Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Refuting a laxman bhakth (I).

The reason's why information in this screenshot is wrong/false/incorrect will be given by me in this very post even though i replied to the comment in the particular blog post where this ignorant laxman fan commented upon.
First of all here is the image/photo/screen-shot:
Reaction - i assume this individual is either a biased hindu who is intolerant against those that tell the truth about weak warrior's like hanutati, laxman I and parshurama. Or possibly they are one of the subscriber's of the inactive, failed, flop youtube channel named "Sanatani-Narrative's" maybe i should make a youtube account with that same name and see if i have better success compared to them.

But what is more important is that i debunk the false claims that this individual made, first of all they call themselves "Anonymous" because they desire to keep their identity fake, they are too ashamed to use their real life name.
1 - The individual claims that Meghanada (indrajeet) had pasupat astra & vaishnav astra, both claims are based on TV SERIAL'S not from authentic books. Theirs no reference or basis from the original text which states Indrajeet had those weapon's rather laxman bhakts and raam bhakts were butt hurt that indrajeet easily defeated both of them.
So they choose to invent fake story's to overrate the character who defeated them in order to make it look like any other person would've lost too.

2 - The info in the screenshot is false because the user/commentator claim's that Laxman gained praise from Kumvakarna.
What did he truly say?
tiSThannapi = The one who even stands agrataH = before me pragR^ihiitaayudhasya = holding forth a weapon; mahaamR^idhe = in a great battle iha = here; puujyaH = is venerable; kimu = what to tell; yuddhapradaayakaH = of the one who bestows battle (on me).
LOGIC; here kumvakarna said anyone who even stands infront of him carrying a weapon is worthy of worship (pujyah) that means even if that person is a foot soldier, so no laxman did not do anything relevant.
Such praise would have been given even to gabbar singh gujjar, phoolan devi, pakistani children etc, or even dawood ibrahim's illegitimate daughters. Provided if they had the guts to just carry a gun infront of him.
The meme only has one problem that is the use of "bhagavad geeta" when it shouldve said "ramayana" that laxman was weak according to ramayana.
3 - this laxman fan also say'"laxman cut astras of kumvakarna" But in yuddh kanda when their duel is narrated then kumvakarna did not ever use a astra on laxman.

For their battle the term "brushed aside" is used, indicating that laxman was picked up and throw aside like a piece of trash is placed into a garbage can.
saH mahaabalaH kumbhakarNaH = that mighty Kumbhakarna; nishaacharaH = the demon; anaadR^itya = brushing aside; lakSmaNam = Lakshmana; atikramya = and crossing; saumitrim = Lakshmana; abhidudraava = ran; raamameva = towards Rama alone;
You can read it for yourself and find out how weak Laxman was in front of the top warrior's in ramayana, if he had to step foot in dwapara Yoog fight any average character in Mahabharat he would be crushed in two second's.

The individual (who wrote the comment in the screenshot) also claimed "he killed Indrajeet who was the most powerful warrior" which means that the individual (Anonymous) feels that Indrajeet is more powerful than vishnu, shiva, brahma, raam too.

They also seem to ignore that 38 to 40 different people did a group attack on meghanada (they were the 30 devas of indra & nearly a dozen vanaras and vibeeshan too) so clearly namard laxman was not alone in his fight with meghanada so it does not count as a feat/achievement.
He wanted to murder his loyal and innocent elder brother Bharath.
"By killing Bharata together with his army in this great forest, I shall discharge my debt to my bow and arrows."

Desire to murder his father's other wife a woman;
"I shall kill Kaikeyi too along with her friend the hunch-back and other accomplices. Let the earth today be relieved of a great sinner."
[Excuse to murder]
"I see no sin in slaying Bharata. None is charged with unlawfulness, if one strikes down an aggressor."
Note - their was no proof and no prior incident which indicates Bharath was a offender, he did not provoke laxman in any way at all in his lifetime.

The "hunch back" was a disabled person, so Laxman would be willing to murder autistic and handicapped humans too clearly he's a negative character.
In the future if another laxman bhakt or hanubhakt comes then it is possible i will make a part 2 follow up to continue another way, unless its not worth it. So far its already been proven that devotees of hanutati/laxman are not capable of debating so they dont even deserve to be given a post like this to acknowledge their existence but i did it for the sake of again making it clear that laxman is a weak character.


  1. If you weren't such an Arjuna arse licker, I would have given your work more credibility. You have successfully called out many hugely overrated characters like Karna and even Hanuman ji who has andh bhakts. But then the problem is that you yourself are an Arjuna andhbhakt and even go as far as claiming that Dwapar Yuga warriors are stronger than satayuga or treta yuga warriors. Ridiculous.

    1. 1st - Arjuna himself faced defeat many times too, but the problem is that he has already been harassed and disrespected by many hindus, indians and non indians too, even pakistanis insulted him on the internet, so again what use is their of beating a DEAD HORSE (attacking someone whose been harassed/bashed by human beings on the internet)?

      2nd - though i might come off as an arjuna fan at the end of the day i only respect him but dont agree with everything he did, as he did not defend his wife in sabha parva, he also did not speak out against the slave system. And he seemed like a war mongerer who loved invading other peoples kingdoms. I am more of a hater of bhishma, karna, hanuman, parshuram etc so i hide behind arjuna as a shield so arjuna's fans would aid me.

      3rd - i know arjuna did not really defeat shiva, but i bring up the point of shiva losing in BORI CE to prove that Bori's mahabharat version is INFERIOR in terms of being canon compared to KMG that kmg is more accurate.

      4th - their is no proof that warriors or characters in satya yuga/treta yuga were tougher than dwapar era warrior's on AVERAGE if anything as you can see the divine weapons that were used in war were alot more available and common during mahabharat compared to ramayana. So this is a big rumor that is false when people say all warriors of treta yug are OP or tougher than Mahabharat era fighters.

