Monday, May 9, 2022

Useless warrior (Bālārāmā).

Intro - in the year of 2018 i made a grave error and mistake by giving respect & praise to a lund chooser named "Balaram" he is a character present in Mahabharat. I was foolish, ignorant and a buffoon to my own admission as i praised a guy that does not deserve to be praised. I will link the post first below, after the link is complete i will then go on to write this amazing new post.
Now - but an important thing is to learn from your mistakes. I am tired of people braying like namard's saying that "balaram would crush arjun, duryodhan etc" i believe their opinion is wrong and i will prove it now.
My sources will be not limited to only Mahabharat, i will make use of other text's, i have read mahabharat completely but my reading of Bhagavatam, Purans and other sources is inconsistent and incomplete thus this's going to be a extremely challenging post.
Balaram was defeated multiple time's.

Jarasandha beat balram.
"Jarāsandha struck Rāma with a club like a thunderbolt. Rāma vomited blood from the blow with the club and a great cry, “Ha! Ha!” arose in all the army of the Yadus. The youngest Kaunteya, (Śvetavāhana), jumped between and fought Jarāsandha who wished to attack Rāma. Krṣṇa saw Rāma’s wretched state and, angered, his lips trembling."
Logic - arjun saved this chutiya balram against the brave lord of Magadh.
2} He pissed his pants and fled seeing more armies of Magadh Raj.
"Seeing the fierce waves of the enemy’s army, the two Mādhavas, imitating human behavior, ran swiftly away."

3} Balram was tired after running half a marathon.
"Apparently exhausted after fleeing a long distance, the two Lords climbed a high mountain named Pravarṣaṇa, upon which Lord Indra showers incessant rain."
Comment; even elementary schoolers nowadays (2019 to 2022) have the ability to run a mile in less than 9 minutes without being exhausted. Namard Balram failed to surpass elementary level stamina.
4} Dueling with Jarasandha.
"Those two foremost of warriors fought with each other for some time on equal terms. And none of them left the battle-field. Thereupon witnessing Jarasandha’s efficiency in club-fighting the powerful Rama left off his club in anger and took up his mace."
Logic- Balram out of frustration had to change weapon's to fight Jarasandha correctly.
5} Balram's lack of ability as a mace fighter.
"In this manner, the powerful fighters fought the battle using a variety of strange techniques. Fighting for a long time, they became exhausted. They stopped and relaxed for a while. Again they struck against each other. In this way the great fighters fought for a long time. No one was ready to retire from the fight accepting defeat. Realising that jarAsaMdha was skilled in mace fight, valiant balarAma became angry. He abandoned the mace and picked up his best club."
6} Previous loss of Balram to king Jarasandh.
"Powerful jarAsaMdha broke the bow of rAma (balarAma) who was shooting iron arrows to kill chitrasena. The angry lord of magadha (jarAsaMdha) killed the horses with a mace. The powerful jarAsaMdha turned his attention to balarAma."
Logic - This was no group attack (as though Balrams attention had been diverted towards Chitrasen their was not a 2nd person attacking him as Chitrasen could not resist Balram properly so he wasnt fighting chitrasen anymore).

After one bow is cut then Balram gives up on archery and opts for something else. Jarasandha even skilled Balram's horses in close quarters with a mace, so why didnt Balram reply with a deadly arrow in close range? A maharathi had multiple bows in one chariot. Balram should have taken another one up.
This tells me after he shot a arrow at Balrams bow then Jarasandha saw how his enemys bow got torn so he himself decided to switch gear to mace warfare. Jarasandha disarmed himself to give Balram a fair chance in war.
Still Balram's ability with the mace became useless (like his skill in the bow) as he could not protect the innocent animals that pulled his chariot. Imagine if Jarasandha kept firing arrows instead of being lenient on Balram & holding back by using close combat oriented weapons?
Debunking the victories of Balaram.
1) Hansa's vadh.
Hansa was inferior to Jarasandh:
"There are two others, Hansa and Dimvaka, of great energy and great soul, who have sought the shelter of the mighty Jarasandha."
How he really died:
"Afterwards when Hansa, the subjugator of hostile heroes, heard that Dimvaka, had killed himself, he went to the Yamuna and jumped into its waters."
Basically - it wasn't balrams power. After the warrior hansa found out his comrade/friend committed suicide then Hansa choose to do the same thing. That is not Balram's victory through use of force or physical might/ability.

2) Balram vs Pralamv.

As per Krishna this balram guy slew a character named Pralamv:
"Do not give way to wrath, O slayer of Pralamva!"
"Baladeva, the slayer of Pralamva, possessed of great wisdom, then proceeded to Agnitirtha."

Yet here in Bhagwatam sri Krishna mentioned to mucukunda that he did it instead:
"I have killed Kālanemi, reborn as Kaṁsa, as well as Pralamba and other enemies of the pious. And now, O King, this barbarian has been burnt to ashes by your piercing glance."
Logic - he never claimed to be the slayer of Kalayavana he admitted that it was done by Mucukunda instead. So he would not claim he slew a person that he didn't in actuality, logically Pralamva also ended up slain at Krishna's hand not lund choosing bhaiya Balram.

3) Balram's win against Balvala.
"With the tip of His plow Lord Balarāma caught hold of the demon Balvala as he flew through the sky, and with His club the Lord angrily struck that harasser of brāhmaṇas on the head. Balvala cried out in agony and fell to the ground, his forehead cracked open and gushing blood. He resembled a red mountain struck by a lightning bolt."
"The exalted sages honored Lord Rāma with sincere prayers and awarded Him infallible blessings. Then they performed His ritual bath, just as the demigods had formally bathed Indra when he killed Vṛtra. They gave Lord Balarāma a Vaijayantī garland of unfading lotuses in which resided the goddess of fortune, and they also gave Him a set of divine garments and jewelry."
My opinion is that it's not a impressive win as Balvala could not even fight back. He was one shotted like how amitabh was one shotted by Punit Issar in the shooting of "Coolie" (1983) and Tesla (fraccion in Bleach) was one shotted by Zaraki Kenpachi. Defeating some one who is so below u will not be considered a big achievement.
"Kumbhāṇḍa and Kūpakarṇa, tormented by Lord Balarāma’s club, fell down dead."
Comment: ok he defeated and slew them, but these two were nobodies at end of the day, they were not famous in the world, they had zero achievements. Balram had more victories than Laxman but the qaulity of the victory is not high.

5th) Kamsa's wrestler from Andhra state;
"The strong sa~NkarShaNa fought for a long time. The great andhra wrestler exhibited many types of wrestling. With one strike of his powerful fist, suddenly, the valiant balarAma struck him on his head, like a mountain is struck with the weapon vajra. His head cracked and the brain came out on the ground. The eyes came out as he fell down with a loud sound."
"After killing the wrestlers, andhra and toshalaka, kR^iShNa and sa~NkarShaNa leaped in the centre of the arena with their eyes, red with anger. With the great wrestler, andhra and muShTika felled, devoid of the wrestlers, the arena appeared desolate."
[End quote]
Logic - that wrestler actually fought back, its stated that he exhibited different moves of that wrestling combat art/form. So it was not even easy for Balram, he did not one shot the opponent he faced.
Another thing to think about is that "Andhra wrestler" did not ever encounter Keechak, Jarasandh, Duryodhan, Shalya, Bheem etc. So we cant even use Balrams fight with this guy as evidence to place him above Bheem and other warrior's.
Quotes that prove Balram is inferior to other warrior's of Mahabharat.

1) Suyodhan.
"There is none on earth equal to me in an encounter with the mace. None have ever surpassed me in such an encounter, nor will any surpass me. With devoted application and undergoing many privations, I have lived in my preceptor's abode. I have completed my knowledge and exercises there. It is for this that I have no fear either of Bhima or of others. When I humbly waited upon Sankarshana (my preceptor), blessed be thou, it was his firm conviction that Duryodhana hath no equal in the mace. In battle I am Sankarshana's equal, and in might there is none superior to me on earth. Bhima will never be able to bear the blow of my mace in battle."

"People also said that in encounters with the mace you, a disciple of Sankarshana, wert like the Lord of treasures (Kuvera), himself! How then, O sinless one, could Bhima notice any lapses in thee! Thou wert ever mighty and possessed of skill!"

Gandu Balramjee himself
"The valiant Rama of Yadu's race, O king, always used to say that there is no one equal to Duryodhana in encounters with the mace. He of the Vrishni race, O Bharata, used to boast of thee, O lord, in every assembly."
Duryodhans mace was heavy unlike balrams.
"Pierced with wordy darts, O Rama, from every side, the mighty and heroic Duryodhana hath risen from the lake armed with his heavy mace."
Logic - he was able to wield it with consummate ease while battling. When all Balram does is hold a cup of wine/alcohol or maybe a plough then what luck would he have in using a heavy object constantly as a weapon.
In the 1st quote
It say's "in battle he is Balrams equal" {sankarshana} but a other side of the coin is this quote "in might there is none superior to me on earth" and Balram is on earth in Dwaraka. Meaning Balram is not superior, and when it comes to just "might" Balram is weak infront of Duryodhan.

I wont elaborate the 2nd quote.

3RD quote:
When it comes to this one well its very easy to understand because Balram himself admits nobody could equal prince Suyodhana in a mace fight. So Suyodhan is indeed above Balram.
In the fourth i dont need to explain but clearly Suyodhan is better because he is able to use heavy equipment in his fight's, balram never used heavy equipment or fought with it.
100 king's sucked off Duryodhan (nobody did the same to Balram):
"He to whom hundreds of kings used to bow down in fear, lieth today on the field of battle, surrounded by beasts of prey."
Conclusion - duryodhan was a BETTER mace fighter than Balarama.
2) Union of Jarasandha & KalayAvana;
Kṛiṣhṇa thought about the situation and said, “Ah, a great danger now threatens the Yadus from two sides If powerful Jarāsandha comes while. We two are busy fighting Kālayavana, Jarāsandha may kill Our relatives or else take them away to his capital."
Point - if Balaram is really better than arjun, duryodhan, sisupal and rukmi why did he fail to protect his country from two sides? Krishna could have confronted Jarasandh so Balram would not be humiliated again by Magadh's lord. That would leave Balram in Mathura to defend it from Kalyavan. His chickening out proves that Balram lacked any power to confront the mighty greek army or a single warrior of the greek race like Kalayavana. Balram is a chutiya.
Him getting scared shows that he was inferior to these people.

"Kubera's Nairrata army vanquished King Muchukunda, who in turn defeated them later."

Muchukundh is the guy that slew Kalayavan.... and Kalayavan beat Balram.... So Kuber's army had better warriors than chutiya Balarama.
Warriors who go by the name "Kritvarma" and "Satyaki" even "Abhimanyu" have dealt with and beaten many group attacks. Why does Balram fail to do the same?
Duryodhan also beat a couple of group attacks and so did king Drupad (in Sambhav Parva) riding on a single chariot.

Drupad's power popularly described;
"Careering over the field of battle like a fiery wheel, king Drupada with his arrows smote Duryodhana and Vikarna and even the mighty Karna and many other heroic princes and numberless warriors, and slaked their thirst for battle. Then all the citizens showered upon the Kurus various missiles like clouds showering rain-drops upon the earth. Young and old, they all rushed to battle, assailing the Kurus with vigour. The Kauravas, then, O Bharata, beholding the battle become frightful, broke and fled wailing towards the Pandavas.

Kritvarma's achievement on day 14;
"The mighty chariot warrior, Kritavarman, then achieved a most wonderful feat their as, alone, he held in check all the Parthas with their followers. Having thus vanquished the Parthas. The forces of the Pandavas then, thus slaughtered by the son of Hridika began to run in all directions, unable to stay coolly in battle. Having vanquished the sons of Pandu headed by Bhimasena himself, the son of Hridika stayed in battle like a blazing fire"
Hypocrisy of Mahabharat fanclubs.
1st] They insult the warrior/character named "Satyaki" alot because ten of his son's were slain infront of him by Bhurishravas, however no body every insulted Balaram, underrated or degraded him when they read about 10 sons of Balaram getting pwned and slain by Jarasandha infront of namard Balarama's eyesight because their is a severe bias in the community of indian's.

2nd] Balram gets called best mace fighter by ignorant fans, yet they ignore how the only time Balram got involved in a mace fight was with Jarasandha who defeated him easily despite not being at his peak as a fighter. Same Jarasandha could not gain any advantage over Bheem in wrestling for fourteen day's. Even in physical strength Balram does not deserve to be considered the foremost or best.

Balram would lose in a mace fight to shalya, duryodhana, bheem, arjuna etc. Because Arjuna was trained in use of mace's by guru Drona & lord Yama even obtaining the mace of Yama.
Jarasandha slew each of Balram's son's and made their baap cry.
"Jarāsandha, angered, carrying a bow, set out to kill the Yadus, like a lion deer. Ānanda, Śatrudamana, Nandana, Śrīdhvaja, Dhruva, Devānanda, Cārudatta, Pīṭha, Hariṣeṇaka, Naradeva' these ten sons of Bala in the front of battle were killed by Jarāsandha, like goats in the front of a sacrifice. Kṛṣṇa’s army fled at the sight of the princes’ slaughter and Māgadha (Jarāsandha) followed it, killing, like a tiger a herd of cows."
Moral of the tale/story - never, ever, show respect of any kind to chutiyas.

Proof their were mace warrior's better than Balrama.

Opinion of Dhritrashtra.
"Of all wielders again of the mace, there is none equal to Bhima; and there is none also who is so skillful a rider of elephants. On chariot, they say, he yields not to even Arjuna."
"As to might of arms, he is equal to ten thousand elephants. Well-trained and active, he who hath again been rendered bitterly hostile."
Proving that Arjun > Bheem.
1; Word of Shiva "There is no Kshatriya who is equal to thee in courage, and patience. And, O sinless one, thy strength and prowess are almost equal to mine."
2; Word of Karna "Amongst all the Parthas, Phalguna is the strongest. At him I will hurl the fatal dart of Sakra's workmanship."
3; Word of guru Drona.
"Thou thinkest that Arjuna, the son of Kunti, was worn out in battle. O mighty-armed Kaurava! Listen to what I truly say regarding his prowess. If Savyasachin's wrath is excited, neither Gandharvas, nor Yakshas nor Rakshasas can venture to bear him. On the occasion of the tale of cattle, the Gandharvas headed by Chitrasena and others were vanquished by him. That firm bowman rescued you, while you were being carried away by those Gandharvas."
"Nivatakavachas also, those enemies of the celestials, that were unslayable in battle by the celestials, themselves, were vanquished by that hero. Thousands of Danavas dwelling in Hiranyapura, that tiger among men vanquished. How can human beings then withstand him? O monarch, youve seen with ur own eyes how this army, although exerting themselves so heroically, has been destroyed by the son of Pandu."
Arjuna even lifted and strung that bow in Swayamvar Parva that Jarasandha could not string. Karna also failed to string it. When u consider how Jarasandha is better than Balram then its clear Balram would fail in stringing it too if he dared to try and participate.
Balram as a person, individual etc.
He supported slavery.
"The great Rama, having duly bathed there, made presents unto the Brahmanas, O Janamejaya, and worshipped them thus. Having made diverse present consisting of diverse kinds of gems as also kine and elephants and female slaves and sheep and goats, he then retired into the woods."
Logic; balram didnt have real respect for a woman. The description talks of females being slaves.
He gave respect to a baby murderer/killer.
"At Mount Mahendra He saw Lord Paraśurāma and offered Him prayers, and then He bathed in the seven branches of the Godāvarī River."

Proof that Bhargav parshurama slew a bunch of babies.
"Rama once more slaughtered them quickly, not sparing the very children, O king! Indeed, the earth became once more strewn with the bodies of Kshatriya children of premature birth. As soon as Kshatriya children were born, Rama slaughtered them."

Gandu Balram failed to prevent his 2 disciples from fighting eachother.
"They did not accept Lord Balarāma’s request, O King, although it was logical, for their mutual enmity was irrevocable. Each of them constantly remembered the insults and injuries he had suffered from the other."

So Balram is a guy that cant even stop 2 warriors from duking it out. Hes that teacher in class that fails to control a classroom of young student's.
Edit [date may 22nd, 2022, 10;23 PM]
Refuting yet one more misconception of gandu team's/fanclubs.
Seshnaag does not hold or lift the weight of the entire world/universe.
"On the northern province of that soft-water ocean there is a hugely enormous mountain named Jaataruupa-shila, Golden Rock Mountain, which glitters like gold and which spreads across thirteen yojana-s. There you shall see then, oh, vanara-s, the lotus-petal broad-eyed thousand-hooded serpent god in black clothing, namely Ananta, sitting on the top of that mountain and sustaining the earth on his head, who will be like moon in his brilliance and whom all beings hold in reverence."
Comment - this ananta lived on a jatarupa mountain, he was another overrated beggar.
2nd-edit (September 11th, 2023 12:15 AM):
Even Arjuna's other son Iravan was compared to "Ananta" so seshnaag himself is also weak or a joker.
"Surrounded on all sides, in that battle by Nagas, that Naga, O king, assumed a huge form mighty as Ananta himself. With diverse kinds of Nagas then he covered the Rakshasa. While being covered by those Nagas, that bull among Rakshasas reflected for a moment, and assuming the form of Garuda, he devoured those snakes."
Logic: it's clear-like-water that Ananta Seshnaag is no big deal, any random snake could copy him, his form and technique.

Seshnaag's location.
"This foremost of cities that thou beholdest and which resembles the Amaravati of the chief of the celestials himself, is known by the name of Bhogavati. It is ruled over by Vasuki, the king of the Nagas. That Shesha dwelleth here, who, in consequence of his ascetic austerities of the foremost order, is able to support this earth with all her vastness. His body is like that of a white mountain. He is decked in celestial ornaments. He hath a thousand heads. His tongues are blazing like flames of fire, and he is endued with great strength."
Logic - this was mentioned as a place that Ravan conquered.

"After proceeding to Bhogavati city (the abode of Nagas in Patala one of the seven regions under the earth), the serpents there were defeated by you."


  1. Balram would be defeated in a track and running contest by my son who is in pre school.

  2. Anyone who thinks balram and sesh naag were good warriors is stupid.

  3. Why are you using Jain Harivamsa to judge Balarama in Hinduism ? In Hindu scriptures Balaram did not had any sons during the fights against Jarasandha in Mathura. Balaram in Hindu scriptures only married after moving to Dwaraka.

    1. To refute YOU (Rahul Mythology);
      A easy counter-question could be asked against you, "Why are you ignoring the fact that the author of this post in logic astra used quotes and links from Bhagavatam & Mahabharat 2.."

  4. Idiot you do know that Sankarshana is Narayana himself right?

    1. Your comment does not prove any statement in my post to be incorrect.
      Maybe ur ugly fat mother now understood that she made a mistake by thinking that balarams lund would be bigger than her husbands.

      Now after reading my beautiful post exposing and slapping BALRAM in the face i am certain that your mother will respect ur father and realise that she is married to another man whose dick is not only bigger than balrams but is also a man capable of running faster than balaram!

    2. A person that slapped hanuman & seethaWednesday, April 5, 2023 at 6:50:00 PM PDT

      It matters not who he is, what matter's is his disgusting action's that u ignore, stop praising namard and lund choosers like balram, karna, hanutati, parshuram, bhishma etc.

      They were all weak, they are inferior to EDP445 (a former youtuber & pedophile that is a african american citizen).

  5. Balram itself spared Jarasand life many times😂😂

    1. Maybe in your dream's (balram did spare jarasandh) but as per authentic scriptures balaram was a weak lund chooser, that is a fact.

      Even Suyodhana's two younger brother's (Vikarna & Durmukha) would be able to end Balaram's zindagi (life) if they ever met him in a fight. Balram belongs to the category of NAMARDS in indian epics.

