Thursday, October 17, 2024

Hanuman losing battles in Yudh Kand & Uttar Kanda

His defeats in sundara kanda will not be discussed here. But i do intend on using uttara kanda for the purpose of his bezati. I was not able to find the lava/kush incident, but it does not matter cause hanutati fans will try to bluff that he lost on purpose. With this out of the way here's the post.
List of times when Meghanada beat hanutati:
Meghanada's first day in war.
"That very strong and powerful Rama the son of Dasaratha ordered ten monkey-generals to search for the whereabouts of Indrajit. Rama the scourger of his enemies ordered Hanuman, Sanuprastha, Rishabha, Angada & Nila."
Logic: Among these ten Hanuman was also included.

"Indrajit, the son of Ravana, who was skilled in the use of magic weapons, by means of his arrows with great speed, released from his most excellent of bows, arrested the impetuous outbreak of the monkeys. Those monkeys of terrific bound, whose bodies were cruelly pierced by those shafts, were unable to see Indrajit in the darkness, as the sun is obscured when veiled in clouds."
Logic; Meghanada defeats all of them & then goes for Rama in the next verse

"Indrajit, the victorious in battle, transfixed Rama and Lakshmana with those arrows that lacerated their flesh in great measure."
Logic - Here he gets called "victorious" clear indication of Meghanad being the winner.
So far hanutati lost 1 time.
Aftermath: "Indrajit, full of joy and victorious in conflict, returned to Lanka, spreading happiness among the demons."
Logic - how come hanutati did nothing when his lord/bhagvan (raam) was knocked out cold by shri meghanada? How could he let meghanada return peacefully into lanka? The only explanation is that hanuman accepted his own defeat, i mean he failed to injure meghanad but meghanad injured hanuman & he also defeated raam/laxman here, its fair to say meghanad won a 2nd time against hanuman.

Condition of hanutati after the above incident.
Quote: "These monkeys, having their eyes dilated due to fear, are signaling some words into each other's ear, terrified as they were."

Joins a group;
Hanuman, Angada, Nila, Sushena, Kumuda, Nala, Gaja, Gavaksha, Panasa, Sanuprastha and the mighty Jambavan with Sunda, Rambha, Shatabali and Prithu all these monkeys, armed with trees, reorganized their ranks, stood alert, surveyed the quarters of the sky up and down and on every side and, even if a grass stirred, they exclaimed, "It is a demon!"
Logic; this proves hanutati was like a fox who could only attack in a pack, now due to the intimidation of meghanada he is choosing to act like a bodyguard for the corpses of laxman/raam. If hanutati alone was enough (for the lankansthen this type of behavior would not occur.

Hanutati was CRYING.
"All the tawny eyed monkeys, who heard Rama's lament thus, allowed tears to fall from their eyes."

"Meanwhile, Vibhishana having established order in all the ranks, with mace in his hand, came quickly to Rama. Seeing him, who resembled a mass of collyrium, hastening towards them thus, all the monkeys thinking him to be Indrajit the son of Ravana, fled away."
Logic - this in itself proves who the better warrior was, how scared hanuman was of meghanada.
"It is Vibhishana who has come here. On seeing him, the foremost of monkeys seized with terror have fled, deeming him to be Indrajit, Ravana's son. You reassemble those monkeys immediately, who in fear have scattered in many directions and inform them that it is Vibhishana who has come!"
Note - it was sugriva who understood the difference between appearance in vibeeshan/meghanad. He said these words to angada, so angada is given the job of encouraging hanumana. This shows even angad was frightened of meghanad.

"Indrajit the excellent demon struck all those foremost of monkeys, namely Hanuman, Sugreeva, Angada, Jambavan, Sushena, Mainda, Dvivida, Nila, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Kesari. Tearing asunder the principal monkey-warriors by maces and arrows, which were of golden colour, that Indrajit rained a multitude of showers of arrows equal to sun's rays on Rama and Lakshmana."
Words of Shri Ram; "O Lakshmana! This Indrajit, by a great missile, is throwing down our army of monkeys and tormenting us incessantly with his sharp arrows." "Let this chief of demons, who is surpassing all, be covered with a multitude of showers of arrows. This entire army of Sugreeva, whose leading warriors have fallen, looks no more charming." Thus causing the army of monkeys along with Rama and Lakshmana to become despondent in battle, that Indrajit, getting eulogized by the demons, quickly reached the city of Lanka."
According to Ram all Vanaras were surpassed by Meghanada, every Vanar had fallen like a kutta when they faced Meghanad.
That is 4 DEFEATS (the part where hanutati ran cause he assumed vibeeshan was meghanad is included).

Final battle.
Their was a incident where namard hanutati made an attempt to slay Meghanad or best him. As usual hanutati failed.
"Vibhishana told Lakshmana in the following words that while with bow upraised, Indrajit sought to kill Hanuma."
"Having seated in a chariot, Indrajit, who conquered Indra, is seeking to kill Hanuma."
"Hearing the words of Vibhishana, who was fearful to his adversaries, the great-souled Lakshmana saw Indrajit."
Point - vibeeshan feared for the life of hanuman.

What Hanutati was doing when Laxman got importance again.
"This Lakshmana, who ascended Hanuma's back."
Logic - Hanutati challenged Meghanad for a close combat fight, when Meghanad was going to accept it then hanutati backed out of the match and chose to assist Laxman instead.

"Thus speaking, he struck Lakshmana with seven arrows and Hanuma with ten excellent sharp-edged arrows."
Point; bravely countering and fighting 2 people Meghanad again proved the greater warrior, he dominated both namards of arya varth.
Hanuman as usual needs to be in a group and fight like a pack of wolves and cowards to combat one lion.
Real Last or Final encounter.
"The enraged Indrajit also struck down hundreds and thousands of monkey-chiefs by using a multitude of arrows in the battle-field. Stretching his bow to a circle, that enraged Indrajit the conqueror in battle, exhibiting supreme agility, began to kill the monkeys. Thus being killed by steel arrows, those monkeys of terrible prowess sought refuge in Lakshmana, as people would take refuge in Brahma the Lord of Creation."

"Indrajit, filled with martial anger, struck Vibhishana in his auspicious face, with three arrows. Having struck Vibhishana, the leader of demons, with three arrows, Indrajit struck all those monkey chiefs with a single arrow each."
Logic - hanutati was one among those chief's.
Nowhere is it mentioned that hanu retaliated or fought back. So it's the FIFTH victory that he had against him.

Meghanad wins against him outside of ramayana too [even when a group helps hanuman].
"He hid himself in the sky and shot the nāgāstra given to him by Śiva against the enemy. That arrow rendered Lakṣmaṇa, Sugrīva and all the monkeys unconscious. At that time Vibhīṣaṇa was away to arrange for food. When Vibhīṣaṇa returned with food he was taken aback to find Lakṣmaṇa and others lying in an unconscious condition. Rāma was informed about the matter and when he came to the battle-ground and saw Lakṣmaṇa, Sugrīva, Hanūmān and all the others lying there unconscious he lost self-confidence for a short while and remarked that it was all the result of his having put faith in Vibhīṣaṇa, Rāvaṇa’s brother whom he had put in charge of the battlefield."
Logic; According to this purana besides raam/vibeeshan all others were swooned or in states akin to near-death. So all were defeated by Meghanada.
Again hanutati loses:
Quote 1
"Indrajit, exploiting the situation shot Brahmāstra against Lakṣmaṇa under cover of the clouds. Lakṣmaṇa, Sugrīva and others fainted."
Complete 1
Quote 2
"Indra appeared, gave to Vibhīṣaṇa Gaṅgā water in a golden vessel and asked it to be given to Hanūmān and Jāmbavān, who, though unconscious were not dead. Vibhīṣaṇa did so and both Hanūmān and Jāmbavān regained consciousness."
Completed 2
Logic - this time it was due to brahmastra not nagastra.
Kumbhakarna ChapteR.
According to valmiki's ramayana Kumbhkarna defeats Hanuman 3 times (at minimum):
When Kumbhakarna first made his grand entry and all hanuman was able to accomplish was running away like a chutiya with a dozen gandu vanars also copying his running style like Usain Bolt.
"Thereafter, with the coaxing words and inferential arguments by Angada, all those fleeing commanders of monkeys turned back."
"Dvipada, Panasa and hanuma marched ahead very quickly, with their faces turned towards the battle."
Logic - Cause hanuman was among this trio that went back to fight in the war its clear he was motivated by Angada's speech so he was also among the vanaras that ran away like cowards from Kumbhakarna. 

The conflict in which both warriors hit eachother but Hanuman was the one to lose.
"Kumbhakarna struck Hanuma on his chest, as Guha (the son of Shiva) struck Krauncha mountain with his powerful javelin. That Hanuma, struck in his broad chest by the spike in that great combat, was highly perturbed and while vomiting blood from his mouth, awfully roared like the sound of thunderous clouds at the time of dissolution of the world. Looking at the perturbed Hanuma, all the troops of demons then suddenly shouted with rejoice. The monkeys, on their part, felt restless and being oppressed with fear, ran away from the battle-field."
Laxman orders the ape warriors to climb on top of kumbhkarn;
"Let the foremost of monkeys ascend well upon his body from all sides. Following the commanders of their troops, let the monkey-leaders stand, surrounding him. If we do in that way, that evil-minded demon would be harassed by the huge weight, making him to crawl on the floor and cannot kill the other monkeys."
Logic - Yes hanutati was not the BEST vanara, but he is among their top 10 warrior's, so he should be considered 1 of the "foremost" but angada was unconscious during this moment. And sugreev should be absent cause the army does not want to risk him getting captured.
So this moment could be used to show hanuman's defeat but not sugriva or angad losing.

Kumbhkarn fought vanaras;
"Kumbhakarna, when climbed upon by the monkeys, was enraged and shook them off with violence, as a vicious elephant would shake off its mahout. Seeing the monkeys shaken down, Rama on his part understanding that he was enraged, jumped up speedily towards the demon."

Bonus defeat - If hanuman was willing to protect Sugreev from Kumvakarna's spike then what excuse could he possibly have for not doing anything to save sugreev after kumbhakarna took him prisoner? Clearly hanuman was afraid.
Conclusion: So 4 losses to shri kumvakarna.
Kumbhkarna's action;
{defeat of hanutati}
"Kumbhakarṇa regained consciousness and from anger struck with a club Māruti who fell to the ground unconscious. He picked him up with his arm encircling him like a serpent, like an elephant picking up something with his trunk, and put him under his arm."
{Vibeeshan to Ram}
"I intend to release them, so they will not be taken to Laṅkā. Hanumat, who is held by Kumbhakarṇa with his very strong arm, must be freed without his reaching Laṅkā, Raghūdvaha. Master, without Sugrīva, Bhāmaṇḍala and Hanūmat, our army is without soldiers, as it were."
"Hanumān, who had grown to huge proportions, came down on the ground and stood firmly in front of Kumbhakarna. He smashed him on the breast with a mountain peak and the Rākṣasa reeled back in pain. Quickly recovering, the Rākṣasa struck Hanumān a terrible blow with his pike. The monkey was rendered almost senseless and he fell back, vomiting blood. Seeing Hanumān thrown down, the Rākṣasa forces cheered loudly and the monkeys fled in fear. Nīla quickly came forward and rallied the troops."
Logic - obviously the character who did more damage was Kumvakarna, the one who felt more pain was hanutati, so Kumvakarna defeated hanuman fairly according to this variation as well.

Hanubhakts claim 'our hanuman said he could grow to a bigger size and end or squash kumbhkarna very easily'.
"Indra’s younger brother Viṣṇu has been sent by Devas due to the words of the Earth. O my heroic friends, he is already scorched by my valour. I do not mind him at all."
Note - just cause Kamsa said it or bragged does that mean it really happened? Had kamsa defeated vishnu or even injured him (as he claimed "vishnu is scorched by me")? As far as i can tell their is no line in the puranas which reference vishnu fighting or meeting kamsa.

Conclusion; So just because Hanuman claims that he can grow to a size more massive than kumvakarna or that he can defeat kumbhakarna that does not make his claim a fact. Valmiki could not even read the minds of people so how can he know a internal thought of a character in the war? So it is doubtful whether these were the true thoughts of hanuman at all.
List of OTHER warrior's beating hanumana.
Ravan did a OPM (1 punch man saitama) vs hanuman;
"The powerful Ravana, enraged, his eyes red with fury and whirling his fist with force knocked it down violently on Hanuma's chest. Under the shock, Hanuma reeled once again. Seeing that mighty Hanuma exhausted, Ravana turned his chariot towards Nila."

Failure to check Ravan's javelin.
"Hanumat, Nala, Bhāmaṇḍala, Virādha, and others struck it as it fell with their own weapons. Despising the strength of their weapons, like a rogue-elephant a goad, it fell on Lakṣmaṇa’s breast like submarine fire into the ocean. Pierced by it, Lakṣmaṇa fell on the ground and a great cry."
Tamas Astra incident exist's but it isn't worth elaborating. The point is even during incidents where hanuman combines his power with others he still failed against ravan.
This's not from 'Uttara Kanda' but it is from Padma Purana.
Suratha's victory vs him:
He fixed the Rāma-missile (i.e. the missile presided over by Rāma) on his bow, and said these words  “O best monkey (now) you are bound.”
Hanuman admits his loss;
To the king Hanūmat said "O king, what do I do now? You have bound me with the missile of (i.e. presided over by) my master, and not with any ordinary one. I respect it O king, take me to your city. That abode of kindness, my master, will come and release me."
Shatrooghan's opinion:
"You have done a great feat that you have bound the son of Wind (i.e. Hanūmat). You have overthrown even the great hero Puṣkala and so also my other very mighty and brave warriors in the battle."
Akampana Parva.
"Seeing that rocky peak shattered in the air by the demon's arrows and falling in pieces, Hanuman became mad with anger. Then, the highly enraged Hanuman began to run with great strides, breaking down the trees by his strength and tearing up the earth with his feet. Hanuman struck down elephants as also who rode upon them and charioteers with their chariots and the terrific infantry of demons."
Logic: here hanuman took his frustration out against innocent animals that did not injure or touch him or seetha but still he targets them, cause his rock attack was countered by akampana, this's the sign of a salty butthurt and frustrated loser.

"With fourteen sharp arrows that tore the flesh, that Akampana pierced the highly valiant Hanuman. Riddled with sharp-pointed shafts, that warrior Hanuman appeared like a mountain on which a number of plants shooted up."
Comment - Akampan injures hanutati not only once but a total of 14 occasion's, it can be seen as him overpowering hanuman but not defeating him.

POINT; Yes hanutati killed akampana, but this incident is worth bringing up as a anti hanuman incident, because of the reasons (he was injured 14 times, he took his rage out on innocent animals after he failed). Akampana put up as impressive of a resistance against hanuman as king porus did against alexander.

So clearly Hanuman was not a undefeated fighter at all. The reality his devotees have to accept is that sisupal, duryodhan, sakuni & ulook (the son of sakuni's wife) were superior to hanuman.

14 times hanutati was beaten by his enemies (not counting before the lankan war or after uttara kanda).