Information besides him defeating the overrated karna/bhishma etc. Or his other battle victories.
Satyaki had superior education to almost every character, cause he was trained by 5 people who are all different.
Names of his mentors;
"That same Satyaki who, I have heard, obtained weapons from Drona and Arjuna and Krishna and Kripa and Bhishma, and who is said to be equal to the son of Krishna, is devotedly attached to the Pandava cause."
Logic; if u learned English u would know who trained him.
Satyaki had more than one son alive after day 5:
"If before this night passes away, I do not slay thee, that art so proud of thy heroism, with thy sons and younger brothers, provided Jishnu, the son of Pritha, does not protect thee, then let me sink into terrible hell."
Logic - in mausala parva he had another son making the total remainder 2 sons.
"The dear son of Yuyudhana, with a company of old men and children and women, the righteous-souled Arjuna established on the banks of the Sarasvati."
Younger brothers were also mentioned in drona parva, since it is unlikely that they got killed by the vahika family its likely the reason for their absence (after ghatotkaca vadha) is that they were murdered by lesser known warriors (kourav brother's).
Or they're just insignificant kills of Drona/Ashwathama or possibly their deaths were not witnessed by Sanjaya but their bodies could be seen as corpses. Cause bhishma clearly did not kill them since they lasted till the fourteenth night.
Adding more to his family Satyaki's biological father was Satyaka:
"And Satyaki and Kritavarma, conversant with weapons possessed of mighty energy, well-versed in all branches of knowledge, and obedient to Narayana in everything and competent in the use of weapons, had their births from Satyaka and Hridika."
Astra quiver:
"Knowledge of Brahma, and high weapons, are all in him (Satyaki) of the Satwata race, as the three worlds are in Kesava. What heroes (of my army), approaching that mighty bowman, Satyaki, possessed of all those accomplishments and incapable of being resisted by the very gods, surrounded him?"
Logic - so he did have a brahmastra which could be used to combat bhishma, karna etc. And cause brahmastra is the weakness of hanuman & laxman its fair to conclude Satyaki can win against both of them too with such power.
Satyaki was considered a great warrior even before the Kurukshetra battle.
Pradyumna's fear of his opinion.
"What also, O Suta, will that lion among men, the grand-son of Sini (Saṭyaki), that great warrior, say on hearing that I have forsaken the fight?"
Bhishma said:
"The brave Satyaki of Madhu's race is a leader of leaders of car-divisions. Foremost among the heroes of the Vrishni race, he is endued with great wrath, and is perfectly dauntless."
Meaning - satyaki was the finest hero among all yadava's.
Celestial weapons that Saṭyaki actually used.
"Beholding him then thus blazing up (like a swelling fire), king Duryodhana despatched ten thousand cars against him. But that great bowman, Satyaki, of prowess incapable of being baffled and possessed of great energy, slew with his celestial weapons all those mighty car-warriors. Having achieved, bow in hand, that fierce feat, that hero then approached Bhurisravas in battle."
"That son of Vrishni's race applied the Aindra weapon which that illustrious hero of Madhu's race had obtained from Vijaya. That weapon consuming into ashes that Demoniac illusion, covered Alamvusha all over with terrible shafts, like a mass of clouds covering the mountain-breast with torrents of rain in the rainy season. Thereupon the Rakshasa, thus afflicted by that hero of Madhu's race, fled away in fear, avoiding Satyaki in battle. Then the grandson of Sini, having vanquished that prince of Rakshasas who was incapable of being vanquished by Maghavat himself, uttered a loud roar in the very sight of all thy troops. And Satyaki, of prowess incapable of being baffled, then began to slay thy troops with innumerable shafts whereupon the latter fled away in fear."
Satyaki was also equipped with anjalik vaans;
"Mangled by Satwata with long shafts & calf-tooth-headed arrows & broad-headed arrows & Anjalikas & razor-faced arrows & crescent-shaped ones fled away, with blood flowing down their bodies, and themselves ejecting urine and excreta and uttering loud and diverse cries, deep as the roar of clouds."
Logic - it was the elephants who cried/fled. Ironically here he fell in the category of bhishma/karna (both failed to kill elephants).
"Beholding that terrible foe-slaughtering Agneya weapon, Satyaki, that mighty bowman, invoked another celestial weapon, the Varuna. Seeing them both take up celestial weapons, loud cries of Oh and Alas arose there. The very creatures having the sky for their element ceased to range through it. Then the Varuna and the Agneya weapons which had thus been grafted on their shafts coming against each other became fruitless."
Him countering the divya astras thrown at him.
15th day;
"Both of them loudly applauded Satyaki of unfading glory, who was thus destroying the celestial weapons of all those warriors."
"Indeed, in that dreadful battle, Satyaki, by means of his own celestial weapons, duly resisted all those celestial weapons aimed at him by those illustrious warriors."
Note - those warriors were karna, drona, kripa & suyodhan. So clearly satyaki was not vulnerable to divya astras.
Praise given to him.
"Others there are tigers among men, equal in might to a thousand Akshauhinis, such as Satyaki and Bhimasena, and the twin brothers of mighty strength."
Logic - i bet 1 crore vanaras like hanuman would be inferior to satyaki alone.
His incredible achievement which (apart from sri krishna) nobody else did:
"That host consisting of panic-stricken combatants and elephants and steeds, slaughtered on all sides by Satyaki with his shafts repeatedly turned round, and wandered hither and thither as if afflicted with the chilling blasts of winter. We saw not foot-soldiers or car-warriors or elephants or horsemen or steeds that were not struck with Yuyudhana's arrows. Not even Phalguna, O king, had caused such a carnage there as Satyaki, O monarch, then caused among those troops. That bull among men, the dauntless grandson of Sini, endued with great lightness of hand and displaying the utmost skill, fighteth, surpassing Arjuna himself."
How it does make sense even if arjuna killed 7 aukshounis on day 14 and satyaki killed 7.1, 7 & a half or maybe a total of 8 aukshounis.
Because the kourav army was bigger than what is normally believed (11 aukshounis).
Sanjaya said that their existed over 6 million protector's of just elephant's and chariot's;
"They that protected the wheels of the cars and they that protected the elephants, numbered full six millions."
Proof can always be found by those that are determined.
15 aukshouni = 3,280,500
Total kourav army was over 6 million (before karna's aukshouni from anga desh comes to join the war).
Also here is another side of the coin/reality (how much the kouravas had in their sena):
"In thy army, O Bharata, were a thousand elephants of the foremost fighting powers. Unto each elephant was assigned a century of cars; unto each car, a hundred horsemen; unto each horseman, ten bowmen; and unto each bowman ten combatants armed with sword and shield."
Logic; 100 thousand chariots, 10 million horsemen, 100 million archers, 1 BILLION infantry (that had shield/sword together). The total would be (without anga desh & alayudha's unit) = 1,110,101,000 (1 billion, 110 million, 101 thousand) warrior's.
So all of this will continuously be supportive of my opinion that Satyaki murdering 8 aukshounis or more than 7 aukshounis (just not equal to eight) is believable. Arjuna was more focused on the goal of killing jayadratha so his time would be invested in that.
He was not able to kill as many as satyaki was because his purpose was not to kill these nameless, random foot soldier's who are in the way. At times arjuna would avoid ending a battle too that day unlike satyaki who made sure that whenever he faces a person their battle would reach a conclusion either with a enemies death or loss.
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