Tuesday, December 5, 2023

TTADF (the truth about drupada's family).

Introduction; TV serial's usually claim Drupada was childless or just had shikandin before adopting dhrishtadyumna & droupadi, but that is not true. Also Drupada had more than one wife.
{Important announcement}
ORIGINALLY this was posted in March 2022, but i decided to retract it into a draft form so i could update it and post it again to add more information which escaped me in the past. The new information is mostly about Satyajits power & mention of other panchal princes in karna parva who were son of drupada not grandsons. Credit to "Mrinal Rai" for two photos.
{Done with Edit}
Basically - this post is my attempt at getting at the heart of the true fact's of the Panchal family. They are a dynasty of elite warrior's each who can defeat Hanuman with a hand tied behind their back's.
Wives of Drupad.
Quote 1;
"Childless, O great king, as I was, from fear of my co-wives, when Sikhandini, my daughter, was born, I represented unto you that it was a son!"
Logic - this woman said "co-wive's" meaning more than one, so their were at least 2 other queen's besides her. Drupad had 3 wives at minimum.
Quote 2;
"Behold, O Madhava, king Drupada overthrown in battle by Drona, like a mighty elephant in the forest slain by a huge lion. The bright umbrella, white in hue of the king of the Pancalas, shines, O lotus-eyed one, like the moon in the autumnal firmament. The daughters-in-law and the wives of the old king, afflicted with grief, having burnt his body on the funeral pyre, are proceeding, keeping the pyre to their right."
Logic: again here the word "wives" was utilized, indicating that their are 2 or more females that Drupad gave a "wife" status.
Children of Drupad.
Note: I will not be including the 3 main one's (Srikandi, Drishtadyumna, Droupadi) as they're very popular already well known characters.

1st] prince Satyajit.
"Drupada's son, Satyajit, young in years and displaying great prowess in battle, should be regarded as equal to eight Rathas. Indeed being Dhrishtadyumna's equal, he is an Atiratha. Desirous of spreading the fame of the Pandavas, he will achieve great feats."
Analysis - this quote is contradictory as Satyajit was introduced as a warrior in Adi Parva, before the timeskips that came after that Varanavat palace burnt down. Satyajit should be as old if not older than the pandava's. How can he be described as "young in years"? Also Bhishma first claimed Satyajit was equivalent to 8 Rathis, in the next line he calls him an "Atirathi" a highest class/ranking for any Mahabharat warrior.

2 & 3] prince's Uttamaujas & Yudhamanyu.
"two mighty bowmen, those two princes of Panchala, Yudhamanyu and Uttamaujas, to set out."
Another Quote:
"Yudhamanyu and Uttamauja, the two high-souled princes of Panchala, both endued with great prowess and both armed with mace and bow."

4th, 5th] Surath and Satrunjay:
"Filled once more with rage, the puissant son of Drona having pierced those mighty car-warriors, the Parthas including Vrikodara and the sons of Prishata, slew Suratha, one of the sons of Drupada. Then he slew in that battle Suratha's younger brother named Satrunjaya."
Logic; the younger brother of Surath will have the same father as Surath aka Drupada.
Suratha's skill as a warrior;
"The son of Drona, then, O king, shrouded Suratha with showers of shafts before the eyes of all the Kshatriyas. At this, Suratha, that great car-warrior among the Pancalas, in that battle, riding upon his car whose rattle was as deep as the roar of the clouds rushed against the son of Drona. Drawing his foremost of bows, firm and capable of bearing a great strain, the Pancala hero covered Ashvatthama with arrows that resembled flames of fire or snakes of virulent poison."
"Seeing the great car-warrior Suratha rushing towards him in wrath, the son of Drona became filled with rage like a snake struck with a stick. Furrowing his brow into three lines, and licking the corners of his mouth with his tongue, he looked at Suratha in rage and then rubbed his bow-string and sped a keen cloth-yard shaft that resembled the fatal rod of Death. Endued with great speed, that shaft pierced the heart of Suratha and passing out entered the Earth, riving her through, like the thunderbolt of Shakra hurled from the sky. Struck with that shaft, Suratha fell down on the Earth like a mountain summit riven with thunder. After the fall of that hero, the valiant son of Drona, that foremost of car-warriors speedily mounted upon the vehicle of his slain foe."
Suratha's battle with his killer is described much more elaborately than all of drupada's duels/battles (in kurukshetra). Its a possibility that Suratha possessed the nagastra.
6th] "Mitravarman"
"The Pancala prince Mitravarman, O Bharata, those two foremost of bowmen, have been despatched to Yama's abode by Drona."
Logic - though he was stated to be a prince it is possible Mitravarman was also not drupad's son but instead a grandson of droopad, that is why he was called a prince so it is arguable this is not his son.

7th] "Viraketu"
"Viraketu, the son of the ruler of the Panchalas, rushed against the son of Bharadwaja who thus engaged in vanquishing the Pandava ranks"
Logic; he was directly called son of Drupad, at a time where Drupad was alive.

8,9,10,11] Sudhanwan, Chitrarath, Chitraketu and Chitravarman.
"Then Chitraketu, and Sudhanwan, and Chitravarman, O Bharata, and Chitraratha also, all afflicted with grief on account of their (slain) brother, together rushed against the son of Bharadwaja."
Logic; they were all brothers of Drupada's son Viraketu.
EDIT (9:41 PM December 5th 2023).
Cross references of the unknown drupada nandans:
"Beholding the mighty sons of Pritha, escaped from the burning house of lac and allied with Drupada, and thinking of Dhrishtadyumna and Sikhandin and the other sons of Drupada all accomplished in fight, they were struck with fear and overcome with despair."

"As long as the king of the Panchalas together with his sons gifted with great prowess, setteth not his heart upon fighting with us, so long, O king, exhibit thy prowess."

"They who have Drupada for their father-in-law, and Drupada's sons--the heroic brothers, Dhristadyumna and others of Prishata's race for their brothers-in-law, are certainly invincible."

Random sons of Droopad mentioned.
"How also could Drona's son slay the children of Drupada, all of whom were accomplished in weapons, possessed of great prowess, and capable of battling with hundreds of thousands of foes?"
Kurukshetra Yudh Day 17;
"The son of Adhiratha then pierced Shikhandi with a dozen keen shafts, Uttamauja with half a dozen, and Yudhamanyu with three, and each of the other two, Somaka (Janamejaya) and Prishata's son (Dhrishtadyumna) with three shafts. Vanquished in dreadful battle by the Suta's son those five mighty car-warriors then stood inactive, gladdening their foes. The five sons of Draupadi then, with other well-equipped cars, rescued those maternal uncles of theirs that were sinking in the Karna ocean"
Here it is JANAMEJAYA who is the new son of Droopad.

The man was also mentioned on the 14th night.
"Sahadeva, then, heartless and afflicted with arrows, and pierced with the wordy darts of Karna, no longer cherished any love for life. That mighty car-warrior then quickly ascended the car of Janamejaya, the illustrious prince of the Panchalas."
17th day;
"These eleven formidable resisters of all foes, the five heroic sons of Drupada, the grandson of Sini forming the sixth, and the five sons of Draupadi quickly proceeded on their loud-sounding cars drawn by bounding steeds, with banners waving in the air, and guided by accomplished drivers. Those well-armed warriors began to destroy thy elephants and cars and men and steeds with shafts that resembled formidable snakes."
Logic; their were 3 more son's of Drupada besides Dresthadyumn/Srikandi.

Even if uttamouja/yudhamanyu were both in that club of chariot warrior's then their was one more nameless prince of pancala to complete the list to five.
Edit finished.
Grandsons Drupada had.
"Kshattradharman, the son of Dhrishtadyumna, owing to his immature years, as also in consequence of his want of exercise in arms, is, in my judgment, O king, only half a Ratha."

Red horse's.
"Desirous of protecting his sire, and wishing him complete success, Dhristadyumna's son, Kshatradharman of regulated vows, proceeded borne by red steeds."
His death
"That arrow, slaying Kshatradharman entered the earth. His breast pierced through, he fell down from his vehicle on the earth. Upon the slaughter of Dhrishtadyumna's son, the (Pandava) troops began to tremble."

"Shikhandi's son Kshatradeva, that foremost of warriors, possessed of great bravery, hath, O king, been slain by thy grandson Lakshmana."
3rd, 4th, 5th]
"Those children who, giving up all (childish) sports for twelve years, and observing excellent vows, waited upon Bhishma for the sake of weapons, those children, Kshatranjaya and Kshatradeva and Kshatravarman and Manada, those heroic sons of Dhrishtadyumna, O, who resisted them, seeking to keep them away from Drona?"
Logic; Kshatradev was already mentioned in a previous quote, so excluding him this quote mentioned three more children that Dhrishtadyumna had, thus they are grandchildren of Drupada.

"Vyaghradatta, the prince of the Panchalas"
"Then the protector of Yudhishthira's car-wheels, Kumara, the renowned prince of the Panchalas, received the advancing Drona, like the continent receiving the surging sea."

8th, 9th, 10th]
"Drona, with three sharp shafts, took the lives of the three grandsons of Drupada. Deprived of lives, the princes fell down on the earth."

"Then cut off the head of Dhrishtadyumna's son. The high-souled son of Adhiratha then pierced Sutasoma with a very keen shaft. During the progress of that fierce battle, and after Dhrishtadyumna's son had been slain, Krishna, O lion among kings, addressed Partha"

12th and 13th.
"Candradeva and Dandadhara, the two Pancala princes, that protected the two car wheels of the high-souled Yudhishthira."

And of course the five son's of droupadi, no quote is needed for this as everyone knows about the Upa Pandavas.
Only Brother of Drupad.
1) Hiranyavarman.
Quote (1st):
"My powerful brother, king Hiranyavarman, having mustered a large force, is coming towards me in anger."
Quote (2nd):
"The king, however, with his queen, was greatly afflicted, thinking of how a war might not take place with his brother."
Logic - this "Hiranyavarman" fellow is likely the predecessor of king "Sudharman" who fought Bheem in Rajasuya Parva. Maybe Hiranyavarman died cause of Jarasandha's campaign or due to some other incident. But he didn't have any other brother's in his family.

Possibly he had other siblings:
The mighty Yajnasena lived in the same asylum. He became my friend, always seeking my welfare. I liked him much. Indeed, we lived together for many, many years. O thou of Kuru's race, from our earliest years we had studied together and, indeed, he was my friend from boyhood, always speaking and doing what was agreeable to me. For gratifying me, O Bhishma, he used to tell me "O Drona, I am the favourite child of my illustrious father. When the king installeth me as monarch of the Panchalas, the kingdom shall be thine. O friend, this, indeed, is my solemn promise. My dominion, wealth and happiness, shall all be dependent on thee." At last the time came for his departure. Having finished his studies, he bent his steps towards his country. I offered him my regards at the time, and, indeed, I remembered his words ever afterwards.
Conclusion; ekta kapoor made a mistake by having satyajit be drupada's brother, as the only brother who was mentioned is king Hiranyavarman. But BR Chopra & Starplus made a worse mistake by not giving their Drupad any sibling.

3 wives, 1 brother, 15 children, 1 nephew, 18 grandson's at minimum.

If Sudharman is the son of Hiranyavarman then Drupad also has a nephew, but it does not change the fact that most members in his family are never shown on the Television screen.
EDIT (2:05 AM January 7th, 2024);
Their was a minor possibility of Drupada having more brothers due to the dialogues of Emperor Yudisther.
Yudhishthira said "Let Drupada & Virata with their sons and brothers rush with speed against Bharadwaja's son from desire of slaying him."
Performance of Satyajit in Mahabharat.
Vs Arjuna;
"Satyajit rushed with speed at Arjuna like Samvara rushing at the chief of the celestials. Arjuna covered the king of Panchala with a shower of arrows. Then there arose a frightful uproar among the Panchala host like unto the roar of a mighty lion springing at the leader of a herd of elephants. And beholding Arjuna rushing at the king of Panchala to seize him, Satyajit of great prowess rushed at him. And the two warriors, like unto Indra and the Asura Vali, approaching each other for combat, began to grind each other's ranks. Then Arjuna with great force pierced Satyajit with ten keen shafts at which feat the spectators were all amazed. But Satyajit, without losing any time, assailed Arjuna with a hundred shafts. Then that mighty car-warrior, Arjuna, endued with remarkable lightness of motion, thus covered by that shower of arrows, rubbed his bow string to increase the force & velocity of his shafts."
"Then cutting in twain his antagonist's bow, Arjuna rushed at the king of the Panchalas, but Satyajit, quickly taking up a tougher bow, pierced with his arrows Partha, his chariot, charioteer, and horses. Arjuna, thus assailed in battle by the Panchala warrior, forgave not his foe. Eager to slay him at once, he pierced with a number of arrows his antagonist's horses, flags, bow, clenched (left) fist, charioteer, and the attendant at his back. Then Satyajit, finding his bows repeatedly cut in twain and his horses slain, desisted from the fight. The king of the Panchalas, beholding his general thus discomfited in the encounter, himself began to shower his arrows upon the Pandava prince."
Vs Drona;
"The brave Satyajit, of prowess incapable of being baffled, rushed at the Preceptor who was desirous of seizing Yudhishthira. The Preceptor & Satyajit, both endued with great might, fought with each other, agitating each other's troops, like Indra and Vali. Then Satyajit, of prowess incapable of being baffled, invoking a mighty weapon, pierced Drona with keen-pointed arrows. And Satyajit shot at Drona's charioteer five arrows, fatal as snake-poison and each looking like Death himself. The charioteer, thus struck, became deprived of his senses. Then Satyajit quickly Pierced Drona's steeds with ten shafts & each of his Parshni drivers with ten shafts."
"Next Satyajit coursed at the head of his troops on his chariot in a circular motion. Excited with wrath, he cut off the flag of Drona, who beholding these feats of his foe in battle, mentally resolved to despatch him to the afterlife. Cutting off Satyajit's bow with arrow fixed thereon, quickly pierced him with ten arrows capable of penetrating into the very vitals. Thereupon Satyajit, quickly taking up another bow, struck Drona, with 30 arrows winged with feathers of a Kanka bird. Beholding Drona encountered in battle by Satyajit, the Pandayas, O king, shouted in joy & waved their garments."

"Then the mighty Vrika, O king, excited with great wrath, pierced Drona in the centre of the chest with sixty arrows. That feat seemed highly wonderful. Then that mighty car-warrior, Drona, of great impetuosity, covered with the arrowy showers (of his foes) opened his eyes wide and mustered all his energy. Then cutting off the bows of both Satyajit and Vrika, Drona, with six shafts slew Vrika with his charioteer and steeds. Then Satyajit, taking up another bow that was tougher, pierced Drona with his steeds, his charioteer, and his standard."
"Thus afflicted in battle by the prince of the Panchalas, Drona could not brook that act. For the destruction then of his foe, he quickly shot his arrows (at him). Drona then covered with incessant showers of arrows his antagonist's steeds and standards as also the handle of his bow, and both his Parshni drivers. But though his bows were repeatedly cut off, the prince of the Panchalas conversant with the highest weapons continued to battle with him of red steeds. Beholding Satyajit swell with energy in that dreadful combat, Drona cut off that illustrious warrior's head with a crescent-shaped arrow. Upon the slaughter of that foremost of combatants Yudhishthira, from fear of Drona, fled away borne by fleet steeds."
What Sanjay claimed about drupada's sons.
"Drupada, the king of the Panchalas, surrounded by his ten heroic sons--Satyajit and others--headed by Dhrishtadyumna, and well-protected by Sikhandin, and having furnished his soldiers with every necessary thing, hath come there with a full Akshauhini."
Also; hanuman was weak
like balaram.


  1. Drupad = the guy that could slap and beat namards like laxman and janak

    1. suar told ya to go back to pakistan

    2. At least in pakistan they actually try fighting back, and they dont overrate karna, hanutati, parshuram, surya dev & hijda laxman (brother of Shri Raam).

      I would rather die in pakistan than live in raam's ayodhya, hanuman's kishkinda or modi's india.

  2. Satyajit was a great warrior.He fought very well against Arjuna at Gurudakshina war.He was general of Panchala force during Gurudakshina war.He and Drupada send the 101 kauravas running.

  3. Satyajit was a great warrior.He fought very well against Arjuna at Gurudakshina war.He was general of Panchala force during Gurudakshina war.He and Drupada send the 101 kauravas running.

  4. He is not a bhagwan. As per Ramayana, Mahabharat it's a fact that Hanuman was a minister to Sugriva.
    And for the record your "HANUMAN" already has alot of supporters, bhakts, allies, and devotees. Not much will change if i tell the truth about hanuman or defame him

  5. The person named "Swetavahana" is unable to reply, he is a poor debater and ignorant on Ramayan, Mahabharat etc.

  6. Change your name to only namard of India or better yet suar trying to slander Hinduism insulting gods, gloryfying ravana, well done!!!
    Even if hanuman isnt a god doesnt mean you get the right to slander him. You even called shiva weak and other were actively hating on ganga. Whats you stance on that huh? Even if there are hanuman bhakt so what? god himself dont give a shit abt who prays to whom and here you wailing like a baby. seems like you think you are god himself! You content has been reported but unfortunately they wont take it off, people like you always win. Karma will get you.

    1. Shiva is strong, i admit i lied about arjuna defeating shiva, but the main purposes were to gain fame, attention & to PROVE THAT BORI IS NOT CANON only KMG, geeta press etc are.
      For Ravana, i dont know what ur issue with him is, cause rape and abduction were a custom/hobby during the universe of ramayana.
      Ram's father DASHRATH had sex with 353 women.

      Vishnu & Brahma engaged in the gang rape of Atri's wife Anusuya so thats even worse than Ravan cause Atri was a son to Brahma & Nalakuvera was the nephew of Ravan who was his own age or maybe older to ravan himself.

      And the woman (punjuksthala/rambha) were both whores so Ravan raping them is fine.

