and alas arose in thy army, O Bharata. Then thy mighty son, with Bhishma at the head, and supported by heroic warriors and many troops, proceeded towards Sweta's car. And he (thus) rescued the ruler of the Madras who had already entered the jaws of Death."

"And in that terrific battle, Sweta caused a great slaughter of the Kurus. And he slew many noble princes by hundreds upon hundreds. And he cut off, by means of his arrows, the heads of car-warriors by hundreds upon hundreds, and (their) arms decked with Angadas, and (their) bows all around. And car-warriors and car-wheels and others that were on cars, and the cars themselves, and standards both small and costly, O king, and large bodies of horses, and crowds of cars, and crowds of men, O Bharata's race, were destroyed by Sweta."
"Ourselves, from fear of Sweta, abandoning (Bhishma) that best of car-warriors, left the battle retreating to the rear and, therefore, do we (now) behold your lordship. And all the Kurus, O son of Kuru's race, beyond the range of arrows, and abandoning Bhishma the son of Santanu, in that battle, stood (as spectators though) armed for the combat."
Logic - sanjaya said "ourselves" he's most likely referring to himself as he's also a warrior that had participated in the war.
"Encountering the single warrior (Sweta), that slayer of foes, Bhishma, was the only one (amongst us) who was cheerful and whole. Devoted to the welfare of Duryodhana, he began to consume the Pandava (warrior). Reckless of his very life which is difficult of being cast off, and abandoning all fear he slaughtered, O king, the Pandava army in that fierce conflict. And beholding the generalissimo (Sweta) smiting the (Dhartarashtra) divisions, thy father Bhishma, called also Devavrata, impetuously rushed against him."
"Thereupon, Sweta covered Bhishma with an extensive net-work of arrows. And Bhishma also covered Sweta with a flight of arrows. And roaring like a couple of bulls, they rushed, like two infuriate elephants of gigantic size or two raging tigers, against each other. Baffling each other's weapons by means of their weapons, those bulls among men, Bhishma and Sweta fought with each other, desirous of taking each other's life. In one single day Bhishma, infuriate with anger, could consume the Pandava army with his arrows, if Sweta did not protect it. Beholding the grandsire then turned off by Sweta, the Pandavas were filled with joy, while thy son became cheerless."
"Duryodhana then, with wrath excited and surrounded by many kings, rushed with his troops against the Pandava host in battle. Then Sweta, abandoning the son of Ganga, slaughtered thy son's host with great impetuosity like the wind (uprooting) trees with violence. And the son of Virata, senseless with wrath, having routed thy army, advanced (once more), O king, to the place where Bhishma was stationed."

"And those two high-souled and mighty warriors then, both blazing with their arrows, battled with each other like Vritra and Vasava (of old), desirous, O king, of slaying each other. Drawing (his) bow to the fullest stretch, Sweta pierced Bhishma with seven arrows. The valourous (Bhishma) then, putting forth his prowess, quickly checked his foe's valour, like an infuriate elephant checking an infuriate compeer. And Sweta then, that delighter of Kshatriyas struck Bhishma, and Bhishma the son of Santanu also pierced him in return with ten arrows. And though pierced by him (thus), that mighty warrior stood still like a mountain. And Sweta again pierced Santanu's son with five and twenty straight arrows, at which all wondered."
"Then smiling and licking with his tongue the corners of his mouth, Sweta in that combat cut off Bhishma's bow into ten fragments with ten arrows. Then aiming a plumed arrow made wholly of iron, (Sweta) crushed the palmyra on the top of the standard of the high-souled (Bhishma). And beholding the standard of Bhishma cut down, thy sons thought that Bhishma was slain, having succumbed to Sweta. And the Pandavas also filled with delight, blew their conches all around. And beholding the palmyra standard of the high-souled Bhishma laid low, Duryodhana, from wrath, urged his own army to the battle. And they all began very carefully to protect Bhishma who was in great distress. Unto them, also unto those that stood (idle) spectators, the king said, =Either Sweta will die (today), or Bhishma the son of Santanu. I say this truly= Hearing the words of the king, the mighty car-warriors speedily with four kinds of forces, advanced protecting the son of Ganga."
"And Valhika and Kritavarman, and Kripa, and Salya also, O Bharata, and the son of Jarasandha, and Vikarna, and Chitrasena, and Vivinsati, with great speed, when speed was so necessary, surrounding him on all sides, poured on Sweta ceaseless showers of arrows. That mighty warrior then, of immeasurable soul, quickly checked those angry warriors by means of sharp arrows, displaying his own lightness of hand. And checking them all like a lion and a multitude of elephants, Sweta then cut off Bhishma's bow with thick shower of arrows. Then Bhishma the son of Santanu, taking up another bow in that battle, pierced Sweta, O king, with arrows furnished with feathers of Kanka bird. Then the commander (of the Pandava army), with wrath excited, pierced Bhishma in that encounter O king, with a great many shafts in the very sight of all. Beholding Bhishma, that foremost of heroes in all the world, checked in battle by Sweta, the king (Duryodhana) became greatly troubled, and great also became the distress of thy whole army. And beholding the heroic Bhishma checked and mangled by Sweta with his arrows, all thought that Bhishma, having succumbed to Sweta, was slain by him."
"Then thy sire Devavrata, yielding to anger, and beholding his (own) standard overthrown and the (Dhartarashtra) army checked, shot a great many arrows, O king, at Sweta. Sweta, however, that foremost of car-warriors, baffling all those arrows of Bhishma, once more cut off, with a broad-headed shaft, thy sire's bow. Throwing aside that bow, O king, Ganga's son, senseless with anger, taking up another bow larger and stronger, and aiming seven large broad-headed arrows whetted on stone, slew with four arrows the four steeds of the generalissimo Sweta, cut off his standard with two and with the seventh shaft that warrior of great prowess, exceedingly provoked, cut off his charioteer's head."
"Thereupon, that mighty car-warrior, jumping down from his car whose steeds and charioteer had been slain, and yielding to the influence of wrath, became exceedingly troubled. The grandsire, beholding Sweta that foremost of car-warriors, deprived of car, began to smite him on all sides with showers of arrows. And smitten in that combat with arrows shot from Bhishma's bow, Sweta, leaving his bow on his (abandoned) car took up a dart decked with gold and taking up that terrible and fierce dart which resembled the fatal rod of Death and was capable of slaying Death's self."

"That great bowman of exceeding prowess and immeasurable soul, hurled the dart resembling a snake, displaying his valour for the sake of the Pandavas and desiring to achieve thy evil. Then loud cries of oh and alas arose among thy sons, O king, upon beholding that terrible dart resembling the rod of Death in splendour. And hurled from Sweta's arms, (that dart), resembling a snake that had just cast off its slough, fell with great force, O king, like a large meteor from the firmament. Thy sire Devavrata then, O king, without the slightest fear, with eight sharp and winged arrows, cut off into nine fragments, that dart decked with pure gold and which seemed to be covered with flames of fire, as it coursed ablaze through the air. All thy troops then, O bull of Bharata's race, set up loud shouts of joy. The son of Virata, however, beholding his dart cut off into fragments, became senseless with anger, and like one whose heart was overcome by (the arrival of) his hour, could not settle what to do. Deprived of his senses by anger, O king, the son of Virata, then, smiling, joyfully took up a mace for Bhishma's slaughter, with eyes red in wrath, and resembling a second Yama armed with mace, he rushed against Bhishma like a swollen torrent against the rocks. Regarding his impetuosity as incapable of cheek, Bhishma endued with great prowess and conversant with the might (of others), suddenly alighted on the ground for warding off that blow."
Sweta then, O king, whirling in wrath that heavy mace, hurled it on Bhishma's car like the god Maheswara. And in consequence of that mace intended for Bhishma's destruction, that car was reduced to ashes, with standard, and charioteer, and steeds and shaft. Beholding Bhishma, that foremost of car-warriors, become a combatant on foot, many car-warriors, Salya and others, speedily rushed (to his rescue). Mounting then upon another car, and cheerlessly stretching his bow, Bhishma slowly advanced towards Sweta, seeing that foremost of car-warriors. Meanwhile, Bhishma heard a loud voice uttered in the skies, that was celestial and fraught with his own good. (And the voice said) "O, Bhishma, O thou of mighty arms, strive without losing a moment. Even this is the hour fixed by the Creator of the Universe for success over this one." Hearing those words uttered by the celestial messenger, Bhishma, filled with joy, set his heart upon Sweta's destruction.
"Sweta, taking up a sword cut off Bhishma's bow. Casting aside that bow, the grandsire, quickly made up his mind for Sweta's destruction, having heard the words of the celestial messenger. Though baffled (by Sweta), thy sire Devavrata then that mighty car-warrior quickly taking up another bow that resembled the bow of Sakra himself in splendour, stringed it in a moment."

"Thy sire Devavrata advanced towards Sweta alone. Then taking out an arrow resembling Death's self and capable of bearing a great strain and incapable of being resisted, the powerful Bhishma placed it on his bowstring. And that shaft, furnished with wings and duly endued with the force of the Brahma weapon, was seen by the gods and Gandharvas and Pisachas and Uragas, and Rakshasas. And that shaft, of splendour like that of a blazing fire, piercing through his coat of mail (passed through his body and) struck into the earth, with a flash like that of heaven's bolt. Like the Sun when speedily retiring to his western chambers taking along with him the rays of light, even thus that shaft passed out of Sweta's body, bearing away with itself his life."
So ended the life of yet another guy that was superior to namard's like hanuman, bhishma, parshurama, karna etc.
Also to those who bring up "sweta is excluded from BORI CE" well my reply is that Bori makes it very clear that namard pajeet karna failed to lift the bow at swayamvara Parva.
Bori CE also states that Shiva was defeated in Khandav-Dahan and karn fans believe footnotes are fake so that mean's that the line of Vichakra being Shiva is not true. I agree footnotes are fake, so BORI mentioning Shiva's defeat is the truth not a falsehood.
[and yes i know someone is going to steal my gifs, memes and quotes without giving me credit because in india their is no originality, which's why pakistan won the kargil war]

Friday, March 25, 2022

Did bhagWan Ram win the lankan war on his own merit?

Note; i will include the merit of the Vanars as being Ram's merit as well, like Laxman's too. I will not count Laxman & the vanars contribution as being "not Ram's" in this post i will basically explain how Ram had outside help that was unfair to the other army. How Ram had support from people that were not Laxman, not the vanaras.
Post start's.

Vibhishan was the reason why the warriors serving Ravan failed to use their magic to the best extent.

1st Quote:
"Parvana, Patana, Jambha, Khara, Krodha-vasa, Hari, Praruja, Aruja and Praghasa, and others. And as these wicked ones were penetrating (the monkey host) in their invisible forms, Vibhishana, who had the knowledge thereof, broke the spell of their invisibility. And once seen, O king, by the powerful and long-leaping monkeys, they were all slain and prostrated on the earth, deprived of life. And unable to endure this, Ravana marched out at the head of his troops."
Logic if it was not for Vibhisana then the army Ram commanded wouldve been annihlated, with no army Ram can not fight this war.
2nd quote:
"Vibhishana, taking up a huge and mighty javelin furnished with a hundred bells, inspired it with mantras and hurled it at the head of his adversary. And by the impetuosity of that weapon rushing with the force of the thunderbolt, Prahasta's head was severed off, and he thereupon looked like a mighty tree broken by the wind. And beholding that wanderer of the night, Prahasta, thus slain in battle."
Logic - when a army chief dies then the servants and lower ranked officers become leaderless, the average soldier is in confusion, its an incident that creates panic and a perfect distraction that leads to many people becoming vulnerable, many lankan warriors died because of Prahasta's mrityu.

3rd quote:
"And Vibhishana, having achieved success in another part of the field, soon arrived at that spot, and roused those heroes from insensibility, awakening them by means of the weapon called, Prajna1 Then Sugriva soon extracted the arrows from their bodies. And by means of that most efficacious medicine called the Visalya 2, applied with celestial mantras, those human heroes regained their consciousness. And the arrow having been extracted from their bodies, those mighty warriors in a moment rose from their recumbent posture, their pains and fatigue thoroughly alleviated."
Logic - Vibhishan basically saved Ram by propelling the Prajnastra like Drona saved prince Suyodhan's brothers from Dhrishtadyumna in Mahabharata's Bhishma Parva.
4th quote;
"Thus addressed by him, the descendant of Raghu's race, however, doubted the truthful words of Matali, thinking this is another illusion produced by the Rakshasas."
Logic - Ram clearly had his limit's and was not aware of how to counter magic. After this line it is mentioned that Vibhishana helped Ram understand the truth.

5th quote.
"it was under Vibhishana's guidance, O king, that Rama with all his troops crossed the great ocean by means of that bridge in course of a month. And having crossed the ocean and arrived at Lanka, Rama caused its extensive and numerous gardens to be devastated by his monkeys."
Conclusion; Vibhishana's contribution is often ignored by the general public who overrate Ramayan era protagonist warriors from the winning side.
6th quote:
"So ordered by RāvaαΉ‡a, BibhΔ«αΉ£aαΉ‡a went near Rāma. Thirty proud army divisions of RākαΉ£asas and Vidyādharas deserted the lord of LaαΉ…kā at once and followed BibhΔ«αΉ£aαΉ‡a. Seeing him approaching, SugrΔ«va and others trembled. For there is no confidence in an enemy like a witch."
Logic - one division is an army unit of 218,700 men, multiple that by thirtyfold you get 6,561,000 who deserted Ravan's army cause of Vibeeshan. 6 million warrior's abandoned him.

7th quote;
"Certainly, this conjuring trick (in the form of killing an illusory living effigy of Seetha) was exhibited by him, who was employing his magical art, expecting interruption by the prowess of the monkeys there. While the sacrificial performance is not ended, we shall proceed to that place, along with an army. O the foremost of men! Give up this improper grief, which has come upon you. Seeing you tormented with grief, the entire army is sinking into despondency."
Logic - this basically shows that Vibhishan prevented the morale of Ram's army from being depressed he also made Ram understand the real truth that Seetha was never killed by mighty Meghanada. He clearly helped Ram if Vibhishan didn't inform him then the result of this lankan war could have been different.

8th quote:
"A boon was given by Brahma to that intelligent prince, whichever enemy strikes Indrajit when he has his bow drawn before he offer's oblation to the sacred fire at Nikumbhila will be the killer of Indrajit."
Basic - it's vibeeshan who informed shri Ram on the details of Meghanad's power and yagya if u read everything in the link. He also tells them the only way Meghanad can be killed.

9th quote:
"vibhishana, wielding his excellent bow, stood there at the battle-front, with an intent to behold their combat. Standing there thus, Vibhishana stretched his great bow and released excellent sharp pointed arrows on those demons."
"Falling in exact spot, those arrows, hitting like fire, tore the demons into pieces, as thunderbolts would cleave large mountains. Even the foremost of demons, the attendants of Vibhishana too, rent asunder those valiant demns in battle, with pikes, sowrds and sharp-edged spears."
Basic - Vibeeshan disrupted the yagya & himself murders many brave soldiers defending their country.
10th quote;
"O king of demons! I too have to do a favour to you. I won the battle because of you. Certainly I have to give you an appropriate advice."
Logic - ram himself admit's that he won due to Vibeeshan & not hanutati.
Their was another Mir Jaffar in Ravan's close circle/abode.
"There is an intelligent and old chief of the Rakshasas known by the name of Avindhya. He always seeketh Rama's good and hath told me these words for thy sake!"
Importance - Unlike Vibhishan this guy was NOT a open enemy to Ravan, he was a hidden enemy who disguised himself as a friend.
In the crossing of lanka's ocean he was helped by a God.
"This proposal, therefore, that ye have made, is not consonant to reason. Besides we have not the number of boats necessary for carrying all our troops. How, again, can one like us raise such obstacles in the way of the merchants? Our army is very large. The foe wilt make a great havoc if a hole is detected."
"Therefore, to cross the sea in boats and rafts doth not recommend itself to me. I will, however, pray to the Ocean for the necessary means. Foregoing food, I will lie down on the shore. He will certainly show himself to me. If, however, he doth not show himself, I will chastise him then."
Conclusion - Ram would have lost the battle if his army crossed the ocean by boat's and if the ocean god didn't intervene then Ram wouldve either slain that god or he wouldve given up on the idea of attacking lanka.
Kuber's help
a Guhyaka hath come from the White mountains, bringing with him his water! O great king, this water is a present to thee from Kuvera, so that all creatures that are invisible may, O chastiser of foes, become visible to thee! This water laved over the eyes will make every invisible creature visible to thee, as also to any other person to whom thou mayst give it!'--Saying--So be it,--Rama took that sacred water and sanctified his own eyes therewith. And the high-minded Lakshmana also did the same. And Sugriva and Jambuvan, and Hanuman and Angada, and Mainda and Dwivida, and Nila and many other foremost of the monkeys, laved their eyes with that water. And thereupon it exactly happened as Vibhishana had said, for, O Yudhishthira, soon did the eyes of all these became capable of beholding things that could not be seen by the unassisted eye!
Logic - so Meghanad's illusion wouldn't work against Ram in their next battle Kuber bailed Ram out by giving him this water.
It's unfortunate how everyone has insulted Arjuna, Satyaki, Abhimanyu, Meghnad, Jayadrath etc. Making false accusations like "these guys were one day warrior's" or "they were only powerful due to cheating, gods help etc"

Yet everyone ignores how Ram himself needed support from Avindhya, Kubera, most importantly of all Vibhishan. Theirs way too much biasedness and hypocrisy in this world.

The answer is "NO" he did not win with his own merit.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Putting an end to the hanuman topic (part 5).

I wanted to post this a month or two month's back but i had my own issues to deal with, now however i can do this, although i didnt get all the images i wanted so its not like my post ended up as i wanted it too originally.
People claim hanuman recieved praise and accolades from Ravan, Bheem, Shri Ram, Laxman, Seetha, and other characters.
But now i will disprove this too.
How - it is basic, by providing a list of quotes where characters from both stories (Mahabharat & Ramayana) state incorrect thing's their words means nothing and they are lying.
I warn you though, it could be tiresome to read this.

Even though Ravan said this:
"He that Rama is merely a human, and in war he equals me not by my finger, oh, richly colourful lady, and I chanced here merely by your serendipity, thus you honour me and my desire to possess you."
STILL HANUBHAKTS RELIED ON RAVANS WORD to defend their useless idol hanumana.

Post really begin's.
1) Laxman's accolade:
[quote] "You are the knower of virtuousness and gratefulness and you do not retreat from battlegrounds, or, on your own word, thus what you have said is conclusive as well as coherent." [end quote]
Logic; According to Laxman's words in Kishkinda Kanda their was never a incident in his life where Sugriva lost a fight. Even though very recently he was defeated by Vali. So his words are clearly not reliable.
2) Dewi Sreekandi from Mahabharat recieved a accolade.
Initial Quote;
[Arjuna's word's] "All of them after their initiation in the Vedas, have undergone the final bath in sacrifices. All of them are unvanquished. They are competent, O son of Pandu, to slay in battle the army of even the celestials. Thou hast for thy allies Sikhandin, and Yuyudhana and Dhristadyumna of Prishata's race." [end of quote]
Logic - i already highlighted the 2 important word's in bold.

Middle quote;
"the unvanquished Sikhandin, the Asmakas, the Kekayas, and Kshatradharman of 'the Somakas, the ruler of the Chedis, and Chekitana, and Vibhu, the son of the ruler of the Kasi,"
My explanation - this line was stated by king Dhritrashtra, father to Suyodhana. He claim's that Srikandi was never defeated by calling her "unvanquished"

Last quotE:
"That invincible prince of the Panchala who encountered the Kalingas in battle, with what Sikhandin skilled in every weapon, will the Pandavas fight against you. She whom a Yaksha for Bhishma's destruction metamorphosed into a male, with that formidable bowman will the Pandavas fight against you."
Explanation; Dhritrashtra called her "invincible" its a clear exaggeration like hanuman being praised is another exaggeration.
Bonus] Srikandi was labelled as superior to parshuram by Dhritrashtra.
"Without doubt, Drupada's son Sikhandin, therefore who hath slain in battle that bull of Bharata's race, that hero acquainted with the highest weapons, that brave and accomplished warrior conversant with every weapon, is superior in energy, prowess, and might to the invincible Vargava endued with the highest energy."
Note: the bhargav here is referring to Bhargav parshuram.
Srikandi was labelled as superior to parshuram by Dhritrashtra.
3) An accolade that Karna got given to him.
"neither Bhishma, nor Drona, nor any other warrior of thy army had ever achieved such feats as were then achieved by Karna in that battle"
Logic - this would indicate or hint at karna having slain more human's than Drona, Bhishma combined put together. But not if you look at more quotes below.

In a single day Bhishma slew over 220 thousand.
[begin quote] "Having slain ten thousand elephants of great activity and ten thousand steeds also, O king, along with their riders, and full two hundred thousands of foot-soldiers, Bhishma shone resplendent in battle like a fire without a curl of smoke." [end quote]

In ten day's Bhishma slew more than a million.
[quote] "who, scattering like Sakra himself and inexhaustible shower of arrows, slew in battle a hundred millions of warriors in ten days, that scion of Bharata's race, now lieth, although he deserveth it not, on the bare ground, in the field of battle, deprived of life" [end quote]

Important warriors dead in 17 days.

As you will read over 99 percent were killed by guru Drona not karna or bhishma:
"Satyajit, who was equal to the diadem-decked Arjuna himself in battle as regards energy and might, hath been slain in battle by Drona of sure aim. Many mighty bowmen among the Pancalas, all of whom were skilled in battle, encountering Drona, have repaired to Yama's abode. So the two kings Virata and Drupada, both venerable in years, who exerted themselves with great prowess for their ally, have, with their sons, been slain in battle by Drona."
"The two kings Manimat and Dandadhara, both of whom were invincible in battle and had put forth their prowess for their allies, have been slain by Drona. Ansumat the ruler of the Bhojas, that mighty car-warrior at the head of his own forces, hath been despatched to Yama's abode by Drona exerting himself with great prowess."
"Brothers Rochamana, like two brilliant planets, have together been despatched to heaven by Drona with his shafts. Many other kings, O monarch, endued with great prowess, have fought (for the Pandavas) Having achieved the most difficult feats, all of them have gone to Yama's abode. Purujit and Kuntibhoja, the two maternal uncles of Savyasaci, have been despatched by Drona with shafts to such regions as are attained by death in battle."
"The Pancala prince Mitravarman, O Bharata, those two foremost of bowmen, have been despatched to Yama's abode by Drona. The two heroes Sucitra and Citravarman, who were sire and son and endued with great might, and who careered fearlessly in battle, have been slain by Drona. Vardhakshemi, O monarch, who was like the ocean at full tide, having had his weapons exhausted in battle, hath at last obtained undisturbed peace."
"Similarly, the heroic Satyadhriti, endued with great prowess, having made a great slaughter in battle for the sake of the Pandavas, has been despatched to Yama's abode. That lord of Earth, viz., Suketu, the son of Shishupala, having slain many foes, hath at last been slain by Drona in battle. Virata's son Sankha, as also Uttara of great strength, having accomplished the most difficult feats, have repaired to Yama's abode. Similarly, Satyadhriti of the Matsyas, and Madiraswa of great energy, and Suryadatta possessed of great prowess, have all been slain by Drona with his shafts."
"Vasudana also, having made an immense carnage in battle, has been despatched to Yama's abode by Bharadwaja's son exerting himself with great prowess. These and many other mighty car-warriors of the Pandavas have been slain by Drona exerting himself with great energy."

True Logic; karna has never ever slain more than a couple thousand men, so this BS of him having slaughtered a greater number than Drona or Bhishma is clearly false.
4) Krishna called Yudhisthir the only man worthy to defeat Shalya. Even though Satyaki, Arjuna, Dhrishtadyumn, Bheem are all still alive, hanuman/shiva were walking on earth at that time period as well.
"In battle, he is superior in might to Shikhandi and Arjuna and Bhima and Satyaki and Dhrishtadyumna, O Bharata. The king of the Madras, O monarch, endued with the prowess of a lion or an elephant, will career fearlessly in battle like the Destroyer himself in wrath amongst creatures at the time of the universal destruction. I do not behold a match for him in battle save thee, O tiger among men, that art possessed of prowess equal to that of a tiger. Save thee there is no other person in either heaven or the whole of this world, who, O son of Kuru's race, would be able to slay the ruler of the Madras while excited with wrath in battle."

In the same above link/source Krishna even mentioned [start quote"He is accomplished, conversant with all the modes of warfare, and possessed of great lightness of hand. I think that the ruler of the Madras is in battle equal to Bhishma or Drona or Karna, or perhaps, superior to them. I do not, O ruler of men, even upon reflection, find the warrior who may be a match for Shalya while engaged in fight." [end quote]
5) Bheem according to Krishna on the 14th night had slain multiple raksasas in his life that were equal to Ravan:
[begin quote] "Hidimva and Vaka and Kirmira have all been slain by Bhimasena. All those Rakshasas were endued with might equal to that Ravana and all of them were destroyers of Brahmanas and sacrifice." [end quote]
Logic - thus Krishna is claiming that Bheem slew more than 3 Ravans in his life, while shri Ram took 7 days and could barely slay 1 Ravan fairly.
6) As per Gandhari none of the kaurava brother's ever retreated from any battle.
"Alas, a century of sons, heroes that never retreated from battle, belonging to this son of thine, this king of great intelligence and great prosperity, has been slain in battle. The hundred wives of those sons are all grieving and repeatedly enhancing the grief of both the king and myself. O great ascetic, stricken by that great slaughter, they have gathered round me."
Logic - that would imply and mean that the kauravs did not run from bheem, drupad in guru dakshina, or anyother enemy in a battle. So even Satyaki did not make Duhsasan retreat from the field in the 14th day, or Abhimanyu never made Suyodhana retreat in a fight.
Other possible explanations:
A - Whenever Ravan praised Hanuman either he was mocking the vanar or just joking, trying to

So if bheem, ram, ravan any individual praised our gandu pawan pootr hanutati jee then it is a meangingless incident/quote.

So basically whenever the king of lanka Ravana made a claim that our prabhu HanutatiJee was more powerful than real men like Wali, kings like Sugriva, mards like Neela, brave tiger's like Angada, then it is clear that Ravan was exaggerating the power of weak Hanuman.

No one should degrade the might of vanars like Sandhaman, Dwividha, Mainda just cause those three were better than gandu Hanuman in the art of fighting & military science.
Vanars that boasted in Ramayan (they thought they could beat Ravan).
1) Kanda: "He has a very long hair-coppery, yellow, pale and white and hideous to cook upon- thrown about on his tail is the intrepid and fierceful monkey called Kanda. He yearns to fight and boasts that he can destroy Lanka with his forces."
2) Shatabali: "He who stands in the middle is the powerful leader of the monkeys who ever faces the sun, who is a wise man, eager to conquer you and is famous in the world by the name, Shatabali. He swears to destroy Lanka with his troops. This Shatabali the monkey is courageous, strong, valiant and is established in his manliness."
Conclusion: All the times Hanumana barked, brayed, farted like a donkey/gadha is irrelevant nothing he says matters, as self-praise and praise of others, boasts dont matter, only performance does. Our Hanutati lost.

These 2 vanar's didn't do anything in the war, they are not even mentioned fighting the foot soldiers who defeated Hanuman, so how does hanutati's boast of him being better than Kumbhakarna mean anything?
Kumbhkarn defeated hanuman multiple time's and beat him to near death.
You all consider hanutati to be a god, so maybe consider his word once in awhile.

Hanutati said he is the weakest ape in Sugriva's sena, that means no one else will be weaker than hanuman.
[he said]"No one in the vicinity of Sugreeva is inferior to me."[he finished the line]
Basic logic - Everyone close to king Sugriv would not be below hanutati's level of power
Hanutati claimed that dwividh and mainda were invincible, he finds no warrior including Ram and Laxman that can defeat them both.
The link and quote is in this source;
My claim of hanutati saying mainda/dwividh are both better warrior's than him has already been proven.

Also Hanutati accepts the power of Lanka Raj Kumar Aksa, if he were to continue charging his energy then Aksa would have slain Hanuman very easily but he was not at his full power.
Quoted text:
"If neglected, he would undoubtedly overpower me. His prowess is getting augmented in battle. The only option left out for me is to kill him now. It is not proper to neglect a spreading fire." [quote end's gandu hanuman fans cried]

Words of pavan putr hanutati himself;
"The earth with its oceans and mountains has been circumambulated clockwise many times by those monkeys, who are highly energetic and who follow the aerial path. In them, some of the monkeys are superior to me and some are even equal to me."
[hanutards after reading this be like]
"hum sab hijdey hai! hum sabh gandu kee tarav zindagi jee rahey vah! 😒😭😭😭😭😭😭" "hanuman jaisey hijdo koh aatma hatya kar leni chahiyeh!" ME AFTER SEEING THEIR REACTION;
πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž celebrating the mrityu of napunsaks.